Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 29th, 2014 Staying Connected

April 29th, 2014 Staying Connected

When I look back at the fundamentals that kept me going strong while losing weight, I must recognize the power of sitting down and writing things out.  And when I look at where things started to get bumpy, it was when I stopped writing consistently.  And even after this short time of daily blog postings, I can tell a major difference in how I feel.  My focus has sharpened, my attitude and resolve is in an optimal place and I'm getting back my confidence.  My challenge to me is to explore other ways in which I can add to this positive effect. Reaching out more to others, being supportive, increasing the time I spend in meditation and prayer---all of these can only strengthen my stride and they're once again assigned a very high priority.

This feeling of renewal and strength doesn't mean it's easy.  It's about being better prepared to handle the challenges as they come. Sometimes a giant ice cream shake seems like the perfect move. Putting some space, just a little, between the thought and the action--long enough to identify the what and why of the situation, is often all that's needed to correct the skid.  If it doesn't quite work--reach out to someone and share the experience and feeling. It's very powerful.  Expose it, shine a light--and discuss it with someone who gets it.  As a food addict, I'll tell you this: I've had times where I've felt driven to the fat and sugar.  Have you felt this too?  When, despite the consequences--despite what you know is true, that a binge isn't going to fix anything and in fact make it all worse, you're driven like a moth to a flame?  That's when it's really scary. The isolation that often accompanies such a leap is a dark, depressing place. And the only way out is to get connected, not only with your spiritual side, but also with people who understand what you're experiencing.  And stay connected.  Because you're not alone. We're never alone.  If we isolate, then we're still not alone, but it sure feels that way. I'm staying connected.

Today's schedule was a little challenging for me because I wasn't feeling rested, yet I had important appointments keeping me from a nap allowing split shift.  Remember HALT?  (Don't get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired) Yeah, I was getting too tired, too quickly and finally, a little after 2pm, I had to take a break for a refresher nap.  I was back at 4pm as planned and finished what I needed to finish by 4:40pm.

I prepared a wonderful dinner tonight (menu on MyFitnessPal and the picture is on my Twitter feed) and then I settled in for a good conference call with the weekly support group.

It's 9:15 and I've decided to post today's blog and hit the pillow early.  I've been battling exhaustion like crazy today, so I'll give myself a pass on the walk tonight.  Tomorrow I'll get a look at the results of my sleep monitoring.  It's the next step in figuring out an immediate solution to my sleep issues. The long term solution is on me--it's getting the extra weight off and getting truly fit, and even then it may not be 100%, but there's a great chance it will be if it's coupled with effective therapy.

I'd love you to follow me on Twitter: @SeanAAnderson and Friend me on MyFitnessPal: SeanAAnderson

Thank you for reading and for your support,


  1. *thumbs up* You have inspired me to go write on my blog for 5 tonight. I'm tired. There's a lot I need to do. But I think the two most vital needs at the moment are: blog and sleep!

  2. I've had a CPAP for 4 weeks now, still getting used to it and getting the settings adjusted right for me. But I no longer feel like I'd be a driving risk, or falling asleep during the day while sitting up, so it must be helping! I hope you get a solution soon. Or course the long term solution for me is getting thinner and fitter too.

  3. You go Sean! Yes always do reach out for support because so many people care about you. Yeah I think that low pressure over the southern plains has got a lot of folks so sleepy, myself included. I have been bad about updating myfitness pal too and twitter but I'll get back there. I have been on track when it comes to food and excercise just not tracking... I know, it's important just been having issues of the heart that I need to clear up and I know it's no excuse. But I won't stop being supportive for you. You can count on that!

  4. I am the same way! My weight loss directly correlates with my blog posts and writing. Writing keeps me grounded!

  5. Those first paragraphs you wrote today are golden! Writing daily and the power that supplies to us. Having that super addict pull toward fat and sugar ~ and needing to shine a light on that while putting time between the thought and the action..... the strength of that "NEED" we feel is overpowering no matter how much we know bout how it doesn't solve anything and makes it worse! Needed to hear this as I am actively working on taking off those gained pounds just as you are - and it seems to get harder each time. The more we know - the smarter we are about what goes into our particular method for weight loss, the more we try to undo ourselves. Your blogs help tremendously!!!! Please keep it up!

  6. One more thing - - dealing with those crazy super urges drawing us to fat and sugar is the most important. We undo all the good choices we have been making with these episodes. Dealing with them at the time immediately is learning to dance in the rain ~ not waiting for the storm to pass!

  7. Glad the daily postings are helping to keep you on track! Tweeting, writing online, in a physical journal, video diary, old fashioned tapes, whatever you use... does work to keep that focus on weight loss.
    Have you given some thought about renewing the look of your blog to reflect this new phase you are going through?

  8. HEy bud, rooting for you...keep on keeping on.


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