Thursday, June 5, 2014

June 5th, 2014 The Different One In The Room

June 5th, 2014 The Different One In The Room

Planning equals preparedness and today was a perfect example for me. I had a midday two hour lunch workshop from 11:30 to 1:30. The organization hosting this event provided a free lunch to all attendees. Before I found out about the menu, I already knew what was on mine. I'm planning for success and not taking any chances. The lunch fare was Dominos Pizza. This was the lunch I prepared and packed:

I didn't allow any hesitation or feelings of awkwardness either. I walked in, took out my press and seal firmly wrapped and fully loaded plate and proceeded to enjoy lunch, surrounded by everyone else eating pizza on paper plates. Nobody said a word. There were a couple of looks, like what does he have there? Hey, is there fresh melon somewhere around here? It just wasn't a big deal. And that was nice. There was a time (not too long ago) I would have gone with the current and thought, free lunch, why not? And I would have had a couple slices and counted the 600 plus calories and been okay. But I'm not doing that anymore. Had I indulged in the pizza, I could have used the excuse--What was I supposed to do? I had to eat--it was two hours!  Now I understand what I'm supposed to do for me, I'm supposed to prepare and plan. The benefits go far beyond a good lunch. The positive mental effects of feeling good about my lunch and how I handled the situation, gives me a positive brain boost. And I'm patting myself on the back for not abandoning the plan because it might feel a little awkward. It wasn't an issue for me today, but had it been an issue, I would have asked myself a simple question: What's worse? Feeling a little awkward and different, but having a good lunch or doing what everyone else is doing and feeling horrible about my choice the rest of the day? This falls into the category of worrying less about what people think of me and just being me. An ironic twist to this story is, I've voiced commercials for Dominos Pizza in this area for years. Still do, in fact. ;)

I've had two long workdays in a row. I had a choice to make when I left the studio today. Workout now or later? I chose later. I wanted a light snack and a nap and that's exactly what I did. I'm very particular about the factors going into this decision. If I'm not too tired and just feeling lazy, I must admit it, get over it and hit the Y. If I genuinely feel like I need to rest and workout later, then I believe my body without question or negative mental noise.  I needed to rest this afternoon. After picking up a refill of my blood pressure medication, I did just that.

I was excited about preparing dinner all day long. A friend of mine brought in some fresh water bass her husband had caught at one of our area lakes. I hadn't tried bass, so I was thrilled to try something new.

I baked it with spices I had in the cupboard then topped it with a salsa/light sour cream mixture I call "Pink Sauce." really, it didn't need the sauce. It was out of this world good. I cooked and plated a full 12 ounces, 330 calories worth of hearty fish. I baked some fresh pineapple topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon, added some Foreman grilled asparagus and threw together a new discovery--- cinnamon baked pear!! I sliced a small pear, placed it flesh side up in a baking dish and sprinkled it with cinnamon and an all natural stevia packet. It was like candy. I couldn't believe how good the pear turned out, it was fabulously gourmet and seemed indulgently delicious. My appetizer going into this meal was a 1/2 serving of Beanito chips and pink sauce. Beanito chips are a recent find. These chips are made from 100% pinto beans. Gluten free, sugar free and everything else free...except taste--they taste pretty good, especially with the low cal dip.

I read a few blogs before heading out for the YMCA and my elliptical workout. It was clouding up as I went inside the Y and by the time I was ready to leave, an all out thunderstorm had developed. It hadn't gone severe yet, but I knew my plan to stop by Irene's house to visit with my daughters afterward would have to wait for another night. I immediately headed to the studio to cover the developing weather. The storm eventually made it to severe status and later spawned a tornado warning about 25 miles southeast of this area. I suspended weather coverage and came home nearing midnight. I was slightly foolish in thinking I could wrangle my schedule enough to get to bed at a decent hour every night because I wasn't considering severe weather season. I can do it some nights though. I created and accepted a challenge in our Tuesday group meeting to be in bed by 10pm at least three nights before the next group. Hopefully Mother Nature won't interfere with my completion of the challenge.  But when it does, I'm prepared to listen to my body when I'm tired and then rest as soon as possible, even when it means postponing my workout until later.

Thank you for reading,


  1. That was awesome Sean! You have a very strong will. I admire that! I really have to try making that "pink sauce" that would be great on salad in place of high calorie dressing. I know you're not a huge fan of salad but it just sounds like it would be good. Take care~Jules

    1. It's so simple too! Two parts salsa, one part sour cream. A single serving of sour cream (40 cal for light-60 cal for full) and two servings of salsa (20 cal)--makes enough to go a long way!!! You could seriously cut it in half and have enough for a small salad. For you, of course... No straight salads for me. :)

  2. Resisting pizza smell would be hard but your lunch looked yummy and I bet a lot of people with a greasy feel in their stomachs were coveting your melon.

    1. They were coveting my melon. I could feel it. The lady sitting to my right (office manager of our broadcasting company) asked if she could have a piece. As the words, "yes-of course" was coming out, she had already grabbed it and had it in her mouth. Resisting wasn't a challenge, honestly. I know, it's strange. But really, I was prepared and satisfied. Had I been hungry and without anything else--maybe a different story.

  3. I am not a big fish eater but that meal looks amazing! I bet a lot of the people at your lunch meeting would have preferred your lunch over the pizza. Great choice!

    1. Thank you Katrin! I totally understand! I'm not a salad guy but I can appreciate a beautiful salad! Fish isn't for everyone. Irene, my ex-wife, will not touch it with a 10 foot pole. Her aversion to fish is on the same level as mine to salads. Yes, there were some obvious "longing"" looks toward my plate. :)

  4. Good job Sean. Your lunch looked fabulous.

  5. This is what I call perfect nutrition! Congratulations on this awesome food transition and choices your making. You completely changed your eating habits from when you lost all your weight a few years ago. You mentioned you rarely eat out any more a few post ago and this particular day goes to show how far you have come in regards to nutrition. I noticed your also cutting out much of the wheat in place of potatoes which I find very helpful myself. Like I mention in my blogs this daily commitment the choice to eat this but not that eliminates the hunger issues and makes everything very easy.

    JonL- WI

    1. I wouldn't say "perfect," although you're very correct--My gradual evolution of good choices has brought me to a place nutritionally, that is very different from my initial weight loss road. I really enjoy preparing and cooking my own food-- having the control over ingredients and knowing exactly what I'm getting is important to me. I agree--it does take care of hunger issues--this eating better.

  6. Planning for success is a great way to go!


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