Saturday, October 17, 2009

Day 397 Big Friday Night Show and No More "Calendar Regrets"

Day 397

Big Friday Night Show and No More “Calendar Regrets”

What a wonderfully stressful Friday. Friday’s have no in-between around here, it’s either really easy or really stressful. Put that Friday anywhere around the middle or end of the month and watch out, it might get crazy. But after getting done what had to be done, I settled down for a pre-show nap mid-afternoon. I set the phone to silent and drifted off with thoughts of the night ahead lingering. Tonight was going to be a big night. My mom, Aunt Jean from Michigan (my mom’s sister), Aunt Kelli (another of mom’s sisters), Uncle Keith (mom’s brother), my grandmother, Amber with her boyfriend KL, and Courtney would all be in attendance. Oh, and let’s not forget the boss, owners of Team Radio, Bill and his wife Helen, plus several other friends and acquaintances. I was ready for the night after a nice two-hour nap.

I was excited that these important people in my life were finally getting a chance to see what all of this was about. It they all have a deeper understanding of why this production is so important to me. Aside from the facts; it’s a great script with a beautiful message, wonderfully directed, and loaded with a talented cast, this play is a milestone along my journey. It might sound overly dramatic, but really, it has been a dream come true. When you reach a point along your weight loss road, where you’re able to do the things you’ve only dreamed of doing, that’s when it becomes magical. You would have never found 505 pound Sean on that stage. That guy would have never auditioned, and even if he had auditioned, let’s be honest---no way would he have been cast. But that 505 pound guy knew he had it in him. He knew that acting was something he had to do someday, someday when he could. This play is one of many things like this for me.

As I look at the photos below, I can’t help but see how far I have to go. Before you yell at the computer screen—YES, I really see and appreciate how far I’ve come, but let’s be honest, there’s clearly work to be done. It’s alright, I’m happy and confident about the road ahead. I understand my goals and I understand what it will take to reach them. My transformation, as dramatic as it’s been, is far from complete. I said this in the beginning: I don’t want to look like someone who’s lost a bunch of weight. If I’m going to lose all the weight, then I owe it to myself to build the type of body I’ve always dreamed of having. I’ve had my hang-ups about weight training and my severely weak upper body, but those hang-ups can’t stop me from realizing my ultimate goal. I will not allow them to stand in my way. It’s funny, during past failed weight loss attempts; I’d often look at the calendar with regret. I would always say, if only I had stuck with the plan, I’d be much smaller now. I don’t have calendar regret over weight loss anymore, but I do have some as far as weight training is concerned. Had I become a steady and consistent weight lifter back in February, when I first made my way into the weight room, I can’t imagine how different I would look today. Calendar regrets…its no way to live.

Don’t get me wrong; I love the way I look today. You understand don’t you? My aim is much loftier than just losing the fat. Get ready for a new commitment, or should I say, renewed commitment along this road. Get ready for the kind of change that is over-the-top jaw dropping impressive. Not that it hasn't been that already, but losing weight is one thing, building the body we really want is surely another.

Tomorrow I’m headed to the Oklahoma State homecoming parade in Stillwater. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of this parade, always held on a chilly fall Saturday morning.
Tomorrow’s parade is set for 2pm. It’s an unusual start time, but ESPN coverage of the actual game is pushing back kick-off until after 8pm. Tomorrow, I’ll write more about the parade and my experiences with it over the years. The grand marshals of the parade will be music superstar Garth Brooks, NFL Hall of Famer and former Cowboy Barry Sanders, and major league baseball great Robin Ventura. I had the pleasure to grow up watching these three people develop at Oklahoma State long before the world knew of their talents. Oh the stories I could share, another time, another time my friend.

After the play, we enjoyed having the family back at the house for food, coffee, and togetherness. It was very nice. Then I stayed up discussing the many facets of the play with Irene, Amber, and KL. We had a nearly two hour discussion about the many elements of the script that made the play what it was. We also discussed the fine touches that made the production sparkle. The sounds, the smells, the atmosphere was wonderfully perfect.

Thank you for reading. Until next time, enjoy the photos below…You’re not suppose to take pictures during a play, but my Aunt had permission I guess, as long as she didn't use flash and the camera was completely silent. The photos below were from the front row, taken "undercover" so to speak. Kelli!!! Even though it was a very taboo thing to do, let me thank you for the shots. It’s hard to stop Kelli and her camera! She’s responsible for many of the “before” shots you see on my blog. So again Kelli, thank you and I love you. Goodnight and…

Good Choices,










PhotobucketAfter the show at the house with my mom and her sister, my Aunt Jean from Michigan. She changed her travel schedule to be here for the play! I’m so happy that she had a chance to see this production.


  1. Congratulations on loving life! It's really nice to read all about your accomplishments. I enjoyed the pics from the show and think you clothes are too big for you! See! You have "under" grown them since the fitting!

    Since you are super busy, I was wondering if you carry around a journal or something to keep track of your food everyday? Or even when life is normal for you, do you log it somewhere?

  2. I know I have said this before, so I hope you don't mind reading it again..but thank you so much for letting us be a part of your journey, by reading along as you transform.

    I know you do the blog first and foremost for your own health and success, and that is as it should be. But it also gives such HOPE and encouragement to those of us still on the journey.
    A big thank you!

  3. Your Mom and your Aunt look so proud of you--as they should be. I can't help but think how young you look! I would guess 33 if I had to and I didn't know the truth. may have just discovered a new motivating factor for losing weight--looking younger! I am definitely in favor of that. Great job Sean. Blessings--Bonnie

  4. I am so sorry I wasn't able to make it to the play! I'm very disappointed about that and of course the chance to see the family! You look great and I'm so proud of all you've accomplished on this journey! Love ya Cuz

  5. Glad your family got to come enjoy the play and watch you realize a of many dreams! :)

  6. P.S. I'm going to an amusement park (Six Flags) and riding all the rides on Halloween's called Fright Fest. Haven't been on a ride in about 20 years. :)

  7. I found your blog this week and it's been wonderful!!! I'm starting my journey (again) and have a long road ahead of me. I'm so thankful to find a blog (and a few others) where you post daily!!! I know I'm going to need motivation and inspiration to face this struggle and your blog is doing the trick!

    Congrats on your success, your joy in life and sharing it with others and the wonderful play you're in..."Break a leg!"

  8. Congratulations on being able to take part in something you'd always wanted to do!!
    And having family and friends there must have been great :)

  9. HEY HEY HEY!!! Where is the LOVE Sean!! I mean seriously....No DEtroit LIons love given at all...I know they suck...but HEY Barry got his Hall of Fame after a lifetime career out here in the "D"!!! :-) HAHA

    I love the pic of all of the cast with arms raised taking your bow. THe little boy looks like he is stretched as high as he can get without his feet leaving the floor!


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