Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 727-730 Two Year Anniversary of My Day 1 and More "Lost" Before Pictures

Day 727-730

Two Year Anniversary of My Day 1 and More "Lost" Before Pictures

In the last four days, I've completed a 5K and a spinning class, not necessarily the crazy workout schedule I talked about or thought about doing a couple of weeks ago. For some irrational reason, I decided it would be a great idea to hit 230 by the 15th, my two year anniversary along this road. Could it have been done? Yes. Would it have been a natural part of my lifestyle at this point? No. It's funny how, every now and then, I come up with something that completely goes against the grain of my core weight loss philosophy. This idea of hitting 230 by the 15th was one of those times. It was simply a thought, because it would have been cool to "do it all in two years." So, what if I say "it took me a little over two years?" That's still incredible. And as I've written many times in the past, time doesn't matter when we're making good choices that come naturally with our daily lifestyle. We'll get there, one good choice at a time. Hitting 230 by the 15th was a silly little departure from rational thinking. But boy...did I come close!

I've had two people ask me why I would drive all the way to Stillwater to weigh, when I can weigh on any scale I so desire? It's poetic. That's why. That's pretty simple to understand. To weigh 230 on the same scale that started it all, and not just this time---but every other failed attempt in the last 14 years started on this same scale---is poetic. Returning to the scene of my major reality check in a much thinner and triumphant way, is something that's just worth the drive to me. I love it!

I knew I wasn't hitting goal today. If I had lost 9 pounds in the last four weeks, I would have known. I did feel like I had lost, but not that much. Every pound seems to be noticeable to me now. It's interesting, very interesting. I was thinking maybe three--instead I had a 5 pound loss...No, wait a second...the scale was fluctuating between 234.4 and 234.6...Uhg! I always round up or down...and since it was mostly on 234.6, I must call it 235, for a four pound loss. I'll take it, that's fine. I'm happy, I feel great, and I refuse to allow myself, for even a second--to have a negative thought about this four pound loss in the last four weeks. See what I'm talking about when it comes to the unnecessary frustrations we sometimes allow? It's positive results and it's all good. I remind myself about the body fat analysis I had in the late winter. Maybe having little left to lose, makes what I do have want to hang on. Maybe my body is trying to preserve itself---trying to survive. The last thing I'm going to do is get all caught up in scientific explanations and complications. I'm in a wonderful place, and that's the bottom line: 270 pounds lost in exactly two years. I can feel incredible about that always.

My aunt Kelli recently found a bunch, and I mean a bunch of "lost," never before published before pictures. I've included many of them below for this very special anniversary post. Thank you Kelli!! You can check out Kelli's weight loss blog at Love you sis!

I'm often asked how I've lost so much weight. It's very natural and often the first question I get from someone I've just met. On a milestone day like today---it's a perfect time to provide the excerpt of "The Long Answer to---How?"

Readers of this blog know that I've struggled my entire life with obesity. So why am I having so much success now?

Because I've decided. I've written before about making that “Iron-Clad Decision,” and it's that decision to succeed, that rock-solid commitment to consistency that has given me these incredible results. I found out that you have to give this journey an amazingly high priority. You have to make it one of the most important things you do. You have to defend your journey from anything and everything that might try to derail it. You have to protect it from yourself. I was always my own worst enemy, I understand that.

When you make it this important, it really makes it hard to rationalize bad choices, you know what I mean? As dramatic as it might sound, this is life and death stuff my friend. And no matter if you have 30 pounds or 300 pounds to lose, if you give it that “do or die” level of importance in your life, you're less likely to fail.
But is it that easy? Just decide? Really?? Make it important? What?? No.

Along with my “Iron-Clad” decision, I decided to throw away every single misconception I had about weight loss. I knew I wanted long term results, I really wanted to change. So I eliminated any plan that wasn't completely natural. I needed something I could do that would keep me thin the rest of my life. I needed to learn what a normal portion looked like. I didn't want a 'meal replacement” type plan, or a pre-packaged food “weight loss center” type of plan. I knew those type of plans were simply a means to lose weight temporarily. I needed to confront my behaviors with food in everyday situations, and it had to be head on with real food like everybody else eats.

