Friday, February 13, 2009

Day 151 Good Conversation and Another 5K Day

Day 151

Good Conversation and Another 5K Day

I had lunch today with Dr. Amy Cox. Her and her husband, Dr. Jeremy, have the Ranch Wellness Center in Ponca City. We decided Wendy's was a great place to meet, and it's real close to their practice. We made our “good choices” at the counter and proceeded to have a fantastic conversation about weight loss, personal struggles, popular misconceptions about food and nutrition, and reaching people with structured information, motivation, and inspiration. For over a year and a half she's hosted free weekly health talks at The Ranch, she's really sincere and committed to helping people help themselves. During the lunch meeting a nice young woman stopped by our table and asked what we were up to. I quickly replied, “talking about losing weight and stuff like that.” To which she replied “at Wendy's?” As if to say 'how could you be concerned about losing weight? You're in a fast food restaurant!' I completely understand this way of thinking. Sometimes it's hard to believe that good choices can get you through just about any restaurant situation and circumstance. There was certainly nothing bad about the grilled chicken wrap (without the 60 calories worth of honey mustard) and small chili in front of me. It was a healthy little lunch. But I understand it's hard sometimes to get past the posters featuring a double meat, double cheese, with six strips of bacon burger, and the devilish little marketing slogan at the top encouraging you to “Challenge Yourself Today!” In response to that poster, Dr. Amy quietly said “Challenge yourself to what? A heart attack?” What a fantastic job on the part of the advertising agency that came up with that one. They found a way to make people feel good about eating a nearly 1,000 calorie burger, because it's always good to “challenge” ourselves right? I imagine there are plenty of marketing majors with minors in psychology! It all comes back to something I've talked about before. Sometimes if you make what you're doing sound too simple, people will refuse to believe it. I've got to be on some kind of expensive plan or pill, and there's no way I could enjoy fast food, and what about those ice cream bars in my freezer? Well, some “diet” that must be! Good choices, portion control, water, and exercise. Everyone has this plan already. You don't have to buy it, or sign up for it, it wont fill your e-mail with junk, and it works like a charm if you really commit.

Our schedules prevented a visit to the YMCA today, but it rarely keeps us from working out someway, somehow---so instead we hit the trail for another 5K late tonight. We have really stepped up the exercise performance around here! If you remember, a 5K use to be such a monumental undertaking for me that we made it an exclusive holiday thing to do. Well, now it's like we've had five, almost six holidays this week! I'm confident our efforts will show amazing results come next Wednesday.

I remember so many times using the excuse, “I just don't have time.” No time to do anything but what my habits, behaviors, and demanding schedule requires. But the “have no time” excuse is one of the most beatable excuses I know of. I've recently shared this with someone close to me: If a doctor told you that you potentially had very little time left to live because of something other than obesity, but if you did exactly what was prescribed and needed to survive, you would, most people would make time to survive. This journey is no different, it really is that important, and it's worth every minute.

I wish everyone that read this blog could participate in the “Lose To Win” Challenge with Ponca City Medical Center. It's a great program that encourages people to form four person weight loss teams. The hospital provides tons of information, seminars, confidential and official weigh-ins and much more. The fact that it's a team event suggest a strong “accountability” factor. Nobody wants to let their team down! I'm excited to be a part of this community wide weight loss challenge. If you read this blog and live anywhere close to Ponca City, I highly recommend participating. The kick off meeting is next Thursday the 19th on the campus of Ponca City Medical Center. After reading all of the materials the hospital provided for me, I'm feeling really great about what I'm doing, because the “Lose To Win” approach and simple “eat less-exercise more” strategy is remarkably similar, almost identical to what I've been doing for the last 151 days. Have a wonderful Friday! Good night and...

Good Choices,

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