Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day 253 A Memorial Day To Remember

Day 253

A Memorial Day To Remember

On this Memorial Day we paused to remember our loved ones who have passed, the ones who have lost their life in battle, and we salute the ones who put their life on the line and made it back home, and the ones still out there. We made a trip to Stillwater and Sunset Memorial Gardens to visit the graves of several loved ones. My grandpa was part of an amazing generation. He fought in World War 2, and lived his life with a solid work ethic and an uncompromising integrity. My brother Shane left us way to soon at the age of 24. It's always tough to go out and see his grave, it just doesn't seem right, even after eight years. My aunt Violet left us in January, not long after I had the pleasure of entertaining her around the holidays, I remember writing about that night in this blog. I visited Uncle Jimmy's grave too. He was the one that always told me that I had to “eat to live” instead of “live to eat.” He would be so proud watching this transformation of mine and so many of our loved ones. I also thought about my Dad today. He fought in Vietnam and made it home. He gave me his Vietnam veteran hat with all of the pins he earned in the military. I have that hat proudly displayed in my living room. I thought about my brother Danny, whom I never had the chance to know, the long term effects of high blood pressure claimed his life at 42 in February. I also thought about all of the people who have lost their battle with obesity. The ones that could never get it together and lose the weight. The ones that felt helpless and hopeless. The ones that thought they had time to do it someday, but didn't. Time runs out. When I'm feeling weak, and even my motivating thoughts are having trouble strengthening my resolve, I just think about how my time could run out if I don't continue on this very important journey. I use to worry about death by obesity all the time, I haven't in some time and that feels real good.

We spent the day in Stillwater with family and friends. Had lunch with everyone at KFC too. KFC use to be a place I had little use for...too many calories, but now the Kentucky Grilled Chicken has brought them back into my occasional pleasure and within my good calorie value list. After the visit to KFC and the cemetery, we made our way out to Rachel and Neal's house for a “cook-in” on the George Foreman Grill. Burgers, potato chips, and Doritos were on the menu and it was excellent! I had a burger on a bun with mustard, pickles, tomato, and onion for 330 and I counted out ½ serving of potato chips and a ½ serving of Ranch Doritos for a total chip count of 150. I enjoyed the burger and chips real slow. It was very nice, and we always love the conversation and fun with Rachel and Neal.

Weigh day is just a couple away and I couldn't be more excited. I'll definitely be into the 330's this time and I'm so happy about that! Oh, I almost forgot to mention running into Aunt Connie tonight as we were leaving grandmas house. She noticed the dramatic difference right away. When I told her that I planned on getting down to 230, she told me that I might be too skinny at 230, and maybe 250 would better suit my six foot three frame. We'll see about that when we get there. I've said it many times, I have no idea what I should get down to because I've never been there as an adult! I haven't been below 300 since I was 15 years old. Talk about a wonderful weigh day to come. The day I cross over into the 290's will be a monumental day! It's coming in not long!

I'm cutting tonight's blog a little shorter than normal. I planned to talk about cravings and a few different things. I'll talk about those things tomorrow night. Day 253 is over and I have exactly 3 calories left. I think I'll leave them on the table! I sincerely appreciate you reading, thank you for your support! Good night and...

Good Choices,


  1. yep...there's not a lot of options with 3 calories :)

  2. ooooooooooooh, the below the 300 mark....I too made a big deal out of that on my old website that I turned into a blog to journal my Atkins journey. I'm not doing Atkins anymore, haven't even tried again. Just watching what I'm eating again and I've got about...oooh mean....80+ to go before I see 300 again so yeah, I'm more than you!! That makes me cringe when I realize that I weigh more than some men .... it's worse when it's a professional athlete!! You're actually counting calories...good for you! I'm hoping to be down to a size 24 by November so I can get into this black dress for my birthday and the last time I was there, it was around 295.

    Patting you on the back.

    p.s. I can't do the KGC....one and only time I had it, it was more like baked chicken with grill marks added later!


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