I then determined that nothing was off limits. I could eat anything I wanted, and I mean anything! That element of my journey has been one of the keys to success, because if nothing is off limits, then I'll never feel deprived...and I'll never feel defeated because I enjoyed something that conventional weight loss wisdom says you can't have if you want to lose weight.
It's not the food, it's the portions. Counting calories was a natural choice for me. It's taught me about proper portions and it's forced me to make better choices along the way. I opened the “Calorie Bank and Trust” in my mind, treating my calories like cash. Every morning I would be issued 1500 new calories that I could use however I wanted, but beware! I quickly learned that good choices meant making wise calorie “investment” decisions. I had to spread those calories out all day long, or run short as a consequence. The “Calorie Bank and Trust” doesn't have an ATM. When the calories are gone, they're gone until the bank “opens” the next morning. It might sound silly, it's not---look what it's done for me.

But those urges to binge, how do I control those nasty things? Those crazy thoughts that sometime come from out of nowhere, stealing away my resolve, making me fantasize about eating large quantities of anything that I love, yes they existed for me just like everyone else. How have I handled that? Motivating thoughts plus accountability plus writing out my thoughts every night in this daily blog. That's how I've handled those journey breaking meltdowns. I tell people: Cling tight to those motivating thoughts, defend your journey like your life depends on it, in most cases it does. Decide that emotion, no circumstance, no person, place or thing is allowed to steal this away from you. I deserve this success. You deserve this success. It's too important my friend.

One of the biggest elements is self honesty. This means calling yourself on all those excuses and rationalizations that we tell ourselves in order to feel better about bad choices. Honesty, 100%---at all times.
And exercise? Anything...just move. All I could do in the beginning was walk and I could barely do that for very long. But I was moving. And the more you move, the easier it gets. All of a sudden my 505 pound near deadly quarter mile walks became a mile...then two, then three, and so on. In the beginning it doesn't have to be anything special. There's no machine to buy or membership required. Just movement. After a while you can get fancy. But set a solid foundation of success first by mastering the basics.

I've discovered something that many have discovered before me, and that is this: It's really 20% about food and exercise and 80% about the mental aspects. Someone who has really helped my mental development is Ralph Marston. I've read very little of Mr. Marston's writing, but this one life changing work from him is something I've read countless times:

“Set Yourself Free” by Ralph Marston---"There is no outside force holding you back. You are holding you back and you are blaming it on someone or something else. The way you are able to continue holding yourself back is by maintaining the illusion that you're a victim. Once you realize that illusion, you will naturally and easily move forward. In fact, it is easier to fulfill your best possibilities than it is to avoid them. So let go of the blame and watch the limitations drop away. Certainly there will always be challenges that hold you back. For each challenge provides you with a pathway through which you can move toward fulfillment. It is your very nature to accomplish. Lovingly accept your destiny, and allow that accomplishment to be manifest through you. Set yourself free to follow your purpose. Set yourself free to truly live." Visit Mr. Marston at

I'm still discovering ways to communicate what I've learned along this road. The blog posted a couple back into the archives, featuring "The Wrong Battle," is and was an epiphany type experience for me. If you haven't read it, click here.

Thank you for reading! I hope you'll continue as we reach 230 and into maintenance mode!! Goodnight and...

Good Choices,

Rounding to 235...Anyway you slice it--it's all good!!!

This is cool to me. Thank you Joseph!

With my daughters at a restaurant---Hmmmm

Big, Big,






At Special Olympics Broadcast with the an official of Special Olympics Oklahoma



With Skyler and Lauren Donahue at the fair Tuesday night!!!

Broadcasting from the fair!

With mom on my two year anniversary

With grandma on my two year anniversary


  1. 2 years of an awesome journey which has not only improved your life but also many of the people you have influenced along the way.

    Well done Sean!

