Friday, September 25, 2009

Day 375 A Vital Element To Long Term Success

Day 375

A Vital Element To Long Term Success

I think I first wrote about my father on Day 106. I did it because I realized that I had a lot of emotional baggage that I needed to get rid of completely. If I was going to fly, I thought, I needed to ease the weight on my mind. So I put it all out there. And again on Day 280, Fathers Day...It was all about him. You can find that fathers day post in the archives or just click this link:

Writing about my relationship with him has given me a clear understanding of the emotions I carried for so long. Why do I love him so much? After all, I've only been around him physically for two weeks out of my entire life. But somehow, I now feel like I know him. I couldn't reach this clarity before this journey, I was too busy resenting him and blaming him for everything I could. Through our communications over the last ten months, I've discovered the liberating sensation that real forgiveness provides everyone involved. I never knew the deep meaning of forgiveness until we wiped the slate clean and decided to start our relationship over.

My dad's comment on yesterday's blog was such a wonderful gift: “Son I have mixed tears when I think of you. They are tears of sorrow for not being there when you were growing up. To give you a shoulder to lean on when you needed one. To be your sounding board when the teasing got to much. To go with you at your school functions, and doing so with my head held high, because I was with my son. I know you went through a lot, and I cry inside because I was not there to be your rock. Now I allso have tears of joy and pride for what you have done, how you have turned self hate to self love. Even more then the pride I have in you, my pride for your mother is so great for what she has done to make you the man you are today. My admiration for Irene goes beyond words, for standing by your side and with you through it all. There can never be words that can fully say what I want to say. So the words I LOVE YOU and I AM PROUD OF YOU, will have to do. Take good care of your famley, and allways tell them how much they mean to you, because they tell you every day by their support of you. your dad” I'm going to see him someday again soon, I will. This comment today completely hit me in my emotional gut.

Sweet success yet another day. Is this really me? Is this the same guy that could never get it right before? Thamk you for following along. Goodnight and...

Good Choices,


  1. I remember your posts about your dad, no need for me to go back and re-read them. I still find that so inspirational--a perfect example of love and forgiveness which opened up the doors to greatness.

    And here is that greatness. How wonderful!

    Absolute inspiration, powerful, fantastic--how love should be.

  2. Your dad made a great comment. I'm sorry that you guys didn't have a relationship when you were young but you are very fortunate to have bonded now. Just think of your future! is your friend...good wife...a're so blessed!

  3. Forgiveness is an incredibly powerful thing I've learned/am learning.

    For those we THOUGHT have harmed us, but haven't as much as we weren't willing to look at our role in the situation.

    For OURSELVES, for all our transgressions that we never let ourselves forget and always held over our heads.

    For those that DID truly hurt us.

    Forgiveness of all of those areas is something I've been working on over the last few months, and I'm nowhere near the end, but what I have done has been so helpful.

    Resentment is one of, if not the greatest, roadblock to happiness and health in life I believe, and forgiveness is the key to unlocking that burden from around our necks.

    Great post Sean.

  4. Sean that is wonderful! You are so lucky to have him in your life to support you. Thanks as always for being an inspiration!

  5. Awesome comment from your dad. I'll bet that one choked you up a bit. I think it's great that you guys have reconnected.

    Hope you have a great weekend!
    x's and o's

  6. Hi Sean. Well your's is truly an Epic story. Amazing weight loss AND parental reconnection ... It doesn't get any better than that!

    I'm so happy for you. So happy.

    Best wishes,
    Bearfriend xx

  7. I love full circle moments.

    What an experience this journey is.

  8. I'm jealous. When my dad Horace leaves comments on my blog, it's just random obscentities and begging for money to fix up his trailer.

  9. Amazing Sean. I think that the fact that you can embrace a relationship with your Dad now shows how strong a person you are. Forgiveness is a powerful healer.

  10. I really liked that...

    Sounds like he could be a Mr. Cunningham


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