Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 247 Not Feeling It and Role Reversal Saves The Day

Day 247

Not Feeling It and Role Reversal Saves The Day

I have to admit, some days I just don't feel like working out. I've said it before. Other days, you couldn't keep me from working out, and working out hard! Today was a stressful day. I've figured out that when I get stressed I no longer turn to food for comfort, instead I turn to my bed. I need to modify that behavior to make me want to go work out. Thank goodness the girls are so fired up, they wouldn't let me miss working out tonight! I'm very thankful to them for that. It's a wonderful thing to have a support system like this. I hope you have one too. If not, recruit a friend or maybe befriend someone at the trail or at the gym, and try to gain a workout buddy. I swear, if the girls wouldn't have pushed, I would have decided to take it easy tonight. And you know that isn't like me. I'm driven, I'm focused, I'm changing my life for the better and cheering on my friends and family to do the same. I most always play the role of the motivator, but tonight that role shifted. The girls, my workout buddies, they were the motivators. And you know what? Once I started working out tonight at the YMCA, I felt much better. I needed that big time today. And this role reversal, it isn't the first time it's happened, and it will not be the last. I'm not perfect, never claimed to be, but I continually strive to understand what I do and why I do it. That's something I never paid much attention to before this journey. And it's one of the many keys to my success so far. I was never honest enough with myself to ever recognize the true motivations of my past bad behaviors. I was too busy eating and not exercising to really pay attention. Not anymore. Oh no, not anymore.

I had a dentist appointment today for a couple of fillings. That was the least of my stress. In fact, Dr. Tyndall makes it very easy. He's really good and so is his staff. I've never felt more comfortable in a dentist chair. After the appointment I drove to the house and relaxed for a little while so the feeling could come back in my face. It did and then I realized how sore my jaw was from opening wide! I wasn't voicing any commercials the rest of the day! I did go back to the studio for a little while in the afternoon to look over production I need to do tomorrow. After leaving the studio I realized that I like using my armrest in the mini-van. I know, it seems so small and not a real big deal, but you see...I never used the armrest before. I just noticed how wonderfully comfortable using the armrest can be! I was always too wide to use the armrest! Not anymore. Oh no, not anymore.

I'm putting today behind me and feeling good about the outcome. My calorie budget was just right, my workout was awesome, and I'm going to bed a little earlier than I normally do. It makes me feel good to be at the point where even the bad days are good when it comes to eating right and working out. I never imagined I would find this place, but it's a nice place to be! Thank you for reading, good night and...

Good Choices,


  1. If you want a challenging workout, try Melissa Walden's "Extreme Energy" class on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. And don't worry about the name; you can work at your own level.

  2. Wondering if that is a workout group at the YMCA?

  3. Hey....thanks for the nice comment on my blog! You will get your groove back, especially with your girls keeping you on track. Keep your chin up! Oh, and get some REST. Getting enough sleep is hard to do with all that has to be done in a day, but it is very important and makes a huge difference. I'm dealing with this issue myself lately. Have a great day!

  4. The Author of this blogMay 20, 2009 at 12:19 PM

    Just confirmed with Melissa Walden---

    The Extreme Energy Class is today and every Wednesday at the Ponca City YMCA from 5:30 to 6:30pm. It's free to members!

    Sean Anderson

  5. Lovely post! I have to lose 200+ pounds so I also have a blog on here. I saw your post in Chubby Chick's strawberry blog and decided to stop on by. That's an amazing starting point and pounds lost! This is one of MANY starting again points for me with weightloss and like I've said with the other attempts, I plan on this one being the last. Stopping in at day 247 I'm gonna have to make a block of time to go through all of your posts!

    Keep it Up!

  6. Thank you for continuing to share your journey. I literally think everyday if Sean can do this, so can we. The last couple of days have been a strain. Still too sick to exercise and have been over a bit on calories, but not giving up. Everyday I get up and really work at meeting my goals. No pressure, but your resolve and your struggle make it seem possible for us. Keep going Sean! We are all behind you.

  7. Wow, thanks so much for the comments. You are most welcome to use anything you like from the post you mentioned. I hope you don’t mind that I have mentioned your blog in mine. I have so many friends who just struggle everyday. I really hope that they will read your blog and realize that it can be done.

    Blessings, Bonnie


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