Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 281 A Fantastic Honor and We Inspire By Sharing

Day 281

A Fantastic Honor and We Inspire By Sharing

I was featured on as the “Blogger of The Week.” Ang has a wonderful blog going where she not only shares her success, but she shines a complimentary light on others frequently and even organizes wonderful challenges for all to have fun while losing weight. It was a fantastic honor to be chosen for this wonderful designation. Ang, you're a weight loss star! Thank you very much! I read the article and I clicked on the “girdle burning” hyperlink to read that day again. It was a link to Day 215 titled “She Set It On Fire Tonight.” In reading that day over, I couldn't help it, I cried. Courtney has made such amazing breakthroughs on this journey. Ang, thank you for including that link in the story, it was a very emotional situation.

While paying for gasoline at the local Stop N Go today, the cashier behind the counter was taken aback by my dramatic weight loss. I remember this happening at this convenience store once before with a different clerk. Me: “Uh, fifteen on pump six.” Her: “You look amazing! You've lost a bunch of weight! That's amazing! How did you do it?” Me: “Hunger strike, yeah...until McDonald's agrees to put calorie counts on the menu.” (Thanks for the idea Jack!) No really, I didn't say that, but one of these days I will! I actually said: “Oh, thank you very much, I feel like a different person... Her: (cutting me off) “You look like a different person...” Me: “I just eat less and exercise more.” Now you and I know that there's more to it than that, but I was in a hurry, the short answer was all I could do in that situation. Besides, she was busy working and certainly didn't have time for me to discuss the mental changes that have transformed my mind. After that wonderful run in, I ran into another person at Wal-Mart that stopped me to see what exactly was in my cart. At that point: shaving cream and razors. I think this was the same person who was right behind me in the Taco Bueno drive through one time and later told me that she was tempted to order “whatever he ordered.” I wonder if she rushed over and grabbed some razors and shaving cream. She too was very complimentary, just a wonderful lady! I asked how she was doing and she quickly reassured me that the stuff in her cart wasn't all for her, but she was actually staying the same lately, no loss-no gain. For one, I would never judge someone based on what they have in their shopping cart! I'm certainly not perfect so I really can't judge anyone's eating or shopping habits. I use to have the worst! I couldn't get through a shopping trip without opening and eating something while I shopped. It wasn't that I was hungry, it just looked soooo gooood and tasted so yummy---I couldn't resist. Being in control for the first time in my life feels fantastic. And to have run ins like these all the time, wow...I'm really lucky.

I received a spam e-mail today touting a miracle weight loss “cure.” Just out of curiosity I clicked on the link to the web page. Their big thing was “it curbs your hunger—so you don't eat.” I don't know about you, but I rarely would gorge because I was hungry. In fact I was never hungry. I wouldn't go long enough without food to ever become hungry. At my heaviest, I didn't need to be hungry to eat, I just needed the food to look good and be tasty. The bogus pitches spread by these ridiculous product manufacturers really make me upset. They prey on the people that are desperate and hopeless, the ones that are still looking for an easy way out. They do it with grandiose promises that can be all yours for only $49.95US! It's sickening really.

I'm blogging earlier in the evening to better manage my time. I prefer blogging later, because, well---there's still a bunch of day/evening left to talk about. But it does work better for my schedule. We're getting set to lace up and head off to the YMCA for a wonderful workout. Our bi-weekly weigh day is only two days away! Let's get in there and sweat!

One of the great things about our journeys, and I'm talking about you too here, is that we have the power to share our story with others and perhaps inspire them. When Ponca City Medical Center asked me to be a part of and speak at the “Lose To Win” seminars, it was nothing less than an epiphany for me. On the night of February 19th, 2009 I realized what I must do for the rest of my life. I spoke that night to a standing room only crowd of 417 people, all eager to lose weight. By the time the two month program concluded I had spoken three or four times and enjoyed every single opportunity to share. It was an honor to be a part of such a wonderful program. After the kick-off event, more than 300 more signed up within three days. And when the final totals came in, 74% stuck with their efforts and lost a combined total of 4,653.6 pounds! When I originally posted the videos below on Day 165, this blog didn't have very many readers. Since more people are reading these days, I thought I would post them again. To watch all four parts of this speaking engagement, it'll take you 36 minutes. If you have the time, I hope you enjoy. It was taped four months and 57 pounds ago. I was so proud to be wearing size 54 jeans at that time. Now I'm sporting size 46! I love this losing weight stuff!

Thank you for taking the time to read and in tonight's case, watch and listen. Goodnight and...

Good Choices,


  1. HAHA, OF ALL THAT I'm chuckling at only fifteen dollars worth of gas...that got you what, a couple of blocks?? lol

    and also your mere mentioning of Walmart having me wanting to hop in the van and make a craft run! I can't WAIT until I can fit the clothes there again! I'll save SOOO MUUUUCH MONEY!! reminds me of my son in the van fussing and crying because apparently he's learned the route to Walmart and when I didn't make that turn the fussing started! I said why are you crying and being 3 he doesn't quite know how to say why yet. he just yells and cries. so i said, oh, we're not going to Walmart honey. naturally he repeats walmart? over and over and eventually i have to yell NOOOOOOO!!! I'll have to make that run without him since i need a new air compressor on the van so why have in sweating away brain cells along with the rest of us because the AC is out?

    anyway, enough of that...Congrats on your blog of the week! You look MAAARRRVELOUS darling!

  2. my GOD so you're a 46 waist? (if I'm remembering my men's sizing correctly) that means my waist is bigger than yours! booo..but you're over 6feet right? and I'm only 5'7". I'm not discouraged though. I already know that I weigh more than some NFL players!!! how sad is that. but i can laugh too.

  3. Wow, Sean, I am just sitting here crying. We just want to say that we love you and we are so proud of you. You are an amazing man, an amazing husband, and most importantly an amazing father! Just thanking God for who you are and what you mean to us! Blessings--Bonnie and Andy

  4. I'm looking forward to watching these videos tomorrow morning (things are busy right now)... I've watched them before, but they are worth a repeat! oh,....and if I saw you in walmart, I would look in your cart too! LOL I'm just a nosey person by nature I guess. :)

  5. Congratulations for being chosen as Blogger of the Week! I'm proud of you and all you're an amazing man, inspiration, husband, dad, cousin, all of the above and more! It's totally impossible to tell you how proud of you I am......but I think you know. I've been there and known you since the day you were born. I've seen you through the bad and the good...YOU DA MAN!!! Kudo's to infinity and beyond!!! LOL

  6. Today's thought... when did a binge come from real hunger? When was the last time I ate pizza after two pints of Ben and Jerry's because I was hungry??

    Yeah, you are right. It was not about hunger. I did find myself facing hunger when I started to change my eating habits, but of course who wouldn't after eating the amount that I used to?? It is amazing to remember the feeling of filling my stomach until it was overflowing...

    Thanks for the thoughts on the Father's Day post...

  7. Well, I'd have to say every single overweight pound I've put on has been caused from me eating when I'm NOT hungry. It's caused by me eating for every other reason in the world. As usual, you're the man Sean.

  8. Thank you for praying for my son. :)

  9. I loved the post about the girdle bonfire - it described to me the contraints that being overweight means for all of us and how fabulous it is to cast them off.

    As always, I am amazed at how different you look since even that short time ago in your videos. It is so worth it!

  10. Moolinium crunch....yum!

    Seriously though, this made me so teary. Just hearing your story out loud, instead of reading it, was surprisingly moving. You amaze me.



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