  2. I am delighted to read each post you write. Each time I tell myself that I CAN do that too. And I am almost beginning to believe it. :)

    One big question: You seem to have entered your weight-loss journey with a pretty solid plan in place. Would you talk about your plan for maintaining your new weight? I ask that because I think I share the ongoing dread that if/when I lose the extra pounds, I may not be able to keep them off. You have experienced enough of the yo-yo syndrome that you will understand what I am asking, and why.

    As always,

    THANKS, Sean.

  3. congratulations sean and i love you tooo brother..

  4. Congratulations! You are so inspiring! Thanks for sharing your journey - I have learned a lot reading your posts, and you are so right when you say it is 80% mental.

  5. Congratulations.

    You are doing a great job of inspiring others. The changes in your family are clear to see and you seem to have been their greatest motivator and inspiration.

    Keep it up ..... no Pressure. *smile*

  6. Yes, congratulations, Sean! What a ride! It's been amazing following your journey, cheering you on and learning from you. I know you will continue to touch MANY MANY more lives.

  7. Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary and doing such a great job in those 2 years. Way to go! Sean, do you not think after 2 years you can ditch the overshirt? lol! Show off your hard work! Be proud!

  8. great post Sean and congrats on two years of rock solid good choices and healthy habits. I am so using you as a guidepost. I want to see how you handle maintenance too so I can get a handle on that early on. I am hoping to be going into maintenance about this time next year!

  9. Maybe I haven't seen enough pictures. But I am struck by the candids and how your mouth is always open. Maybe a weird question but are you naturally a mouth breather or is that something that's changed? All the pictures of you now are of you smiling so it's hard to tell (that's a good thing) but I wonder if that's different.

    2 years is becoming a lifetime. Congratulations!

  10. Hey Sean! My sincere congratulations on your 2 year anniversary. Thanks so much for the inspiration, and I wish you the best of everything in the years to come! ;-)

  11. Wow! Has it been 2 years already??? You've done amazing things babe...and I love that you continue to share excerpts from way back when. I never get tired of reading how you got to where you are. I'd also like to hear about what your plan is for maintenance. And how's the book coming along? :)

  12. Hey Sean, congratulations! 2 years/-270 lbs is amazing! I'm so happy for you and your daughters who get to see this transformation up close. I wish you would update us on their progress or have you been forbidden? I love your pics, you look so happy in the new ones. I'm thinking your shirts could even be a little more fitted. They still look a little loose. Maybe try one more size down to show off all of your hard work?

  13. Congratulations on your achievement. I don't know if I would have had such a wonderful attitude about hitting my 'goal.' I am such a Type A person I get hung up on those kinds of stupid things. Thank you for sharing your story to help put the important things in perspective. You have been on an amazing journey, and 170 (WOW!!!!) pounds in 2 years is just phenomenal. You rock!

  14. You have done GREAT the past 2 years! Your only 5 pounds away from your goal which is not bad considering how much you have lost. Sean, your inspiration to alot of people and to me. Way to go man, I can't wait to see where you will end up in the future rather!

  15. Two years and 270 pounds is beyond awesome!! You should feel so proud of your accomplishments! Congratulations to you.

  16. Congratulations, Sean, from the bottom of my heart.

  17. Sean - Two years ago when your decision was made to change your life was when you accomplished your goal of weight loss. Once our mind makes the decision, the body just naturally has to follow. I am thrilled for you! I started reading your blog in late July of this year, and read your daily posts as well as working my way up from the beginning. Your honesty and determination has made an impact on me personally, and was the catalyst that I had been praying for in helping me make the decision to change my life as well. I see a sadness in your eyes in alot of your "before" pictures, and your "now" pictures scream "happy" and "fun". I congratulate you on all your efforts, it has been such a pleasure for me to get to know you through this blog. Thanks so much for sharing your life with so many.

