Friday, March 27, 2009

Day 193 Words I Embrace and Becoming Good Friends With A Former Enemy

Day 193

Words I Embrace and Becoming Good Friends With A Former Enemy

I enjoy reading all of the comments left on both versions of this blog. Today, my cousin Debbie left a comment and included the most wonderful motivational from Ralph Marston. I'm sure it's OK to post it here, I just have to, because if you read the blogspot version of this blog you didn't read it, and if you read the myspace version before Debbie's comment you didn't see it. I feel like I've touched on this very true philosophy before in these writings, surely a product of my continued education along this journey. But to see it put so eloquently by Ralph Marston gave me chills today. Here you go: SET YOURSELF FREE by Ralph Marston "There is no outside force holding you back. You are holding you back and you are blaming it on someone or something else. The way you are able to continue holding yourself back is by maintaining the illusion that you're a victim. Once you realize that illusion, you will naturally and easily move forward. In fact, it is easier to fulfill your best possibilities than it is to avoid them. So let go of the blame and watch the limitations drop away. Certainly there will always be challenges that hold you back. For each challenge provides you with a pathway through which you can move toward fulfillment. It is your very nature to accomplish. Lovingly accept your destiny, and allow that accomplishment to be manifest through you. Set yourself free to follow your purpose. Set yourself free to truly live." Wow, now that's real stuff my friend.

Have you ever really taken a long look in the mirror? Not to check your hair and makeup, or your body image, but simply to look yourself in the eyes. I do it often. It's not that I'm full of myself, I'm certainly not, I just want to get to know myself better. I know, it sounds strange, but really it helps me. You see, I avoided my reflection for so long because I was disgusted at what I saw. I'm not disgusted anymore. I've made a commitment to that guy in the mirror and I want to look into his soul every now and then. I was my own worst enemy for so long, sometimes it's hard to trust that guy staring back at me. I never really loved that guy in the mirror until now. And that's why I do it. It's like calling a truce and hugging your arch enemy. Did you ever have a bully that turned into a best friend? It's like that. Reminds me of a bully I had in kindergarten, it was the very first day at a new school for me, and I was scared to death. I didn't want my mom to leave, but she had to. As soon as she did and the teacher left the room, Mark Peterson walked over and kicked me hard in the shin for no apparent reason. For the next three weeks, every time the teacher would leave the room, I cried. Mark Peterson and I became good friends later on and our moms became friends too. As I got to know Mark, I realized that he was insecure about his small size. Since I was always the biggest kid in class, kicking me that first day of school was a way for Mark to say “I may be small, but I'm not afraid of anyone, even this giant of a kid.” I've stared myself down and broken down my enemy into easily readable and understandable behaviors. This understanding has given me a clear path to get to where I want to be, in a solid rewarding friendship with that guy in the mirror!

The wood burning stove/metabolism analogy from Melissa Walden at the “Lose To Win” seminar the other night has made a profound effect on my eating habits. I'm trying to eat something at least every three hours. I've tried to do that along the way, but occasionally I might go five or six hours without anything, not anymore! That's the wonderful thing about counting calories, I can spread those out however I want. I told Dr. Amy yesterday about the wood burning stove analogy, and she immediately recognized it, in fact she uses the same analogy often in her practice. She gave me a wonderful snack suggestion, referring to it as “The perfect snack.” Some turkey, some cheese, and a some apple wedges...Sounds yummy huh? A wonderful combination to poke that metabolism in the middle of the day! I haven't yet, but this weekend I plan on sitting down and assembling little turkey, cheese, and apple baggies. That'll make it easy to grab on the go! If I use a half an apple, a half ounce of cheese, and a slice of turkey, it's well under 150 calories. I'll report an accurate calorie count based on what I put in the baggies. Snacking is so fun! That reminds me, it's fudge bar time! Only 90 calories for one of those things and so creamy!

Courtney and I made our way into the YMCA tonight with a confident swagger. We've been at it for so long now that the intimidation factor is completely gone. I use to be so incredibly self-conscious in there, worried about what others thought of “the fat guy” in the gym. But then I realized they probably think “what a wonderful thing he's doing, he's taking charge of himself, way to go!” When we walk in now, we know why we're there, we know what we plan on accomplishing while there and we do it without any hangups!

I plan on having Irene help me locate a good “before” picture of her and we'll take a brand new “in progress” picture of her tomorrow or the next day. She's made a dramatic difference in herself, she's truly an inspiration to me! I'm a very lucky guy to have her by my side. As soon as I get my paws on the pics, I'll post them! I promise!

Dr. Amy from The Ranch Wellness Center is my co-host on the morning show tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to having an absolute blast from 7 to 9am. She has a very positive energy and has gone through both sides of everything she teaches and encourages. She's been there! It'll be a fantastic show I'm sure. If you're in the listening area, tune in! Unfortunately we don't webcast the show, I wish we did!

I better get some rest. It's been a fantastic day 193. Day 194 is only minutes away! Good night and...

Good Choices,

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