Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 26th, 2014 Steak Fajita Pita Pizza and A Casting Call

June 26th, 2014 Steak Fajita Pita Pizza and A Casting Call

Short post tonight. Today was fantastic. I planned well, ate well, exercised well. I'm feeling great. Last night's post must have been bouncing around in my head all day because I had a dream during my afternoon nap where I was eating an ice cream bar. It scared me because it felt so real. I woke up and called Life Coach Gerri Helms and she suggested it was likely the result of recounting the Cracker Barrel experience. This is the first time I've had a dream where I'm doing something diametrically opposed to my plan. I don't care to have another ice cream bar as long as I live! I say that, because that's how wonderful this new found freedom feels.

This is really hard for me, to just give a quick update and be okay. BUT, this is part of taking better care. My schedule tonight was a little misaligned. I got behind. I didn't finish my workout until 9:15, I didn't leave the grocery store until 10pm and dinner was super late. I enjoyed it though--oh my, did I ever! I came up with a new thing: Steak Fajita Pita Pizza.

I opened an email today from a high profile television production company. The producer contacted me to help spread the word about their search for families interested in being part of a weight loss reality show. If it sounds interesting to you, the contact information is on the flyer posted below. I promised to mention it and share their flyer. I also suggested they hire me as the host. :) I mean, really-- a host who is genuinely compassionate and understands first hand the dramatic ups and downs of this road we travel?? They need me on this project! Simply click on the image to enlarge the flyer.

Improving my time management skills is proving to be a very tough challenge. It remains one of my toughest challenges of late. I'm off to bed!

Thank you for reading,


  1. I had guilty food dreams when I tried to go paleo for 30 days (I lasted 8). Really vivid dreams about eating all the things I shouldn't and feeling horribly guilty about it!

  2. That steak fajita pizza looks delish!


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