Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Day All About Living

A Day All About Living

It's hard to believe this is my fifth Thanksgiving since starting along this road.  I started with a 5K at the stroke of midnight and I'll do another late afternoon in between dinners.  Yes, dinners. I'm traveling to Stillwater with my daughters for a mid-day dinner with mom and family, then back to Ponca City for an evening version with my daughters at their mom's house.  There will be food.  Plenty of food.

How does this food addict make it through Thanksgiving without spiraling into a months long bender?

Knowing my limits is key.  In weight loss mode or maintenance mode, I must have a limit.  I'll allow 2500 calories, if needed.  I say " if needed" because I remember a few years ago getting late in the evening and eating more simply for the sake of hitting 2500.  That's silly.  I'm in weight loss mode and much less likely to be silly this year.

I'll still avoid certain high-calorie, high-fat and super sweet things, like pecan pie and, uh...pecan pie.  In all fairness to pecan pie, it is delicious indeed.  The first four Thanksgivings along this road, I thought I was avoiding pecan pie based on caloric value alone.  I now understand there's more to it than that.  I'm avoiding it this year for the calorie value reason, plus--with its super rich sugar content, I'm confident it's one of my trigger foods.

I'll eat reasonably and my plate(s) will be an example of what doesn't trigger my urge to binge. I'll have some turkey breast, a normal size portion of mashed potatoes, a small portion of dressing, some vegetables and even a slice of pumpkin pie.  Maybe a roll, maybe not.  I've never been a big bread person. 

We're all different.  What doesn't trigger me may send you reeling.  Noticing, being aware and honestly assessing our individual limits is paramount to our success. 

The conditioning that Thanksgiving must be a holiday where everyone gets stuffed beyond reason is ridiculous to me now.  It is traditionally centered around food, but that doesn't mean I have to conform to tradition.  I will keep my focus on the best parts of Thanksgiving--the family, the love and the many blessings in my life.  The food will take a back seat, a minor role.  The food will be good, no doubt, but I will not make it a day all about food.  I will make it a day all about living.

If you're celebrating Thanksgiving today, make it one to remember for all the best reasons.  I'll do the same!

Thank you for reading, Happy Thanksgiving and...

Good Choices,

This picture is from last holiday season.  I had been at goal for just over a year.  I look at this picture and realize getting back there isn't really that far down the road physically.  It is worlds away mentally when compared to the struggles of the last six months.  I'm so thankful today for the hands extended me while reaching out recently.  With strength from above and amazing support from so many, I'm choosing change.  And I'm doing it with new information about my strengths and weaknesses.  A life forever free from the chains of obesity was once just a dream.  I'm wide awake now and learning what it takes for the forever part. 


  1. You are doing GREAT and are BRAVE and INSPIRING. Have a lovely Thanksgiving and a great week ahead.xo P.s Well done!xo

  2. I'm so glad you starting blogging again. They are such a inspiration and support for me and I really missed them. I hope you and your lovely family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  3. Very wise to know your triggers and to avoid them. Having a plan is key!!! Safe travels to you on the road and the dinner table.

    You are not alone. I am sticking to a plan and avoiding trigger foods and slippery slope thinking. We are stronger together. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Sean. As you are helping yourself, you are helping so many others. I am one of those who owe you a debt of deep gratitude. Thank you friend... and I hope you enjoy your family today.

  5. Sounds like you are going to have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Stay strong

  6. Happy Thanksgiving Sean! Your a blessing to us all.... :)

  7. You'll get back to it, dude. It's scary to reach a goal, go a ways past it, and then look up and see the sky all the way out to the horizon and think, "Holy SH*T, I've still got all that to get through, all the rest of my life!" It's disheartening, and that little sabotaging alter-ego voice crops up and says, "You'll never survive it without ME," when in truth, it's just latching on at a weak spot like it always does.

    Get angry at the little emeffer. Then, get moving.

  8. Thought of you when I re-listened to this:

    It's an interview with a writer named Steven Pressfield who says things that are applicable to EVERY person undergoing a change in their identity, setting goals in front of themselves, or trying to live the life they know they are meant for. You really do need to listen to this. He's also got a book that you should read called "The War of Art" that is about overcoming Resistance (capital-R) to the natural desire to do what we are called to do with our lives.

  9. dude, it's all in the brain isn't it...the great thing is momentum...the terrible thing is momentum...once you start rolling in one direction or another, it's harder or easier depending...Here's to the initial push and momentum.

  10. I think about you quite often because I have your book sitting in a prominent place in my house. I tried to keep up with you on Facebook but gave up because I really hate Facebook and I finally deleted my account. I just discovered today that you're back blogging so I read the latest posts and got caught up with why you're back. It is a little disconcerting that you haven't blogged for two weeks so I hope everything is ok. This time of year is really hard for those of us who love food so much. Keep writing and keep us informed.

    I used to wonder how you did so well allowing yourself to eat anything you wanted as long as you counted it and came in at your daily calorie goal. Most of us have trigger foods that we know will take us off track and that we know we should avoid at all costs. I'm glad you are going to therapy. I hope you continue to get back to goal and then maintain.

  11. Worried about you. Not blogging is not a good sign. Let us know that you are okay -- we are
    cheering you on.

  12. Hi Sean,
    We're here for you. Some of us are in the same boat. Please come back and let us know how you're doing.

  13. Sean I have followed you since 2007 and I'm commenting for the first time to cheer you on! Please come back!


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