Sunday, April 12, 2009

Day 209 Slow And Steady Wins and Wish I Would Have Said Something

Day 209

Slow and Steady Wins and Wish I Would Have Said Something

The 10K last night really worked me good. I still felt it this morning, not in a bad way, in a “wow, that was a good workout” way. It isn't the most intense workout, it's just a steady, constant workout that goes on and on for 6.2 miles. This kind of progress is really an amazing thing for me. I remember how beat I was after my first 5K, now I can do a 10K. Maybe I could do a marathon some day like Todd Starnes. But I guarantee, that's way down the road. Like, uh, way far down the road. Today I made it to the YMCA for some weight training. The more I go, the better I feel. I don't mean I'm feeling stronger, I'm just feeling more comfortable with the weights. We'll hit the weight room again on Monday evening.

I made a trip into Wal-Mart today for a few items. Throughout the visit, I noticed several morbidly obese people. Some looked even more miserable than I did at 505. My heart goes out to them, I know what they're going through. Some may have it even tougher than I did, and I just wish I could show them the way out. My cousin Debbie shared a story with me today about an experience she had yesterday. She was leaving a rest stop/bathroom break along I-44 that just happens to be the worlds largest McDonald's. It's actually built over the highway, yes I've been there a few times. Anyway, she noticed a man she estimated to be bigger than me when I first started. His legs were extremely swollen to the point of open sores. He was carrying a bag of food back to his tractor trailer, but had to stop and rest before he could go any further. Debbie almost approached the man, she wanted to tell him about this blog, but by the time she could get the address written down, he was in his truck and on the way out. I completely understand how Debbie felt. That's how I felt today at Wal-Mart. That's how I felt the day I did approach a man a month or two ago. Maybe I'll get some cards printed with this blog address, and just hand them to people with whom I'd like to share my journey. It's kind of risky, I know. But it could be a wonderful thing too. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think this blog is the answer to morbid obesity, and just by reading a person automatically starts making good choices. I know that really doing this requires something deep within each individual. But I can't help wanting to share what I've learned along the way. I kind of feel bad that I didn't approach anyone today, I just didn't. I feel bad because I feel like I've found the secret passage way out of the prison where morbidly obese hostages are kept. I know how to get out of there, how to escape to freedom, but I walked right by the “prisoners” today and didn't say a word. I feel like I let them down and they don't even realize. But I do. I've never claimed that this blog is some kind of magical weight loss miracle, but I feel like I've broken down so many of the weight loss myths and beliefs that I held onto, and so many still hold them true everyday. Do they know that they don't have to buy expensive weight loss products? Do they know why “meal replacement” diets are bad? Do they understand the role their brain plays in conquering obesity? Do they understand what I mean when I talk about personal honesty and responsibility? Do they realize that a 33 billion dollar a year industry has convinced them that the “secret” is just a “latest and greatest” diet product or plan away? Unless it addresses our mental issues with food, it's all garbage. The tools we need to lose weight are within us. It's not for sale, it doesn't cost a penny, it actually saves us money. It took me years to get to where I am today, to understand what I now understand about losing weight. I'll tell you this, the weight loss product industry isn't going to like me very much someday, because I plan on spreading the word about losing weight naturally for the rest of my life, and I will reach those people that are where I was for so long. Miserable, desperate, and hopelessly obese, deadly obese, thinking that the solution to their obesity hasn't been invented yet. If you're new to this blog, I encourage you to go back in the archives and read from Day 1. I didn't start out this confident or knowledgeable. But I've learned a great deal over the last 209 days and I've written about it all along the way.

Have a safe and wonderful Easter. Thanks for reading, good night and...

Good Choices,

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you need a t-shirt that says something about your weight loss and "ask me how I'm doing it". :) P.S. I have been to that Mickey D's too........and I took pictures. LOL


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