Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 388 I Had To Do It and Eating Because of Need

Day 388

I Had To Do It and Eating Because of Need

I've interviewed directors many times over the years on my radio show. Every production that runs around this region, they're either in the studio or on the phone. And I always make mention on the air how much hard work their cast and crew must have invested, but I never really knew what that “investment” meant until now. Tonight was our last pre-open rehearsal. Tomorrow night we'll being in front of a real audience, and tomorrow morning I'll interview another director on my show. This time it'll be my director Chris Williams.

When Chris first suggested I audition for this role, I laughed really hard. My schedule was already packed. I already had eliminated my TV watching and poker playing habits in exchange for working out and writing this blog every evening. Combined with my radio responsibilities, my schedule already had me sleep deprived, albeit because of my poor time management skills and undisciplined sleep schedule---100% self honesty, personal responsibility—right? I had no intention of actually auditioning. I had just mentioned a time or two that acting was something I wanted to try someday. But then the messages started coming from a few friends. “Hey Sean, auditions are August 30th for “Henry,” don't forget!” and similar messages like “You're auditioning for the play right?” And the more messages and time I had to think about it, the more I started considering what it would mean to me to actually get cast. It would be a huge triumph in my life. It would be an amazing reward for my hard work, consistency, and commitment to change. It would be a dream realized, made possible in part by my physical and mental transformation.

Well, it didn't take long to decide that I had to do it, I really needed to do it. As crazy as it sounded on the surface to everyone that knows me personally, each and every one of them also understood the deep personal meaning that doing this play was for me. I owe the ones I love and the people I work with at Team Radio big time for this understanding. Opening night is less than 24 hours away. I'm thrilled!

I made myself eat today. You know what I mean? When you're in a hurry and completely busy and really, you just don't have much time to spare---it's the realization that hey, I need to eat something! Often times it leads to poor choices, but we also understand that making these poor choices isn't typical for us now. We're not above having a half a cookie, a fun size M&M pack of chocolate candies, and a junior burger with mustard from a fast food place. That was my lunch during my four hour broadcast today. Crazy? No, not at all. I was just living within the circumstances of the moment and navigating the choices as best I could. And I could have had as many cookies and candy as I wanted. It wasn't about filling an endless hole full of junk, it was simply “I need to eat something, anything, Ok---this will do.” And it was cool to enjoy these things without any guilt whatsoever.

I must wrap this edition and head to the studio. Thank you for reading. Goodnight and...

Good Choices,


  1. Honestly, I have so few days where I get too busy to eat, I don't mind having one once in a while. Break a leg tonight!

  2. The busier we get, the more important planning becomes to help us stay successful. I'm glad you're staying busy and being productive, but make sure you keep your eyes on the prize, Sean. There's work left to do...

  3. Having been in plays, I totally understand how crazy this time is for you. I'm impressed you even thought to take in ANY calories! So excited for you about the play! Sam and I are hoping to be able to come sometime this weekend. You will do GREAT! Break a leg!

  4. We have named the stick from your morning show..."Wooby the WONDER stick"! I am so glad you came out for this play. I am really proud of your hard work and the time you gave your role as Hank. It really shows. You are one of my Actors. Sounds cool "ACTOR" one more thing to add to your bag of tricks. More then just one of my actors you are my friend. I look forward to working with you again.

    Tonight is your night. When you take your bow tonight think of how hard this was for you to fit in. It is your moment. Enjoy it! Break A LEG !

  5. Hey there Hank!!! I know you're going to do great, so proud of you for giving this dream the importance it deserved, even if other things had to suffer a bit. Normal routine will return soon enough...I want you to enjoy every single second of this dream. And when the play's over, we're all going to be expecting to hear about those daily workouts again!! :)

  6. Break a leg, Sean! You're going to do great!!!

  7. Break a leg (old show business's good luck) But I think it's great you can stay within your calorie range while still getting some m&ms in....but you could premake sandwiches and freeze them. Tuna fish or ham or turkey sandwiches all freeze pretty well. Make em up on Sunday and then grab and go. I hope your play does awesome.


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