Monday, May 26, 2014

May 26th, 2014 Memorial Day

May 26th, 2014 Memorial Day

I started today by remembering loved ones I've lost. Some left us way too young. As I searched for pictures of several to share on my facebook page, I started imagining what life would be like today if they were still with us. I wish I would have had more time with each of them and in the case of my big brother Danny, I wish I would have had a chance to meet him and know him. Instead of letting this train of thought bring me down into a depressive state, I did my best to mine some inspiration from it all.

Danny didn't know 42 years was all he would have. My brother Shane had no idea life would be a short 24 years and Clarke Hodson (My Big brother in The Big Brothers/Big Sisters program) still had a lot of life ahead of him when he passed at 57.  I couldn't remember how old Clarke was when he passed, so I Google searched his obituary and was touched when I discovered my name mentioned. I didn't know his family included me like that.

From his obituary:
"Clarke believed life should be a life-long learning experience and accomplished this through his employment as a teacher and later in life as a Training Administrator for Accurate Labs and as web master for OWPCA. Clarke and Debi shared their love of education and animals over 17 years as docents for the Tulsa Zoo. Clarke became involved in Big Brothers/Big Sisters early in his life, which led to a long and memorable relationship with Sean Anderson."    

I knew how much he meant to me, I guess I always wondered if he felt the same about me. After his family insisted I sit up front with them at his funeral and now discovering this, I think I have my answer. I believe Clarke was right, life should be a life-long learning experience. I feel the same. I never want to stop learning.

I slept better last night than I have in a very long time. I know I said those exact words not too long ago, but this was even better than that night. I slept soundly for eight straight hours and woke feeling refreshed and fully rested. It was incredible.

I took time today to catch up on emails too. If you have any questions for me, you can always send them to

I took time and care in preparing my food today. This is really a big difference in me--to be so attentive and caring about the process of planning and preparing what I eat. I didn't give it this much attention when I initially lost weight. Instead of this increased attention and care being perceived as a burden (which is what I thought it would be), it's become very enjoyable. I look forward to it every day. Talk about changing perspectives, this is an example!

I planned on doing a 5K walk today and by golly, I did it. Actually I did 3.44 miles, a little bit longer than 3.1 for the 5K. I really thought my elliptical workouts was giving me a better workout but after doing this, I don't know. I'm beat in a good way.

So much more I wanted to discuss in this post, but it's getting late. I must hit the pillow.

Tomorrow night, Tuesday May 27th at 7pm Central, 8 Eastern, 6 Mountian and 5 Pacific--Life Coach Gerri Helms and I will present a very special teleconference program entitled "The Missing Piece."  It's completely free, but you must register by clicking this link:  After you register with your email, we'll email you the teleconference phone number and access code.

We all have a different puzzle. Perhaps this presentation and question/answer session afterwards will help you fit a few more of your pieces together!  I hope you'll join us.

Friend me on MyFitnessPal: SeanAAnderson --- and on Twitter, where I Live Tweet everything I eat with pictures and calorie counts. Twitter: @SeanAAnderson

Thank you for reading,


  1. Awesome day, Sean. What a wonderful compliment to discovered how much Clarke cared for you. I'm sorry for your losses, though. Never, ever quit learning--it's so wonderful to be enlightened!!!

  2. Sorry to hear about your losses, it's hard especially for those who were gone too soon. Thank you for sharing. Kudos to you for running in the 5K! You're making amazing progress! I sent the request for the teleconference number and access code for this coming evening. I have not had the chance to attend your seminars previously so this is very exciting! Take care my friend, talk to you later~Jules

  3. that one sounds good sean your doing amazing as always..


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