Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 646 Re-Claiming Routine and Refusing To Slip

Day 646

Re-Claiming Routine and Refusing To Slip

After a busy start of the week, I was really hoping Wednesday would be kind and gentle. Once again, for the third morning in a row—I woke up late in a panic, rushing and grabbing—just trying to get to the studio. This isn't good. This is not where I want to be. So instead of complaining another sentence about my horrible schedule and sleeping habits, I will simply say this: I love myself too much to allow this craziness to continue. My workouts and sleep are the first things to suffer, and I can't allow that any longer. I'm going to devise a list of priorities and iron-clad rules, and we'll see how that effects my daily feel. I love where I'm headed and what I'm doing, but like many have offered---I can still do it all, just not at the same time.

I grabbed a banana on the way out and that ended up being breakfast. It wasn't enough, not at all, but it was something. I had such a wonderful routine going---4am alarm, morning non-weighted strength training, breakfast, coffee, writing---and then I allowed myself to break that somehow. I'm re-claiming that today. That's it.

I've had tremendous success and it feels incredible, it does, and I certainly do not need to get away from the fundamentals that brought me here. When I break routine, I feel like I'm slipping...and I refuse to slip. But the truth is, I have. I haven't worked out since Sunday. Sunday!!! That's slipping.

I was working on a special project all afternoon and into the night. I'm the official arena announcer for the Ranch Sorting National Championships, but I will not be attending the RSNC, no---They hired me to pre-record everything in advance. I didn't realize what a huge project it would become, but it is done---thank goodness! It was fun, absolutely, but I didn't plan food-wise very well at all for a long production session. When I left the studio shortly after 9pm tonight, I did with just slightly over 500 calories consumed for the entire day. And only 80 between 2pm and 9pm. That's not cool. My metabolism deserves better!

Tomorrow is weigh day—not sure what I'll find, but it will be OK regardless. I'm all good...and the best part? I'm clearing out my schedule for a weekend of rest, I need to catch up on some rest, and with zero commitments on the calendar---this weekend is the time, my time.

Thank you for reading. Goodnight and...

Good Choices,


  1. I know you said you no longer have sleep apnea, but have you been tested again?

    You sleep in a lot, have a lot of naps and I wonder if that might be a problem?

  2. Great reminder for me Sean. Thanks!

  3. Oommpphhhh. I am slipping too, though it hasn't shown on the scale yet. First goes sleep, then exercise, then good nutrition. Work hard to get back on track, Sean (I'll do it too).

    I know you will get re-focused.

  4. Glad to hear you are going to get more rest. Life is tough enough on a full night's need to increase the challenge. :)

  5. I hope you're able to guard this weekend and really let yorself catch up on the much-needed sleep! Sometimes, easier said than done. Deb

  6. I'm with you on the routing thing. I got up early this week (for me) at 6 am and was amazed at how much work I did, cleaning, blogging, dog walking Now If I could get off the internet and get to bed.

  7. Enjoy your weekend full of nothingness, lol. :)

  8. Sean,

    This one made me happy, because you are realizing how important sleep and setting priorities/boundaries really are. It may be an adjustment for you at first, because you have spent so much of your life staying "busy."


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