Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 372 Lost Monday and The "Call Me Henry" Audio Trailer

Day 372

Lost Monday and The “Call Me Henry” Audio Trailer

I can't complain about my schedule, it's my own doing. It doesn't really give much room for error and I really need room for error! Anyway, we're managing. It might be busy, but it's certainly rewarding. Last year at this time I couldn't imagine doing the things I'm getting to do now. This is living, perhaps at a little faster pace than is healthy, but it's living. It's like I'm a little kid on a candy store shopping spree and I'm in the biggest hurry to grab as much and do as much as I can. I have to remember, I'm not under a timer. I can still do everything I want to do in time, just not all at once.

I'm really getting excited about the play. It's a time commitment that I probably shouldn't have made, but I did, and I'll commit 110% till the very end. The play is so rewarding for me and it's something I would have never done at over 500 pounds, so it really means a lot to me. Last night at rehearsal, we spent our time away from the stage—and into the studio producing an audio trailer for the production. This kind of production is becoming a trend in theatre around this part of the country. It was very fun, but very time consuming. The two minute twenty-four second trailer took five hours to fully produce. Recording each actor, selecting the music, making sure that my “announcer” part sounded different from “Hank,” and then putting it all together under the direction of Chris Williams was a task for sure, but now that it's done, well worth the effort. Very dramatic, very effective. You can listen to the trailer, just click play on the divShare mp3 player located directly under the list of “Weight Loss Superheroes” on the left hand side of this blog page.

By the time my Monday turned into Tuesday, it became an easy decision to get sleep before attempting to write anything. The plan was to jump up early and write before leaving this morning, but I was too tired to even hear the alarm until I had just enough time to get to the studio.

We have had a “Flat-Out” and Joseph's Pita crisis lately. Wal-Mart hasn't had them in stock! There's still a place for them on the shelf, but they haven't had any for over a week. We grabbed a low cal-whole wheat tortilla to substitute, but it's not the same! I spoke with a manager and he told me they would probably get them back in not long, I certainly hope so!
I recently discovered the tastiness of a mushroom and pepper jack omelet. Wonderful flavor and only 150 calories total! Had one yesterday and today!

It feels so good on this long and winding road out of morbid obesity. By the way, I found another “Lost” before picture, I'll post that one real soon. Good day and...

Good Choices,


  1. Hi Sean...I take two tablespoons of Flaxseed oil and 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed every morning for chronic dry eye. There are quite a few calories in this but does nothing to ease hunger. I eat breakfast too. Do you know if I have to count the omega fatty acid calories? I'm hoping they go straight to my vascular system and not to my belly!

  2. Sean, see if you can find Damascus Bakeries "Roll-Ups" (that's what they're called). I like them even better than Flat Out or Joseph's. The only place I can get them is at BJ's which is the equivalent of Costco or Sam's Club or... you get the idea.

  3. Yeah! I made it! Yours is easier to do than Irene and Ambers...don't know why! I'll have to try it again!

  4. Hope you're getting enough rest...I know you're experiencing new things and loving every minute of it...but I gotta' tell ya' babe...even Superman needs his rest. Starting to worry about you....


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