Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 213 More Italian, Weigh Day, and Plenty of Ice Cream Along The Way

Day 213

More Italian, Weigh Day, and Plenty of Ice Cream Along The Way

I always start my day with breakfast. I really have to make myself get up in plenty of time to have it, because the natural me would rather sleep as long as possible. Well, the natural me wouldn't be doing morning radio. I'm the kid that spent many a summers sleeping until noon or later. I guess I've trained myself well over the years working mornings. I actually like the morning air, the crisp new day, it's always just perfect right before the sun rises. This morning I almost didn't have time for breakfast, then I had to hurry through it, and I was in such a hurry I ended up walking out the door without my mid-morning snack in hand. Today was the first day in two weeks that I haven't had a mid-morning snack. I missed it horribly! My metabolism wasn't real happy.

After yesterday's Italian lunch, guess what was on the menu today? Italian again! In the next couple of days I have to write a radio commercial for Dominos Pizza's new Pasta products. So today, our local Dominos treated each staff member with a Pasta Bread Bowl of our choice. We needed to try it before we create a new radio commercial right? I ordered a grilled chicken pasta dish with marinara, mushrooms, and onions. It was really good. I only had half of the pasta and only a bite or two of the garlic bread bowl. Yes, you read that right, they put the pasta in a garlic butter bread bowl. Can you say loaded? Yes, yes they are incredible. Very good indeed, and I'll guarantee Dominos will sell these like crazy. I excused myself from the conference table just as soon as I finished what I deemed “enough.” I threw away my leftovers and was out of there. It must be confusing sometimes for listeners to hear me talking about this journey and then minutes later I'm promoting a product like this, or even a buffet somewhere. But hey, it's my job! And trust me, I do the job, and I stay on track and focused the entire time. Once I really accepted personal responsibility for my actions along this journey, the restaurants were off the hook completely. I can't blame any other person or any restaurant or food product for my obesity. I've done it to myself all of these years and I'm the one reversing that trend everyday.

Today was weigh day. After lunch I ran home for a few minutes, then it was off to the scales at Ponca City Medical Center. I had a feeling that it would be good based on a few factors. For one, I've completed a couple of 10K's in the last two weeks and several 5K's. I've also noticed my 48's fitting a little more loose. And the biggest difference is something I should have been doing from Day 1, but haven't: I'm making sure I eat something every 2.5 to 3 hours (except this morning of course). It feels like I'm constantly eating something, I'm never hungry, and my metabolism is constantly processing something. Last weigh day I'd lost 6 pounds, the weigh day before that-5 pounds, and today I stepped on the scale and had lost another 9 pounds! I'm thrilled with this result! Nine pounds! On this day, the seven month anniversary of this journey, I weighed in at 359!! I'm in the 350's!! That's so amazing to me. It's hard to believe that 213 days ago I weighed 505 pounds. What a dramatic change! Today's results bring the overall total to 146 pounds lost in 213 days. That's workin' it my friend! And you read what I eat! Those around me eat with me! This is the furthest thing from deprivation. I'm eating the way I'm suppose to and the weight is falling off. I'm very excited, can you tell?

I've allowed for a little ice cream today. All within' my calorie limits of course. I enjoy ice cream products on a regular basis, but usually not as many as I've had today. I had a Fudgsicle dark chocolate bar for 60 calories, a Blue Bunny Dream Bar for 70, and a low fat vanilla soft serve tonight for 150. I usually don't spend 280 calories on ice cream products in a typical day, but oh well, I did today and without one ounce of guilt. I didn't have them all at once, I spread them out, but it still looks excessive when you type it up. It wasn't anything like the old Sean would have done. The old Sean wouldn't be writing this blog right now, he'd be in there in front of the TV with a half gallon of Blue Bell Moolenium Crunch and a spoon watching American Idol. I haven't caught one episode of that show this season. I'm way too busy with working out and writing. And I don't really miss it. I did watch the video clip today of the amazing singer on “Britain's Got Talent,” and I'll admit, when I see someone achieving their dreams like that it makes me tear up, and if I'm alone, I'll sit there and cry my eyes out in their joyous triumph. I love to watch people chase down and capture their dreams, but I'm too busy chasing down my own at the moment.

Tomorrow evening I've been asked to judge a comedy competition at Cowley College in Kansas. They've even requested I do some stand-up afterward. I can't believe I agreed to do the stand-up, but I will and it will be fine. I'm just so out of practice! I use to perform upwards of ten times a week, now I perform about two or three times a year. See what I mean? And the “Lose To Win” kickoff? That wasn't stand-up, that was straight from the heart, completely natural stuff, and of course the best kind. I'll do it for the students, no problem. I may even try some of my old weight related material just to see how ineffective the punch lines will be 146 pounds lighter. Irene will be working Thursday evening while I'm in Kansas, but the weekend is ours to celebrate our marriage. You see, Thursday the Sixteenth is our twentieth wedding anniversary! We do plan on having a very nice twentieth anniversary lunch together tomorrow, maybe we'll have Italian! Thank you for reading, good night and...

Good Choices,

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