Friday, August 21, 2009

Day 340 Handing Out The Hardware and Giving Up Isn't Possible

Day 340

Handing Out The Hardware and Giving Up Isn't Possible

First of all, let me say thank you for the wonderful support after yesterday's weigh-in blog. What a fantastic network of support I have here, it's really a tremendous blessing.

I had some elaborate plans for revealing my blog awards tonight and since I'm nearly computer illiterate, I failed to figure out my vision. I tried for too long and then decided that I better just list the winners. I know I'll hear “Why didn't you just call?” from Gayle in the morning. Gayle is our IT department whiz and full time production and on-air fill in personality. When I'm gone from my show or sick, it's “Gayle in The Morning,” instead of “Sean in The Morning!” I bet she could have figured out how to do exactly what I wanted, but I didn't call, maybe should have, because it's a cool idea! And I will get it figured out, more than likely with Gayle's help.

The idea is simple: I want a single track MP3 player along the left hand side of my page. I'll occasionally load audio messages and then mention in the blog “be sure to check out my special audio message today.” I wanted the first to be my blog awards ceremony, complete with sound effects and an overall large auditorium feel and sound. It would have been super easy to produce, I mean—Hey, this is what I do right? When I do have one, it'll be something you have to click on---it will not automatically play. I'm looking forward to it! Gayle? You reading this? (I know she is---) I need help!

I just figured out today how to add pictures along the side. I'm learning, I'm learning...slowly but surely---I'm learning!

This whole blog award thing is really messing with me. I don't want to leave anyone out. There are more than 15 wonderful bloggers that inspire me, so people will be left out here---and I don't like that. But here we go...

And the winners of The Lovely Blog Award, in no particular order, as awarded by The Daily Diary of A Winning Loser are:

Seriously, these are not ranked in order—to prove it, I will not list my wife and daughter 1 and 2!

Zaababy---The Incredible Shrinking Woman
Tammy---From Fat To Fab
Bonnie---No More Stinking Thinking
Joe in KC—Dropping The El Bees
Irene—Livin' Large (my lovely wife!)
Amber---Dropping It Like It's Hot (My beautiful oldest daughter)
45+ and Aspiring---
K-Dog--- K-Dog's Journey For Health
Lisa--- Lose With Lisa
Kathiej ---Kathie's Journey
Scotty SOS--- My Road To A New Me
Sheilagh--- Sixty by Sixty
Reina--- Tales From The Scale
Rach--- A Journey To Me

That was not pleasant for me. There are so many that deserve this award, people I read regularly. Promise me something: If you know I read you regularly, then you know that you are special to me too, it doesn't mean anything if you're not on this list. We're all Weight Loss Superheroes!

Irene prepared a wonderful low cal meal tonight of lean beef roast, roasted potatoes, and carrots! It was very well portioned and perfect. Each plate came in at 360 calories. Anytime I can have a very tasty and satisfying dinner for under 400 calories, I'm in! Irene had to go back to work tonight and Courtney and I got into the YMCA for a nice hard workout. I opted for the constant movement of the racquetball court, although I must admit---it's getting way too easy in there. I must start scheduling opponents!

Today has been a wonderful Day 340. A co-worker of mine presented me with a card today after they received my mass text weigh day results. The message? Don't give up. Oh, never-ever-never-never-never, not even a distant thought. In fact, I'm not sure if giving up is even a possibility at this point. Not even if I tried. It was a very thoughtful gesture and I sincerely appreciated that today. Thank you for reading, goodnight and...

Good Choices,


  1. Thank you baby for the wonderful Great post...I will give you a workout in that racquetball court baby...Now its on!!

    love you,

  2. Thanks, Sean, coming from you, that means a lot.

    Ha - I KNEW you weren't going to give up - keep up the hard work!

  3. Oh Sean.....sorry the award caused you so much stress...
    You could have given out more that 15....
    I think you recieve more than one award so give out another 15.....
    Hehee...Ok too stressful .... Iunderstand

    thankyou so much for the cool

    I love your idea of the audio....doesn't really sound too hard actually....

