Monday, December 7, 2009

Day 448 Ordering An Empty Plate and Many Changes

Day 448

Ordering An Empty Plate and Many Changes

Today started much like yesterday. The entire weekend has been constant busy. Today we had to clean the old place and get rid of all the extra stuff we didn’t want or need. What a chore! I threw away some things that were really tough to let go, but there just isn’t room at the new place. The throw away items were things that had been stored for years and years, so it’s not like we’ll miss them too much. Irene, Courtney, and I hit the house strong---giving it a good deep clean. It wasn’t long before the place started looking like it did when we first moved in. We started before 9am and finished just after 6pm. It was a really long day.

For lunch we dined at a Mexican place. Courtney ordered a steak burrito, Irene picked the mixed grill fajitas, and I ordered an empty plate. I know how big the portions come here, so I decided to just share. And we still had leftovers. There just wasn’t much sense in me also ordering something. I liked what they both ordered---I just sampled their stuff and quickly became very satisfied.

I really started thinking about all of the changes we’re experiencing of late. We have new living arrangements, new job duties, new experiences, new ways of thinking, new appearance…new everything just about. I seriously don’t know how we’ve kept it all together, but I’m sure it has something to do with our faith, hope, and sense of humor. We love to laugh, always have. We’re a fun-loving-laughing kind of people.

I still had nearly 350 calories remaining tonight. I decided to throw on a pot of coffee and cook an egg white omelet. Courtney was staying over at Irene’s place, so it was just me tonight. It’s quiet for sure, this alone time, good for me---gives me time to think.

I’m exhausted. I’m making this a short one tonight. I certainly appreciate you reading. Goodnight and…

Good Choices,


  1. Sounds as if you are doing really well! So happy to hear!

  2. I love the empty plate :) My husband and I always share a drink, because they are SO expensive and if you get free refills why not? We have talked about just starting to share plates, and I might do that next time.

    Keep up the good work and I hope you get settled into your new home soon.

  3. The empty plate idea was perfect. I love going and sharing other people's orders when I go out instead of everyone ordering their own plates and then all of us eating way too much.

    Hope you get some rest since you had a pretty long cleaning day.

  4. Sean-I'm glad to keep you are keeping your spirits up. I know you're going thru so much.
    Restaurant portions are un-fricking-believable. Sharing is the way to go :D
    I loooove cleaning out closets and all the junk we magically accumulate. My hubby...Not so much ;)

  5. sometimes one plate is enough to feed three people. portion sizes are out of control. I hope you are doing as well as you sound in your blog. You have been going through alot. with the split especially. Not for nothing, but you may want to take some time to grieve. I would hate for you to be caught flat footed six months in the future. I don't mean to sound pushy. I just know how repressed grief over loss can boomerang. It hits twice as hard on the return trip.
    Hope you can get some sleep and feel ready to go in the morning.

  6. You are such an inspiration! I certainly wish you the best! I do want to thank you for mentioning that yesterday was Pearl Harbor Day on your radio show and for playing the Johnny Cash song.....I guess I am selfish as I am so glad that you are now on the country said of the radio.....that is the station that I just love and was only listening to your show on the other because I did not like the music! Now the best of both worlds!
    My sister and I have been ordering an empty plate for a long time.....Yes, they could charge less and serve less food....too much for just one person! IKG

  7. Hey Cuz...I'm glad to see that your spirits are up and things are going well for you guys. All these 'new beginnings' can be stressful but also good. I haven't gotten a place to live yet. I'm checking on a place today so hopefully it won't be long before my life is back to normal...well...normal for me anyway, LOL whatever that is. LOL My monthly weigh/measure day at Curves is in another six days and I'm a little concerned that I won't have good results since I haven't been able to go workout in the past two weeks, but when you're booted to the curb, finding a safe place to lay your head kind of takes priority. I've done remarkably well on my eating though, so hopefully that will help. Anyway...keep up the good work and I'll get back to reading daily really soon. Love ya!

  8. Glad to hear you're doing ok and everyone is still laughing.

  9. Wow, have been browsing through your blog and you are definitely an inspiration to many people. You look great. Thanks for writing about it an keeping others (including me) inspired to do better. :)

  10. Sounds like you are doing well with all the busy times. I'm glad to hear it. I hope you have a great week!!


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