Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 353 A Monumental Weigh Day

Day 353

A Monumental Weigh Day

I had a real mental hangup all morning and early afternoon, right up until weigh-in time. I did have breakfast, couldn't miss that! It was three egg whites in one of those flax seed, oat bran, and stone ground whole wheat pitas (these things are delicious—don't let the ingredients mislead you). The entire breakfast pita, even with a half slice of American cheese, came in at only 140 calories. The hang-up? I didn't eat another thing until after weigh-in. Even though I know all about the wood-burning stove that is my metabolism. By weigh-in time the fire was getting really weak. Not good. How crazy is that? Like an apple was really going to mess up my weigh-in? It wasn't smart, far from perfect, and completely irrational, but I wasn't taking any chances. I wanted this milestone today. All I needed was a two pound loss over the last two weeks, but after the three pound loss last time---I just wasn't sure what my body was willing to give me. I kept hearing the word “plateau” in my head. I was prepared to handle the results come good or bad, or at least I think I was. I was pretty confident. My new pair of Levi's—size 42's are really too big. I should have grabbed the 40's, maybe some 38's huh? Now there will be another major milestone coming soon! Wearing something in the 30's for a waist

I arrived at the doctors office ready to face the scale. The scale and I are friends really, have been from day one. It's a simple arrangement really. As long as I consistently do what I'm suppose to do, then the scale will hopefully continue a downward trend. Stepping on that scale today and seeing 296 was amazing. I didn't expect to become emotional, but I quickly teared up. I did again while sending out the e-mail, text, and twitter. I've officially lost 209 pounds in 353 days. I was so incredibly happy with a five pound loss, it was a wonderful thing. I weigh two hundred and ninety-six pounds! I just love that way that sounds, you know?

It's been a long and tiring day. It's also been one of the happiest days along this road so far. Our first rehearsal for the play was tonight, just a table reading. It's going to be a powerful production. It may be a strain on my schedule, but one I'm happily doing because I've always wanted to do it. Doing things I've never been able to do, or simply thought I couldn't do, is really important to me. In the coming months I plan on flying in a Cessna airplane. I want to sky dive. I'm going to an amusement park with my kids and riding those crazy rides until I'm sick. I'm going to rent or borrow a little two seater sports car and drive it around just because I can. And I'm sure the list will grow. If it's something I couldn't or wouldn't do at 505 pounds, then it's under consideration!

How much more will I lose? That's an interesting thing to ponder. I don't know. 230 means another 66 pounds, but I'm beginning to think that may be too low. I know others have said it and I've disagreed, but here's the deal: This isn't about a certain weight. I know where I want to be and it has very little to do with a number and everything to do with how I feel and what I see in the mirror. It's really wonderful now because even five or ten pounds makes a big difference. The first 35 pounds lost made little difference on my 505 pound body, but the last 35 pounds has made a huge difference in my appearance.

After rehearsal I promised to help Courtney with a project. Amber called and she needed help too via e-mail. So it's late. I will try to catch up on reading and commenting blogs tomorrow before our workout. I must drop in bed now.

Thank you for the prayers and comments about Irene's dad. He's doing much better and is expected to be released in the morning. We certainly hope so. Goodnight and...

Good Choices,


  1. Sean, I stayed up waiting for your post!


    I am so happy for you!

  2. Yayyyy! That is fantastic - 296 - woo-hoo!


  3. I am SO proud of you, but we all knew you would get there.. it was just a matter of time and the time has passed.

    I agree with you about the numbers thing, I am now looking at parts of me I would like to be smaller and how I want my body shape to be, instead of the numbers on the scales they are a good measure of distance traveled and journey taken.

    Hope you slept well.


  4. Major milestone...into the 2's. Congratulations!!!!!!

  5. wow. that blew me away.. CONGRATULATIONS :) a fantastic overall loss.. well deserved.

  6. I've been doing cart wheels all day--seriously! I always think of my weight loss goal as a size and not a number. I would think a guy as tall as you a size 34 pants would be about as skinny as you'd want to be. That's not far away!!! Our physio was just telling us about muscle density and how much more doctors know about weight these days. The fact is some people can weigh 250 and be 6'3, size 34 waist, and be perfectly healthy. That's how I look at it anyway. I want to be a size 12, maybe a size 10--on my 6'1 frame--whatever that weight is I'll be happy. Great job Sean! Truly inspiring!!!


    Checking on you in work...(not supposed to)

    So pleased for you



  8. WOW!!! Just, wow! I have only been reading your blog since I started my own last month, but I find you very inspirational. Congratulations on meeting such an incredible milestone in under a year... what an accomplishment! You should be very proud, Sean!

  9. Applause! Applause! Applause! That's all.

  10. Holy Crapola! Weigh to go! I am so glad you are nearing your goal, whatever it may be.

    Two go boy!

  11. Congratulations, to you Sean! Wonderful news!

  12. Congratulations on breaking the 300 mark! As far as how low to go, if you keep eating and exercising the way you have been, won't your body find it's own balance? Maybe your body will decide for you and your brain can take a rest.

