Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 305 Ten Months Yesterday and Discovering A Wonderful Blog

Day 305

Ten Months Yesterday and Discovering A Wonderful Blog

I didn't even recognize it last night, but yesterday was my ten month anniversary! I've said it many times before, I'm just not that focused on how much time it takes to get to my ultimate goal. But at the same time, I think it's cool to recognize and feel proud about these journey length milestones. You know how a young couple counts the months? Young couple: “This is our ten month anniversary!” It's like that with me and my mission. I guess you could say I'm in love with this journey. I kind of feel bad about forgetting my ten month anniversary yesterday, but my journey is cool, it doesn't mind. Wow, ten months and 189 pounds. I have zero business feeling anything but ecstatic. And I do, believe me I do. The best thing is, I know that the next ten months will bring about an even greater transformation in my body, mind, and career. Oh yes, this is only the very beginning of a fantastic new way of living.

I felt horrible today when I realized that I hadn't yet discovered and read a blog from a regular reader. If you're a regular reader and I haven't yet discovered yours, I will! I found a comment she left on another blogger's page where she mentioned reading every single day of my journey. Every single day from day 1, and I hadn't yet visited her blog. I felt like such a jerk. I'm certainly not a jerk, so I made my way over and found a wonderful blog so full of life and success. In six weeks she's lost 22 pounds. Her writing is wonderful and her transformation in her body and mind comes through clearly in her writing. She's on her way with her steel curtain zone held high...She will make this the last and most successful weight loss of her life. She's really got it together, completely. I highly recommend you checking out her blog at tell Zaababy I said hi!

Today was a long workday. I put in a rare ten hour day. It was a must considering that I'm taking a vacation day on Friday. I completely violated my own rules on metabolism management. OK, they're not really my rules, they're universal truths about our metabolism. I always try my absolute best to eat every three hours, something...anything. But today I worked straight through lunch without eating. It wasn't the best thing to do considering the metabolism and I really should have planned a little better and packed something. But anyway, sometimes our schedule dictates how, when, and what we eat. It doesn't mean we have to make bad choices, it just provides a nice challenge in making the good ones.

We were planning on a road trip straight up I-35—half way to Minnesota, but now those plans have been canceled. In the spirit of following the doctors advice about the superficial vein situation, I'm going to go ahead and use this vacation day to rest and relax. It'll be a nice three day weekend, I need it. I do plan on working out, but only with the proper low-stretch support wraps securely in place. Once again, I didn't work out today and I hate the way I feel when I don't. I didn't, not really because of the busy day...I've never been one to use my schedule as an excuse. But mainly because the hardened superficial vein really hurts! I'm hoping it drastically improves over the next 72 hours. I'm sure it will.

Thank you for the wonderful comments and support from last night's blog. The biggest scare yesterday wasn't my leg, it's going to be fine. It was Irene's medication, or should I say bottle of poison. That was scary. I'll never again give her a hard time for being overly obsessive about that allergy. I always ask for a penicillin substitute because we don't even want it in the house! That was a real scary deal. Had she just trusted the doctor and prescription, and in a hurry, opened it up and popped a dose...well, I don't even want to think about what could have happened. Thank God it didn't.

My calories have been right on the money today despite the several hours I didn't eat while working. I've had exactly 1500. I typically leave anywhere from twenty to a hundred “on the table.” I try to use them all, but sometimes it gets late and I don't want to eat before I go to sleep. I have before, but I prefer not. For dinner I grilled some lean hamburgers. These really lean burgers are so good on the grill. They don't flare things up and since there's less fat, there's less calories. There's over a 100 calorie difference in the highest fat version vs. what we use---an 85/15 blend. And I honestly can't tell the difference.

Thanks for reading and following my journey. Check out zaababy's blog if you haven't already, it's a good read! Goodnight and...

Good Choices,


  1. Enjoy your day off - sounds just perfect!

    Off to check out that blog now...

  2. I found Za's blog through yours and it is wonderful! I have really enjoyed reading her progress physically, emotionally, and mentally. Really lovely! Sorry your day was long, but as usual you handled it well. When are you going to learn to pack healthy foods? Hope that your leg will feel much better tomorrow! Blessings--Bonnie

  3. I'm sorry you don't get to go on your trip BUT I think you really, really need a few days of rest. You stay so busy!!! Rest and sleep and then sleep and rest, okay? :)
    Good read, as always.

  4. Wow, a 10 hour day! You deserve a special recognition certificate

  5. Interesting Sean talking about your busy, busy day and "violating" your own rules about eating and metabolism. Jen at Prior Fat Girl has a great post today about Life Happening. I think that was the case for you yesterday. Plus you still managed to not overdo it and stay within your range. Hope you enjoy your extra day off.

  6. I am quite flattered to be mentioned in your blog. It's always a surprise when I find out people are actually reading it. I hope your leg gets better quickly.

  7. Y'know, ten months really isn't a long time when you stop to think about it. 10 months can go by in the blink of an eye.


    Ten months can be a life-changing amount of time. Congrats on taking this journey, Sean. I'm proud to be along for the ride.

  8. Wow, you've lost an average of 19 pounds per month. THAT is impressive!

    You use 85/15 ground beef? For some reason, I've had it stuck in my brain that I had to use 93/7.

    You know, I did some calculations and really you only have about 30% to go. You're in the home stretch!

    Keep up the good work!

  9. Excellent post as always, and thanks for the tip on Zaa's blog. I'm loving it!

  10. Debbie from Myspace CommentsJuly 17, 2009 at 11:21 AM

    I was telling a friend about your blog yesterday...I even mentioned the date you started, but it didn't register with me either about it being 10 months ago to date! I think you're awesome! It's incredible that you are so busy with your job and life, this blog and everything else, but you still find the time to visit bloggers who support your blog. You're a good man, Charlie Brown! I'm off to check out za blog of your friend, then off to walk on the lake front! Have a good weekend and keep up the good work!

  11. Happy 10 month and 1 day anniversary! How much your life has changed in 10 months...for the better.

    You are beautiful, keep up the good work.

  12. You are awesome. I now read you every day and am going back to the beginning to see how it all began.

    Watch that leg. And glad to hear that your wife's OK. What a scare. For many years I thought I was allergic to penicillin--it was a common mistake the docs made back in the early 60s--but I found out only a few years ago that I actually wasn't. Thank goodness I can take it because I really am allergic to clyndamicin. I ended up in the ER after taking it. I understand how dangerous an allergic reaction can be.

    Be well and have a great weekend!


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