Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 118 Big Breakfast and The Shadow Boxing Defense

Day 118

Big Breakfast and The Shadow Boxing Defense

Today I started the day by eating more breakfast calories than I have in the last 118 days. Irene and I had a breakfast date. Sometimes our schedules are so opposite each other that we have to get creative to spend time together. I had a whopping 750 calories for breakfast. Half my calories consumed before 8am, oh boy, what was my plan for this? I knew I was intentionally skipping lunch, so I just combined the calories for breakfast. I still was second guessing the decision, thinking of ways I could have done better. I did send the butter drenched toast back. I forgot to order them dry. Good thing I sent them back, because I bet there was 200 calories worth of real butter on those things. I avoid real butter because it's just so loaded, besides I like to use the toast on the eggs, or uh, the eggs on the toast. I have to admit I took a sip of Irene's coffee. I haven't had a taste of coffee in a long time, but it looked so good! It wasn't really, and you know how I am about using calories for drinks. That's why I gave up coffee. It wasn't the caffeine I was concerned about, it was the calories in the creamer. Those calories are not that bad in a cup, but I use to drink several cups a day sometimes, and that starts to add up fast. It was a very nice breakfast with my wife and well worth the calories!

I walked two miles tonight in the cold, by myself, in the dark. Irene's at work and Courtney is staying at a friends house tonight. I didn't like it at all. Part of the trail is really dark, and I may be a big grown man, but I'll admit, I get a little freaked out in the darkest parts of that trail. It's funny, when I see someone out there that looks a little scary, I just add shadow boxing to my walk. I try to look as tough as I can. Surely this “crazy” isn't going to mess with a 6'3 415 pound man shadow boxing...then I realize they're not crazy, just exercising like me. I was probably scaring them by punching into the air. Sorry mysterious looking older man at the trail! I'm a little weirdo sometimes for sure! Oh, and did I mention I forgot my iPod? I would've made the trip back for it, but I was already out of the car. I missed it a bunch.

I'm really thrilled about hitting the 100 pound mark by the 21st. I know I can do it. I also know I really need to do a little more than I've been doing in the exercise department. I find it very difficult to break out of the same old routine. I'm so use to walking now, that unless I do a 5K, I don't feel like I've done enough, ya know? Maybe I'm being too hard on myself. But that's just it...I'm not being hard enough! A more intense workout is something I've been talking about for how long? At least a month and a half, that's the answer. And I have walked several 5K's since, but I'm talking about at the Y. I want to need a towel when I'm done. They have towels, I see people using them, but me? No, I just get in my workout and then wipe off the machine with paper towels and disinfectant spray like everyone else, except the towel users. Towel users are the ones really working hard. So hard in fact, they need a towel for all the perspiration. When I start needing a towel, then I'll be satisfied with my workout level.

I'm really tired tonight. I'm heading to bed early for a Saturday night. I hope you and yours are doing great. Thanks for reading! Good night and...

Good Choices,

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