Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 615 Low-Cal Mini-Burgers All Around and Courtney's Journey is About To Hit High Gear!

Day 615

Low-Cal Mini-Burgers All Around and Courtney’s Journey is About To Hit High Gear!

I have a habit of waking up after six hours of sleep, but this morning I said NO! I made myself sleep in a little while longer. I hardly ever get to sleep late these days, I was taking more this time. It felt good really, but it did kind of tilt my day. Not “tilt” in a bad way, just slightly off center. Breakfast was late, lunch was later---and dinner wasn’t clearly defined really. I spent the afternoon with Amber and KL, and even prepared a mini-hamburger lunch---making them super low-cal (as hamburgers go) at just 180 for each. We each had two. Courtney and her friend Bradley made their way over too, so I prepared some for them as well. I had an apartment full, it was very nice!

Courtney and Bradley were on their way to the urgent care clinic to weigh. They’re both gearing up for a summer challenge of good choices. Courtney made a date with me for the YMCA tomorrow at 5pm. She’ll be on the elliptical and treadmills while I’m in spinning class. I love it that she’s so excited about really ramping up her journey. She really hasn’t been doing badly. She let me know the results when she weighed-in, and she’s pretty well maintained. The past several months have been a huge stressful transition for everyone, and probably the toughest for Courtney, considering she’s still at home---and now she has two homes, and she’s 16 with all the pressures of maintaining her high GPA and working her part-time jobs (yes “jobs,” she has three). Now it’s summer time, so she can finally breathe a little.

I stopped by and talked with Courtney at her mom’s house while out riding my bike tonight. She thought it was strange to see her dad ride up on a bike---but I wasn’t going to pedal on past without stopping and checking on her. We had a wonderful conversation wherein Courtney identified a common psychological obstacle we all can fall into. After she lost the first 80 pounds, the compliments and “wow” reactions came fast and furious. The first day of her junior year was the best first day she's ever had---everyone was amazed at her transformation. So she got rather comfortable, she was feeling good, looking great, and her confidence shot through the roof! I’ll never forget the night she burned the girdle on the patio---that was one of my favorite days along this journey, I was so proud---still am. That newfound confidence made it easier to take it easy in the workout department---and soon Courtney fell into maintaining mode before reaching goal. It’s easy to do---I’ve done it too with my incredibly inconsistent workout schedule over the past several months.

The great thing I’ve noticed? Courtney has got it. The things we’ve learned along this road, together as a family, are emblazoned on her brain. She understands all about good choices. She understands the mental aspects involved. She understands that nobody is perfect, not even her dear old dad. And most importantly, she also knows what she wants---and that’s another 60 pounds gone. She’s going to do it, just watch! There will be some pictures taken today, I guarantee.

I traveled back into the archives 365 days to one year ago and found a nice “wow” reaction. I guess I’ve been experiencing these wonderful things for over a year now. I never get tired of them, not at all. I don’t think I’ve laid eyes on the friend in this excerpt since that day---if I ran into him today---he’d probably give me another! Here’s that excerpt:

An old friend from way back showed up at the broadcast this morning. He asked me if I had seen a really big guy roaming around anywhere, I told him that guy is gone and never coming back! He was joking of course, but all he kept saying was “look at you man,” “look at you!” OK! I'm looking! I know! Isn't that great! He was amazed at the transformation so far. He knew me at my heaviest, somewhere around 510 or so...really, it may have been higher, it's not like I weighed regularly back then! Had I not run into him today, instead in about six more months, I doubt he would have recognized me at all. The changes are wonderful so far, but I'm still a big man...Just wait! The difference the next 111 pounds will make is going to be mind blowing! Especially for those who knew me back in my quarter ton days. For those who didn't know me back then, get ready for the pictures!

The bike ride tonight, a tour of north Ponca City, was my workout today. Before the ride, I watched a documentary with Amber and KL (they love documentary films) and we even enjoyed some frozen yogurt. It was a nice quiet evening at home. That bike ride? Oh my---I discovered some inclines you just don’t notice when you’re driving in a vehicle, but my legs sure noticed! The final mile was straight into a strong south wind on an incline I didn't realize existed until now. I really wanted to swim this weekend, but just wasn’t able to get to Stillwater to get that accomplished. I really long for that incredible swimming workout. I’ll get it, I will. We’re good!

Thank you for reading! Goodnight and…

Good Choices,


  1. Hey...we were in *awesome* revival this weekend with people from YOUR town! Chuck Allen is his name. :)
    Have a great day!

  2. Passing on your good habits to your daughter may be your greatest accomplishment, dude... and that's saying something.

  3. I ran into an a old friend the other day that I had not seen since I started losing weight. He kept telling me I looked like a porn star. I can't decide if that was a compliment or not.

  4. Isn't it a wonderful feeling to realize you've made a connection with your child?! This post reminded me of a long time ago when my eldest was in HS. I used to get both my girls going to anywhere at times by using the ole "We got to work as a my entry point...and chop chop chop..." LOL Well I passed her class room and she was head editor for yearbook. I guess the other students were not picking up their end and she was challenging them and it brought a tear to my eye when I heard her say "We got to work as a team...." Oh boy! What had I created? Awesome work parents! You both should be congratulated!

    I was gone for quite some time from blog land and this post surprised me that you are in an apartment. I wish you the best! God Bless!

  5. I got into that maintenance phase too soon too and just recently broke out with two weeks back to back of losing 5.6 pounds each, and although I don't expect that to happen this week, I am still working on me again. That lil ol 50 pound mini goal for me will be reached soon, and so will Courtney's - good job, Dad!

  6. Does it ever scare you what will happen when those reactions stop happening? When Sean isn't known as the former obese guy? Just wondering it that crosses your mind. I found it hard when I lost last time because maintenance became kind of boring when the comments stopped. What can I say? I like being the center of attention!?!?!

  7. I like to do maintenance, routinely, after losing for awhile. (Every 15-20 lb loss, or thereabouts.) As soon as my weight loss starts to slow down just a bit then I bump the calories up, 400-500/day higher for a few weeks. And when I start to lose weight even at that amount, then I reduce them again, and I lose faster and easier than before. This keeps my *fat set point* from going kitterwampas (a scientific term.) :)

    The exercise stuff I like to keep more consistent 'cause it makes me feel good.

    Don't you just love the thrill of those hills? I do!

  8. Courtney has an excellent example in you, and it sounds like she's going to have a fantastic summer. I wish that for both of you!

  9. Good luck to Courtney on her journey and also to you on yours

  10. Oh yay! I'm so glad Courtney is hopping back on the wagon! :)

  11. Sean, what I loved about you so many years ago, was your sweet spirit, and you haven't lost it and I know you never will. Family is soooo important and your daughters are so fortunate to have you as their father.

    About the swimming, it's a shame you can't use the one next door to you, being so close, but I remember you saying your mother lives in Stillwater in one of your blogs, so you can enjoy the swim AND visiting with your mom. Makes the trip a double pleasure:)

    When I drive by North Park Cinema, I look for you on your Will honk if I see you:)

  12. Hi, Sean. There's an award for you on my blog. If you don't have time to meet the criteria, don't sweat it. Just be blessed by the great honor (chuckle) and enjoy the fame. That will be sufficient. Deb


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