Friday, May 15, 2009

Day 242 Celebrating A Friend's Victory and Losing Weight For Free

Day 242

Celebrating A Friend's Victory and Losing Weight For Free

The “Lose To Win” awards ceremony was tonight and what a wonderful event! Our team didn't place in the top three based on body weight percentage lost, but Brandon, our friend and teammate, won the “Biggest Overall Loser” award! I'm so proud of his accomplishment and the real breakthroughs he's made along his journey. He lost 69 pounds in eight weeks by counting calories, working out (sometimes twice a day), and he now does his best to eat something every three hours. He's mastering his metabolism and changing the way he looks at food, portions, and exercise. Brandon has come a long way. I remember running into him on January 25th at a popular restaurant. I wrote about that encounter on Day 133 of this blog. The following is an excerpt from that day: I did see a couple of people I knew there. I wonder if when they see me in a restaurant with a buffet, do they at first question silently... “Mmmm, is Sean off the wagon?” One look at my plate tells you exactly where I am. I did see a friend there that had been losing weight very nicely, but he informed me, as he loaded a plate, that he was on “vacation” from that at the moment. I remember saying things like that before. I completely understand where he is. I've been there many times. It can be easy to lose focus and slowly go back to old behaviors, I've held the championship belt for doing that before. I plan on calling him tomorrow and welcomed or not, I'm giving him a pep talk...I may even go see him in person. I think I will drop in and see him. I didn't mention his name in that Day 133 blog, but now you know! It was Brandon, The 2009 “Lose To Win” Overall Biggest Loser! I just can't say it enough, congratulations Brandon! Your dedication along this journey will inspire so many along the way!

Wearing the tuxedo tonight was very cool. It felt very snug, like it fit well, like it should. I'm so accustomed to wearing things too big or loose because I always thought it made me look smaller. Actually wearing something that was specifically measured and fitted for me was a little strange. I wish I could have recorded Irene's reaction when she first looked at me in that thing, she was attracted! I liked that look! She was pleasantly shocked at what it did for me. She had to leave the awards for work before we could take any pictures together. Before I take it back in the morning, I'm putting it back on and we're taking pictures together!

The “wow” reactions tonight were numerous. Thank you to all who complimented, it felt amazing! I do apologize for not mentioning the winning team names and impressive numbers in this post, I failed to get the list before we left. However, Cathy Cole will e-mail me the list of winning team names and statistics tomorrow morning and I'll include that information in tomorrow night's blog!

After the ceremony I decided I didn't want to take off the tux just yet. So we drove around and decided to create a photo op at the local Burger King. You know, the “formal” Burger King! We didn't actually buy anything, we had already used our dinner calories. I did notice some new good calorie value options on their menu! I was impressed indeed. Call me crazy, but I just love having fun. I love living! I wasn't doing much of that at over a quarter ton. I have some catching up to do! The pic is posted below.

I ran into someone at Burger King that I met at Cowley College not that long ago. On that night I gave him the blog address and he misplaced it. I gave him my 164 pounds lost update, he complimented my tuxedo look, and we talked about weight loss for a couple of minutes. He told me about a weight loss program at a hospital in Wichita that charges around a hundred dollars a month to join and he said that he planned on joining. I encouraged him to read what I've been through first. He asked for my blog address again, in fact, he had me write it down on his Burger King receipt. I hope he reads from Day 1. Because let me tell you something. I was over 500 pounds for well over a decade, almost two, and often times I thought I would never ever lose weight successfully. I felt completely hopeless. But there is hope! The wonderful things I've discovered along this journey have set me free! I'm a changed man, not just physically, but mentally. It's those mental changes, the different approach, that has made this time the last time for me. I'll never see 350, 400, or 500 again...Never. Those days are gone. I've lost 164 pounds so far without spending a dime on any kind of weight loss product or special program. Losing weight is free, and anyone that tells you that you have to buy a certain plan or product to lose weight, send them to this blog. I eat normal food, normal portions, and I exercise regularly. I'm re-claiming my life! I highly recommend it!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the many pics posted below. I've included a couple of “before” pics too for the sake of comparison. Good night and...

Good Choices,

I've come a long way since this picture!

In Progress!

My Amber Girl

My Courtney Nayster

I love the tux!

"This is a formal Burger King!" I'll go to any lengths to support a joke! (the bag is empty!)

My New Profile Picture

Sean "007" Anderson!

The Serious Look

How did this one get in there? 505 Pounds of Misery!


  1. You look awesome in the tux. Congratulations. Can you explain what you eat? You say normal food and normal portions, but what does that mean? I lost 50 lbs over a year ago, but haven't found the motivation to lose any more. I haven't gained it back, but I need to lose about 140 more. So does my husband. He is around 380.

  2. Wow! You do look so thin in the tux! Congrats!

  3. look HOT!

  4. You look amazing!

  5. Wow! You look like a totally different person! You should be SO proud of yourself! :)

  6. Hey...I just read day 25.... and now I am wondering....can you buckle your seatbelt now with no problems?

  7. Hi--I have just finished reading your blog from day one. So, I know the answer to my earlier question. I am totally inspired and totally intimidated at the same time. Thank you for doing this and telling the world that it is possible for a real person.

  8. You look great in a tux, Sean! I'm so impressed with your progress and outlook on life--and, of course, with the inspiration you provide for everyone you contact, whether in person or online!


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