Saturday, July 25, 2009

Day 313 "Investment" Decisions and Living On Water

Day 313

“Investment” Decisions and Living On Water

I felt really good today! Getting six hours sleep may not be enough, but it is enough for me to have a great day without feeling like I must have a nap. The added sleep last night really made a difference. I'll be up late tonight, but I can sleep as late as I want in the morning. I'm going for a solid eight tonight!

I spent some time all alone at the studio this afternoon. Just me and the donuts from yesterday. Yep, they were still sitting on the conference table. Some were missing (yes I looked), but again I resisted. I could have had that coconut flake donut, but I knew it was a cake donut, and those are the worst calorie offenders. I just couldn't “invest” probably 300 calories in a gourmet donut. That's the great thing about my “Calorie Bank and Trust,” it forces me to make wise “investment” decisions throughout the day. Because like money---when the calories are gone, they're gone. And I'm not issued another “bundle” until the next morning! There was a time, not that long ago, when the life expectancy of a box of donuts at the studio was somewhere around thirty-eight minutes. Now, more of us are calorie conscious, and they sit there until they get hard and somebody finally throws them away. Same with the pizzas the other day. They were discarded, a bunch of it, because nobody wanted to take it home. It's cool to see such a profound change in the habits of everyone around here.

I flew like a bird today across the top of the water on Lake Ponca. It was one of my greatest experiences. I had never viewed the lake from that perspective. I always stayed on the shore and watched other people zip across the water as I sat miserable in the sun wondering what they must feel like to experience such freedom. I found out: They feel great. I was one of them today. The owner of Team Radio has invited me to his private dock to ride his Sea Doo jet ski no less than five times over the last month or so. Today I decided I would do it. Doing things like this that were once nearly impossible is one of the quickest ways for me to get really emotional about how far I've come in the last 313 days. This is what it's all about. It's living my friend. Really living. You know what I mean? Feeling that jet ski lift up and skimming across the water as the wind hurried through my hair was simply amazing. I felt like I could fly. As I rode atop the surface I thought about how things have changed for me and continue to change. It would have been so easy to never have started on September 15th of last year. I did that my entire life. You know, think about starting, even plan starting, get excited about starting and then when the day would come (always a Monday for me), nothing but fear and giant overwhelming feelings of I can't, it's going to take too long, how am I going to do this under so much daily stress? It certainly wasn't that I didn't want it---Oh I did...but I was so busy trying to complicate the process, I couldn't get a handle on figuring out how to really do it. I always claimed “Oh, I know how to lose weight---just eat less and exercise more.” But there's more to it than that. Until I really analyzed the psychological part of the equation, I couldn't solve the problem no matter how bad I wanted it. This time is certainly like no other for me. It's the real deal my friend. The way out was found because I completely surrendered the dishonesty within, the excuses, and the rationalizations that always gave me reasons to fail. I decided to give this mission the importance level it deserves, so it wouldn't be easy to rationalize bad choices---because it's just too important. And here I am 313 days later, flying across the top of a lake, viewing a perspective reserved only for those who choose to live.

I was pleasantly surprised to find a friend and long time reader of this blog at the dock this afternoon. Whitney has read this blog from Day 1. I spoke of her not that long ago in these writings. She reads every single morning. She started her weight loss journey in February 2008. She's lost over 50 pounds and is currently 6 pounds from her ultimate goal. She's a completely different person, full of confidence and sporting a bikini. Now that takes confidence! She's got it. We snapped a pic and I've included that below.

You'll find another “On The Go” Video along with a bunch of pictures below. I sincerely appreciate your readership! The weekend is here and I plan on catching up on my blog reading and commenting. My schedule this week has kept me very busy and away from the computer. I also plan on mowing this weekend, fun! Goodnight and...

Good Choices,

This video was shot right before I took flight!

The serious look.

The Indirect look.

The this shirt doesn't really fit look.

Maybe hard to tell, but the fit and feel of this tux was really loose compared to May 14th

Same tux May 14th—over two months ago.

With Whitney at the lake. She's lost over 50 pounds and is now 6 pounds from reaching her ultimate goal. She's read from Day 1—and continues to read every single day.

Standing on the jet ski—pre-flight.

Profile—I look angry, oh my. I wasn't. Can't stand the chin---I guess the next 81 pounds will take care of that!

Strange shot in the lights.

Huge before pic, 500 plus pounds! From a co-workers iPhone. I never realized I looked so big.


  1. The jet ski looks like fun - so glad you now get to enjoy it. I bet in the past you were afraid of it sinking. This is what I love about losing weight, so many more great opportunities open up for us.

    The tux really does look loose and Whitney looks fabulous in that photo with you, she has done so well.