  18. yeah! great before and after pics. I am happy that you have done this for yourself. I do that too, get a glimpse of that old diet mentality. I say...well, If i did atkins for two months I would be at goal weight. But I have a terrible feeling it would be worse than outright binging, because it would push it back into the number being everything and my life being secondary. Good job on not going nuts with the whole two year thing. That is a ton of weight to lose in a two year period. Great job.

  19. Wow! Congratulations! I'm speechless! You have done amazingly and I hope that someone will say the same to me when I reach a two year anniversary! Thankyou for all your inspiration and honesty! You have a gift that just keeps on giving. I wish I lived closer to thank you in person. Thanks from British Columbia, Canada!

  20. Dude trust me, if you get to 230 in two years and two weeks instead of two years, nobody's going to care. You get to round down. Seriously. :-)


  21. Congratulations on your two-year life-changing anniversary, Sean! I'm a newer blogger, but your comments on commitment rang clear and true. I was trying to put my finger on what is different "this time" ... trying to express that in one of my posts yesterday ... but you said it perfectly.

  22. I can't believe that you're almost there! I mean,'re REALLY almost there! Do you have any special prizes or goal-weight rewards planned for yourself? You've done phenomenally, and you have inspired so many people along the way. Fantastic!

  23. Congratulations on an amazing 2 years. You are a true inspiration. The battle is a mental one, and the physical healing follows. Thank you for sharing your journey with us!!


  24. You have done a wonderful job! You inspire so many people, as evidenced by the comments on each post you write. I have to say, I smile each time I see your before and after pictures in your post because you have done an incredible job in the past two years and the photos show your persistence and dedication to reaching your goal. Well Done!! Kat

  25. APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE! What an incredible achievement.... especially going "el natural". This is my first time visiting your blog and, my goodness, if I took your "before" picture and put it next to your "now" picture I never would have thought it was the same person. You look amazing and VERY handsome, by the way.

    Thank you for sharing your journey....

  26. The before photo where you are in the orange shirt watching Irene open some sort of gift is heartbreaking.

    It's so strange, I'm at 3 years of maintaining a 100 pound loss and I still wonder how the hell I started. It seems so daunting looking back but at the time it was just the only thing to do. It's like someone smacks you on the head with a stick, you wake up and off you go. If only everyone could get smacked with that stick!

  27. CONGRATULATIONS SEAN! I'm so proud of you. I think 4 pounds is awesome! 270 pounds in 2yrs is absolutely amazing. You look incredible. You should be so proud of your accomplishment! You are an inspiration to so many people. 230 is around the corner my friend.

    Guess what!?!?! I hit my milestone. I'm now at 201 lost! We had the "salad party" at Charlie Brown's salad bar today for lunch with my co-workers. They were so happy for me. It is so awesome when you have an awesome support base. I know we are both blessed in this area.

    Have a wonderful night
    Good choices!!!!!!!
    PS. The pita pizzas came out wonderful. I got to post the pic for you on FB tomorrow.

  28. Awwww....look at your Mom's face :) She looks so proud, happy and delighted. Congratulations on a fantastic achievement, and for writing the most incredible blog Sean. Every time I read one of your posts I feel not only lifted, but inspired to get rid of the 'cash machines' I keep finding outside my own calorie bank!

    Well done you!

  29. Sean said, "Hitting 230 by the 15th was a silly little departure from rational thinking. But boy...did I come close!"

    I still catch myself thinking like that, "let's see, I'll start this date, and lose this much by this date." It never happens that way. I am learning to just "do it," and stop giving myself deadlines that are unrealistic.

    Sean also said "Maybe my body is trying to preserve itself---trying to survive."

    Prolly Sean:)

    After seeing all of those lost pictures Sean, I told you once all of our days are numbered, and it wasn't your time to go. People are diagnosed every day with the same illness, some recover, some lose the battle, unfortunately. God was not finished with you yet! It is awesome to see how God is using you, and the difference you are making in so many peoples lives! Thanks again.


  30. All I can say Sean is you look amazing! Happy Anniversary!

  31. I got chocked up reading this post and looking at your pictures. Congrats Sean, Happy Anniversary, here's to the rest of your life!!!!


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