Thursday, December 25, 2008

Day 101 Christmas Eve Weigh Day and The Snack Buffet

Day 101

Christmas Eve Weigh Day and The Snack Buffet

Today was a busy Christmas Eve. We had so much stuff to wrap up. Plus Courtney had an eye doctor appointment this afternoon and it was weigh day! When we started this journey I weighed 505...Today I weighed 423. I’ve lost 82 pounds. I really expected a few more pounds then that, but I’ll take it. I know exactly what I have to do to amp up the weight loss any more. I have to adjust my workouts to make up for the pounds I’ve lost. If I can push my workouts longer and harder, I guarantee I’ll lose 10 or more next time. You heard it here first! It’s pretty basic stuff. You get out what you put in. After 82 pounds I’ve grown past my current workout routines. Tomorrow’s 5K walk will be a nice start to a new level of workout. I guess what I’m saying is, I’m thankful for 7 more pounds lost, but I know what I’m capable of doing. And trust me, it’s not uncommon for someone my size to lose weight faster in the beginning, and yes this is still the beginning as far as that’s concerned. When I get to around 350 and under, it’ll start getting a little more challenging. Once I get to that point I need to have “boot camp” style workouts. I wonder if such a thing exist around here? Really I’m just talking about a trainer designing a tough workout and me adhering to the letter. I don’t necessarily need a personal trainer, but an outlined plan designed for my specific workout needs. I’m pretty sure the YMCA has just such a person. One thing that will really get my workouts moving is the IPOD Nano I opened this evening. It’s my gift from Courtney, Irene, and Amber. It’s exactly what I wanted. It’s really small and extremely thin, but with 4 gig of space, so I can fit all of my favorite songs to pump me up! This may be the last weigh day in Stillwater. Yesterday I snuck in an unofficial weigh-in at the doctors office, and it gave me the exact results I found today on the Stillwater scales. Finally I’m small enough to weigh without driving 45 miles to do it! That feels real good.

I’ve added an extra 1,000 calories to my allotment tomorrow, just as I did on Thanksgiving. I’ll also keep a written record tomorrow of everything I consume. I totally forgot all about our tradition of opening gifts on Christmas Eve surrounded by piles of snacks. I didn’t allow for any extra calories tonight, and man, I’ll tell ya, it hasn’t been easy. On the counter in my mom’s kitchen right now: Lays Wavy Potato chips, sour cream French onion dip, Miniature Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Hershey Kisses, Peppermint M&M’s, An extra sharp cheese log, Triscuit Thins, Chips and salsa, Sugar Cookies with Frosting (160 calories each!), Chex Mix, Spinach Dip, cheddar cheese, braunschweiger spread, and snack crackers. Wow. That’s a lot, no wait, that’s too many snacking choices!! I didn’t allow myself an extra for this buffet of snacks, so I only had 600 going into the Christmas Eve celebration. I have 25 calories remaining. I think I’ll use it on a miniature Reeses Cup. Oh wait, no…I don’t have enough for that. Maybe a couple of chips with salsa. That’s what I’ll do.

Tomorrow I’m cooking a traditional Christmas Dinner for everyone. I have my gum on stand-by to prevent “picking” or “testing” of the food as I cook. Talk about calories that will sneak up on you fast! I made it through Thanksgiving easily, I’ll get through this one too! I better get back to the party, they’re waiting on me to start a movie. Before I go, I just want to say I miss my Amber! This is the first Christmas Eve party she’s ever missed! And I don’t like it! I love you Amber, we all missed you tonight. Thank you to everyone that sent me a reply text of congratulations on these latest results. It just keeps getting better and better! Thank you too for reading this blog. Your support is greatly appreciated. Have a very Merry Christmas. Until tomorrow evening, good night and…

Good Choices,

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