Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 223 Giant Cookie Temptation Resisted...Barely

Day 223

Giant Cookie Temptation Resisted...Barely

I had 200 calories worth of breakfast by the time I reached my remote broadcast this morning at 11am. I knew that we would have pizza at the event and I was prepared to allow for a piece, maybe two if it were thin crust. It wasn't. That's OK, I'll just have a small piece for 250. Had I been the one responsible for ordering I would have made sure to order a thin crust veggie, but anyway. I guess I should have put my order in with the station sales rep prior to the broadcast. I wish I would have been a little more patient. Instead I grabbed a slice shortly after it arrived and I enjoyed it slowly. Then two crock pots full of Wendy's Chili showed up complete with small Wendy's Chili containers. I know exactly how many calories are in a small Wendy's Chili, 190! I added a half a serving of chili to my lunch and I counted it as 100 calories. Everything was fine right? Wrong. Then a giant cookie platter showed up from Quiznos. These cookies were some of the best looking, big, loaded cookies I've ever laid eyes on. You know I've never been that weak when it comes to cookies. Oh sure, I like a good cookie, but really they're not my weakness. I faced my favorite store bought cookie the other night at grandmas house without any trouble at all. She had a brand new package of fudge striped shortbread cookies. I love those things. I knew what I had left calorie wise and at 170 for three cookies, I just didn't want to do it that bad. The cookie calorie value just wasn't working for me. But today, oh my. I was truly tested. I tried to find the calorie value on the Quiznos mobile web site, but I guess when they're loaded, you're less likely to find the calories conveniently listed. I was guestimating about 300 for one, I was wrong. Just one snickerdoodle cookie has 400 according to the Calorie King website. 400 calories for one cookie! No way! YES! I don't know how I did it, but somehow I managed to keep my cool and resist those things. I even asked the station sales rep if he wanted to split one, figuring it would be a 150 calorie indulgence. He said no, thank goodness! It just goes to show you that no matter what level of rock solid zone you're in, you're never above temptation. I resisted those amazing cookies today, but it wasn't easy. Technically I could have had one, but there's no way in the world I would ever spend 400 calories on a cookie, that's craziness. My calorie budget would have been severely lopsided had I given in to those dreamy looking things.

It wasn't long after the broadcast ended at 3pm, that I was headed to the station to anchor severe weather coverage. Severe thunderstorms, some spawning tornadoes, have been rolling for the last eight hours around here. It's been really crazy and nighttime storms are always the worst. After being relieved of anchor duties by shortly after 9pm, I headed home to workout and write tonight's blog. An inside the house workout was in order, it just wasn't safe to walk in the middle of severe storms. I'm adventurous, but not crazy, there's a difference. Thank goodness for Richard Simmons! Sweatin' To The Oldies is a great workout!

The difference in my appearance between 505 and where I am now is so dramatic, I just can't imagine what I'll look like after the next 125 pounds goes away. It's fun to think about.

I'm anticipating more weather coverage tomorrow. So I'm headed to bed. Hopefully the Sunday storms will hold off until I get a good night's sleep! Got that Mother Nature? No more severe weather until mid afternoon Sunday! Thank you for reading. Good night and...

Good Choices,


  1. Oi. Parabéns por seu excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil. Abração

  2. Good job! I have just started reading your blog. (going to go back to the start and read through)

    I am working on going down on the scale numbers too. So I know about the temptation thing. Take care. Again, Great on you!


  3. Yikes, I know all about (barely) resisting temptation. The important thing is not that you almost gave in, it's that you didn't. Congrats on that, Sean. You're doing awesome. Keep it up!


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