Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 111 I Had A Twinkie and I'm Still Losing Weight!

Day 111

I Had A Twinkie and I'm Still Losing Weight!

I made a huge mistake today. I forgot about the cold front moving in, so instead of walking when it was 70 degrees this afternoon, I walked when it was 27 degrees with a wind chill of 16 tonight. Not smart. I intended to walk much more than a mile, but I really wimped out from the cold. Tomorrow is a YMCA workout for me for sure. It's always nice and warm in there! As I approach the 100 pound loss mark, I have to say that I notice a bigger difference in the way I feel over the way I felt in 2004 when I lost 115. I never tried to sleep without my c-pap machine back then. But I seem to be able to do it now without any big problems. I did put the mask on last night. Oh, I'm crazy sometimes, I was going to leave it off to give my face time to lose the swelling, but then I had a crazy thought. “What if my body is so use to the positive air pressure, that I forget to breathe without it?” That's crazy thinking, because long before I ever discovered the amazing life saving benefits of a sleep study and c-pap machine, I was going long periods every night without breathing properly. I would wake up often with horrible headaches from the lack of oxygen. So if I had trouble, I'm sure I would jolt awake...but I'm a worrier, and one random irrational thought made me put it on my swollen face. I tried to wear it loose to avoid further aggravation, and it seemed to be OK. It's still swollen tonight, but not near as bad. It's getting much better. I can drink from a straw at the center of my lips again! I couldn't do that yesterday and when I tried I cracked up the entire family. I still don't know what caused the swelling in the first place. My guess about the mask being too tight was probably right or someone punched me in the face while I slept.

After discussing a possible doctors visit today for the mystery swelling and perhaps a “stop smoking” aid, Irene convinced me that the swelling was getting better, it has happened once before (although not this bad) and that she still believed that I could quit cigarettes without a prescription. She's really good and getting to the bottom of me. She knows me so well, she just laid it out in plain English. She said: “You're trying to be too perfect for the sake of your blog.” “When you're ready you'll quit, but you're not ready.” Too perfect for the sake of this blog? There may be some truth in that, but I'm just trying to set an example and prove to myself that I can accomplish some big things that desperately need accomplished in my life. She also said I picked the wrong day to start. Probably. I can't compare losing weight and quiting smoking. They are two different addictions. My tactics and simple methods for losing weight and learning how to eat less do not translate easily to smoking. But I'm going to get there, I will. I almost said “someday”, and you know how I can't stand that word. If you read this blog everyday, then you'll know when I get it together, because I'll have to mention it. I decided to wait on the doctors visit and see if this facial injury gets better naturally. I'm sure it will.

Irene bought a bag of Lays brand potato chips after she left work last night, er this morning, the sour cream and onion kind, my favorite! And almost 24 hours later the bag is still unopened! That's got to be an Anderson family record! I've opened bags of chips on the way home from the store before! Heck, I've opened them while still in the store! And it's ok to have these things around because we all can read, and the number of chips per serving and the calorie count for that serving is clearly labeled on the bag. If I choose to have some, I count them out, period. She also bought Twinkies. I have no idea what possessed her, but I think she was hungry when she went in the store. And no, the Twinkies did not survive the day, I even had one. That's right, I'm losing weight while eating Twinkies, well not “Twinkies”, but A Twinkie. I had one for 150 calories. It was my choice to make and I made it. It was alright, but I've never been weak over Twinkies. I can take or leave the Twinkies. I will say this, if you're going to eat cake of any kind, angel food/sponge cake will always be the lowest calorie.

Tomorrow marks our oldest daughters birthday. Amber turns 19, and we're planning a trip to Stillwater for dinner and cake with the family down there. I'll never forget that wonderful day 19 years ago. We were so filled with happiness and nervousness all at the same time. We were still kids ourselves, and there we were starting a family at 18. But I'll tell you one thing, I wouldn't go back and change a thing. We've truly been very lucky and extremely blessed.

I'm headed to Wal-Mart for some birthday shopping and a little more exercise. Hey, it's a big store! It's a real workout sometimes. And I've got to go back to housewares and then all the way back to grocery. That should count as a mini workout at least! Good night and...

Good Choices,

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