Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 550 A Nice Simple Day and Dreams Of All Sizes

Day 550

A Nice Simple Day and Dreams Of All Sizes

Thank you for all of the wonderful comments and e-mails regarding the tattoo. Several have said that once you start, you just want more. Not me, no---this is all I need. “505” reminds me of everything. I could have had “good choices,” or something else important to me, but really, “505” says it all.

I started the day with scrambled eggs and salsa. I was mixing it up a bit! Amber joined me for breakfast and my radio show. She sounds really good on the air. We had a great time and surprisingly, Amber actually likes some of the songs I play. She’s growing up and her taste in music is becoming more diverse. It’s very cool to witness. I’m so proud of her!

After the show I took her back to the apartment so she could go back to bed. Our schedules are completely different! I grabbed a snack and returned to the studio.

It was a long day and by the time 5pm rolled around, I seriously had to have a nap. My plan was simple: Nap for an hour and jump up for my workout. Well, I napped a little longer than that. But I still got my workout in tonight. I visited the Y for the weight machines and then hit the trail for some cardio. I didn’t do a 10K, not even a 5K. I just did a nice two-mile walk/jog. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it got my heart rate up.

This transformation has been a dream come true on so many levels. Big dreams and little dreams---a bunch of them have been fulfilled, and many more are on the horizon. I try to stay focused on those dreams not yet realized, and sometimes it’s the hardest thing to do…and then moments like right now, it’s clear. I know where I’m headed. And I plan on arriving in grand style!

Thank you for reading. Goodnight and…

Good Choices,


  1. I came across your blog and YOU have done an amazing thing. You have given me motivation on my journey to lose this weight. Thank you..

  2. I am with you on the tattoos, only I think one is one too many. You have come such a long must be crazy proud about what you have accomplished. Your commitment to blog every day is admirable. I haven't been able to do it every single day, but knowing I have to write keeps me on the straight and narrow path most of the time. Jo

  3. Enjoy your dreams come true :) you earned em.

  4. you have done amazing stuff and you are just beginning to realize your dreams..i loveya bro..kelli

  5. Sean,

    Love to tattoo! One number speaks volumes.

    The dreams keep us going and I am so glad to be with you on your journey to get there.

    And I KNOW you will arrive in grand style...

    Your life now is already a dream come true. It's so nice to hear that you have fallen in love! With yourself, that is. It's so important to love yourself and I feel that now in your words. You love yourself enough to do what it takes to take care of YOU.

    Thanks for including us all on the ride of your life!

    Diet Buddy Girl


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