    Enjoy your long sleep!

  2. Oh, I can't wait to see you in (yet again) a smaller tux. What a great feeling that must be. Nothing is worth eating when it might mean stopping your momentum! You have really made a difference in our lives. DH was just saying today that when I first discovered your blog--he wasn't ready for it. But now he is. And almost everyday he says, if Sean can do it--so can I. Thank you! Blessings--Bonnie

  3. are you 6'9"? its hard to believe, looking at your pics, that you still have weight to lose! im not saying that to boost your ego, you really look great! i know you want to get to a good weight for you, but i just want to say what youve done so far is really working and great job!

  4. You both look great! Congratulations to both you and Whitney!

    I love your "really living" comment--the road is long, but I love reading about what is to come when I continue on this journey.
    Thanks for another great post!

  5. Wonderful pics but please try on the tux the next time! You were swimming in it!

    Congrats to your friend Whitney who looks amazing. And have a great, long sleep.

    You never cease to amaze me. P.S. Thanks for the really kind words on my blog!

  6. Congratulations, and was that really Anson W in the video? He seemed really drunk

  7. I read where everyone is proud for you, But no one can be any prouder then I. It is a real blessing to see what you have done. minus the support from famley and freinds, you have done what so many dream of doing, on your own. It makes a father proud to see his son take charge of his own life, and not just sit back and say this is the way it is so I must get ues to it. When I see the pics of you and see what you have done tears come to my eyes. all ways loveing you your dad

  8. Congratulations Whitney!!
    That tux looked really big on you, i agree with NewMe you've got to get a smaller one next time.
    Nice pic's though :)

  9. Wow! I'll bet you had a blast! And I agree with the others... the tux was WAY too big! Fit for a new one next time.

    Gotta run... lots of stuff to do and places to be today. ;-)

  10. Your Dad's comment brought tears to my eyes.

    You were swimming twice: in the tux and at the lake. lol You look fantastic. Absolutely amazing. I love the video, and I love the fact you were flying. =-)

  11. Wow! Those photos are awesome! I've only been reading a few weeks and I had no idea what you looked like...or what a huge difference from then to now. So glad I found your blog! It's such an inspiration.

  12. What a good lookin guy you are!!! I also got tears reading your dad's comments. I look forward to many wonderful things in my future also. I just wish my mom were here to see the changes in me. Hugs to you and yours!

  13. You look amazing!! That tux was far far too big!!! Great photos though. Whitney looks great!!

    The comments from your dad brought a lump to my throat.

    You post today is superb.

    Thank you Sean for the inspiration

    love to you and yours


  14. Hey, Sean. I was there the 1st time you put on that tux. You looked great, but I seem to remember some "button issues" you were having. Bet there were no more of those things going on at the casino! I love jet skiing, and can't wait til my hip is better and I can get up on one again. Wonder how it will feel to do it now, after having lost 30??? Thanks so much for your inspiration. Can't wait to see what God has in store for your future! Saw some lady on Oprah yesterday on another weight loss reality show. Still wondering when you'll get that call!!!

  15. Wow! What an amazing difference in before and after! Loved the pictures, and I too felt teary eyed to read your dads comments.

  16. I just found your blog! What a transformation you have been through. I loved your Dad's comments.

    I lost 150 pounds, and unfortunately didn't have that kind of support except from my immediate family! I'm off to read more of your story!

  17. Anyone that can look at those pics and not say "Wow" is a stronger person than me.

  18. Thanks to everyone fo rall the comments...It's not an easy road no matter if you want to lose 50 or 300lbs. We all share the same struggles. Sean I'm so happy for you and your family...Watching you yesterday was really exciting! I'm so glad you came out!! Again congrats on all your success! Does this mean someday my picture will make it into your book? WOOHOO!


  19. Wow! You look absolutely fantastic! And congrats on being able to ride that jet ski! I am SO happy for you! :)

  20. OMG your dad made me cry! lol Bless his heart. I'm glad he's supporting his son.

    That tux is HUGE. WAY too big. Good for you!

    The pics are fantastic...and I am dreaming of getting on a jet ski one will happen. :)

  21. Congrats to both you and Whitney look great! Keep up the great work!

  22. Ok.. . I was prepped for your dad's comment because I read tomorrow's post first. . .so the thought of skimming across the water on a jet ski brought a lump to my throat. . . it sounds like heaven. Thanks for helping me leave purgatory to meet you there. . .

    Oh, and keep your eye on Irene, cause you are looking HOT my friend. . .

  23. I loved reading about you on the jet ski I know how amazing that must have felt for you. You look wonderful, did you know you had a dimple before now?


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