  13. What an amazing accomplishment, you are so right it's not about numbers it's about the way you feel, I'm slowly starting to come to terms with that!

    Congratulations, you should be so proud!

  14. Simply A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! What a difference a year makes...less than a year!! What an inspiration!

  15. FREAKIN' AWESOME! What an amazing transformation! I am really happy for you.

  16. Congratulations. Sincere congratulations.

    I think you're wise to re-think your goal weight. At this point, it really is just a number. Think about how you feel, your energy levels, etc. and adjust from there. In your pictures, you already look like you're at a healthy weight, but only you (and your doctor) know for sure.

  17. Wonderful Sean. Congratulations!

  18. CONGRATS!!! I think it's awesome and your awesome and it's terrific!!!

  19. Yay Sean!!! What an achievement indeed. I also am looking forward to getting below 300. I haven't been below that for over 10 years. Just 15 pounds to go, and my weigh day is tomorrow. Good luck on your play, I'm sure you'll be fantastic. Big hug from Zaababy!

  20. Jumping up and down for you here!! Congrats Sean. You never cease to amaze me!!!

  21. Hey, Sean--I was up late last night working on things and chatting with my husband, and I checked your blog, knew you'd be posting soon, so I stayed up. I'm not a stalker, crazy weird woman, but I was excited for you as I knew the news was coming! lol

    Feel better!!

  22. Awesome .... just incredible! You are doing so well. It won't be long now and you'll be into the "maintenance" side of things.

  23. This is amazing. Congratulations on your hard work and dedication. And good luck on the play!

  24. Wow!! What an inspiration! My husband and I started Weight Watchers almost 2 weeks ago..this time we are going to do it and following your blog will help inspire me!

  25. Doing the happy dance for you :) Congrats on yet another great week!!

  26. ..Sean...I cannot tell you how happy and overjoyed I am for you at this new milestone! Reading todays blog I could feel your excitement and the had me in tears! I am so proud of you and this wonderful, amazing accomplishment! There is not enough kudo's to give! I think it's wonderful all the things you want to experience that you never could about a harley?! LOL Take your lovely wife for a ride in the's an awesome ride! I know what you're saying about it not being about numbers, but in how you feel and look....I don't care if I weigh 300 lbs as long as I'm a size 6!!! LOL Have fun with the theatre. Again...congratulations!

  27. Hello twoterville! Congratulations.

  28. YAY! I'm so proud of you DADDY!
    296 pounds! And gettin smaller.
    I'm not gonna let you catch up to me! hahah.
    You weigh pretty much what KL weighs!
    That blows my mind!!!!!

    Losing weight is possible, and I'm so glad you did it daddy! I can't stop smiling...this is amazing!

    I can't wait to see you!
    I miss you!

  29. Congrats, thats got to be such an awesome feeling! I'm with you, the number I have in mind has to do with the size of my clothes, but I'm fully prepared to stop before I get to that size if I'm healthy and happy a couple sizes bigger. In this case, its all about you!

  30. congratulations! now get out there and buy a new pair of smaller jeans!

  31. Congratulations Sean!!!! I'm soooooo happy for you. I loved your post today about doing all the things you've never done before. I started a list with all those things and have been marking stuff off as I go, maybe an idea for you *smile*. I love hearing about the play too, I'm so excited for you. Hope you have a terrific day!!!

  32. Well you made me tear up too.

    What an inspiration! Could totally relate about the weigh an apple would have killed it. Totally my same thoughts sometimes.

    Glad to hear Irene's father is doing better.

  33. Well done Sean - love reading your blog and your insight into this journey that we are all on
    Good Luck

  34. Your story is so AMAZING! Congratulations on this latest big achievement!

  35. Yahooooo! That is great. I just came across your blog and am so impressed. I can't wait to read your future posts.

  36. That is wonderful!!! Good luck with the rest of your journey!!! You look amazing!

  37. WOW! Congrats on the loss and reaching such a big milestone in less than a year. Keep up the good work.

    I'm keeping Irene's dad in my prayers.

  38. Way to go, Sean! That's a tremendous milestone.

  39. Okay I confess....when I got your email about reaching your milestone..and such a special one...I got a little teary-eyed myself. How could I not? You're my mentor and you're doing amazing things right before my eyes. I love how you lead by're simply amazing Sean and we all just love you to pieces. I'm still praying for Irene's dad...please update me when you have a free moment. :)

  40. I am so darn happy for you! Congrats on your milestone. I can certainly relate to tearing up. I do it, too!

  41. Happy Dance! Yay You! This has been an incredible journey to follow! Thanks for sharing!

  42. Congratulations, Sean! I can't believe I missed this Wednesday! I am SO very happy for you!

  43. I'm playing catch up & am a few days behind reading, but wanted to say a big Congrats to you on the most recent loss.
    You have achieved amazing results over the past year.

    Best wishes,


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