Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 380 A World of Support

Day 380

A World of Support

Tonight will be a short blog for a few reasons. First off, let me say that I sincerely appreciate all of the wonderful comments, e-mails, and messages sent my way today. Thank you for your support. I will return that support, even if I haven’t yet, I’m coming!

Our computer is infected and under quarantine at a location other than our house. I’m writing tonight’s blog from the radio station. Gayle is working on getting rid of the fake security program that has infiltrated our system, demanding that we pay 39.95 so we can be “protected.” It’s called “total security,” and it’s a scam pure and simple. I’m glad Gayle is a whiz at these things, because I haven’t a clue. This isn’t the first time she’s fixed our system. If not for her, we would just have to buy a new computer every four or five months, and that could get rather expensive.

My sister in law was told today that she has cancer. They found it in the thyroid tissue they removed the other day. The results of the cat scan confirmed it’s spread to her brain. She has a doctors appointment first thing in the morning in Oklahoma City. I’ll be taking a personal day to drive Irene and JoEllen to that doctor in the morning. Gayle will be doing my show.

I really hope the doctor gives her some kind of hope to hold onto. We’ll be there for her no matter the prognosis and treatment plan. She may need to move in with us for a while since she has become completely blind over the past several days, a result of the pressure on her brain. She’s younger than us, just too young to be experiencing this.

I need to get some rest. I’ve been consumed with this situation all evening. It just isn’t right. Thank you for the continued prayers. Goodnight and…

Good Choices,


  1. I am so sorry, Sean. Your strength as a family will see you all through this. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  2. I'm so sorry. You, Irene and JoEllen are in my prayers.

  3. my prayers are still with your family thru all this. stay strong

  4. I'm so very sorry to hear about your sister-in-law. My prayers are still with you all. Hang in there.

  5. It's hard when things happen that we don't understand and can't reason out in our minds. I will continue to pray for JoEllen, and for the rest of the family Sean. There is power in prayer Sean...keep praying.

  6. So sorry to hear this. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers Sean.

  7. I am so sorry to hear the very bad news. I will pray for your family...God bless.

  8. Thinking of you all. You are doing exactly what she needs right now. Hang in there!!

  9. Blind? Oh no. Oh no no no. You know what? I was getting ready for bed last night and I was suddenly hit with the thought of "I need to pray for JoEllen." I don't know you or your wife or your kids. I only know what you've written about. But I have felt the keen sense that I MUST pray for this woman. God bless you...and hang in there!

  10. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers! Hugs to you all!

  11. I am so sorry to hear that your sister-in-law has to go through this!
    "hugs" thoughts, and prayers are coming your way.

  12. My prayers to your sister-in-law, you, and your family.

  13. Prayers for peace to your sister-in-law and your family.

  14. Love and healing prayers flying over the miles to you all.

    You are a wonderfully loving, strong family, hold together for JoEllen.



  15. Healing thoughts headed north, Sean.

  16. My heartfelt best wishes to your family at this difficult time, Sean.

    You are all in my prayers.

    Kari x

  17. I'm so sorry you and your family are having to go through this.

    I didn't realize.

    Thanks for taking time during your distress to write such a compassionate and helpful response to my post.

    My thoughts are with you.


  18. We are all there for you Sean. Your blogging family is saying their prayers!

    God Bless

  19. Oh Man Sean! I will be praying hard for JoEllen and for all of you as you stand with her and for her in the most loving way possible!

  20. I am still praying for the miracle


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