    Look forward to that being up and running when you get under the 300....yeah do it then

  4. Wonderful!! Giving up isn't an option is it? Ever. You never will!

    When I was on my journey, I knew if I gave up, I'd gain all the weight back. So even all these years later, I still don't give up!

  5. Sean, thank you so much for the award! It really means a lot to me that you read and follow me on my journey, after are the one who truly inspired me to take action in improving my health. Thank you for posting everyday, by doing so, you are inspiring so many people and assisting them in breaking the chains of obesity. Thanks again.

  6. An award from my mentor??? How awesome is that???!!! Thank you so much Sean. I'm touched. :)

  7. If it weren't for you, I don't know that I would be on my journey today. But even if I were, I do know that I would not have the focus and determination to keep it up everyday. Thank you, Sean, for being the one that kicked my butt into gear. You are the one that deserves the biggest award. The award for inspiring so many people in so many different ways everyday. (I so want to break off into a chorus from Chicago right now.) You are incredible! Keep it up.

  8. I'm a little slower than the others this week with the handing out of my award, but you made my list of 15! Thank you so much for the inspiration and encouragement. You were truly instrumental in getting me back on this journey that I needed to be on, so Thank You from the bottom of my heart!

  9. Sean, first and foremost, I'd like to thank you for the award! It meant a great deal to me to see my name listed as someone who inspires you. I really wasn't expecting it!

    Second, I agree with Kathie. You got two awards, go ahead and pick 15 more! ;)

    What a nice gesture from your coworker!

  10. I have reading Sean's blog for awhile now, I have a heart felt interest in his progress. Besides the wounderfull acheivement he is doing, the one other thing I have noticed is how one person can bring so many together for a purpose that so many can relate too. To unite so many in a cause that brings them together as a famley. Where no one critizies, but only adds incouragement. A close nit group, that is seldom found in this " ME" world we live in. Each and every one of you should get an award just for the support you give to each other. It would be near imposiple to do but wouldn't be great if all of you could get together in one place, and just injoy the company of each other. Sean's Dad

  11. Yep, I have an AHA moment the other day (and not the "Take On Me" kind) that I no longer have the choice to give up, because I am this changed person. You are, too. Its so awesome. Go give Irene a hug and then both of you tell the other it was from me : )

  12. Sean,
    Thank you very much for the blog award. You continue to be an inspriration to many. Your post reminded me of the infamous words of the late Jimmy V "Don't give up. Don't ever give up"
    Thanks again. The wonderful comments and support that I have recieved through this blog have meant more to me than I ever imagined possible.

  13. Phew* I just caught up on all of your posts!

    You are so close to the big ol' 299!! I know you wanted it THIS week, but how about being excited for it to happen next week?! I am pretty excited for you!

    I am enjoying your daughter's blog. My sister is in her freshman year in college- lots of stuff going on!

  14. You are so sweet Sean. That is really hard. I wanted to give everyone one too. DH laughs at me. Men. Totally inspired as usual! Need to catch up on some reading today. This has been a crazy weekend trying to catch up on chores now that I am feeling better, while still dealing with sicky kids. Love to you and the girls!

  15. I am shocked and delighted to have made your list. I guess you would tell me to turn off that tape if I responded to your award by saying: "There is no way I inspire you. You must have felt sorry for me." rurrrrerrrpppt (that's the sound of a rewind)

    New message:

    "Thank you, Sean. We are clearly members of mutual admiration society."

    P.S. I love your radio voice. Can't wait to hear Jack's voice!

    P.P.S. Now I'm going to check out the blogs of others you awarded that I don't know yet.

  16. I love Sean's dad's comment! So true, So true!

  17. Thank you Sean for including my in the top 15. I haven't been doing my daily blog and I can tell that without it I am not 100% and I need to be. Thank you for your continued inspiration. I keep remembering that this change is the one thing I want the most in my life...and best of all it's FREE!!! I just have to take it.

  18. Sean

    Love the honest of your blogs. Yes Yes Yes is all I can say, is that I have learnt over the last 8 weeks that if I want to be a successful slimmer than I have to focus and more importantly be 100% responsible for myself. I now self talk and ask myself what I want more, it is always the same to be thinner and happier. Martine


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