Thursday, July 17, 2014

July 17th, 2014 An Attempt At A Short Recap

July 17th, 2014 An Attempt At A Short Recap

I only have time for a quick post tonight. I have a nightly ritual before I write this blog. I sit still, almost in a meditative state, and I think about the day. What happened, what stood out, what were the challenges, the triumphs, the ironies, any lessons along this road reconfirmed, did I learn any new lessons, what made today's experience invaluable to my trek? Some days it's obvious and easy, other days I draw a blank. I need to be okay with occasionally not having too much to explore.

I'm naturally curious. I'm naturally studious. I'm naturally relentless in my pursuit of further understanding the dynamics along this road. I don't want to just recover to my healthiest weight and fitness level, I want to go deeper and truly understand the critical differences between then and now, not just surface clutter--I crave mind blowing epiphanies like I once craved ice cream. I've had some pretty tasty epiphanies since September 2008 and some of the biggest have come in the last three months.

I'm a communicator, a writer who isn't satisfied with what's on the virtual page until it's communicated in crystal clear fashion, easily understood and hard to misinterpret. At times, I'm an editor/proofreader's nightmare. But that's okay, because I'm the editor and proof reader around these pages. The grammar isn't always the best, the paragraph structure could occasionally use improvement--and, my insistence on using dashes, commas, periods and italics to communicate as I would speak, creates a style that is my own. Letting all of this go and occasionally writing a short recap of the day takes discipline. Because I want to write. I need to write. It's therapeutic. And these writings will continue, of course, but tonight--in the name of getting more sleep, I'll give a short recap a try.

I had a great day. My food was good. I packed a lunch to enjoy during a lunch meeting. Everyone there seemed to be eating well too. I could save myself a lot of dish washing by using paper plates, but I like to eat on real plates. I'm not opposed to the occasional paper plate in the right setting--it's just, I don't know--it feels a little more special if I use a real plate. Of course, sometimes eating on a napkin is called for, especially with snacks--but I'm getting too far into this. Let's just say it's not uncommon for my man bag to be overloaded with porcelain and ceramic dishes.

I grabbed a nap, enjoyed a home cooked dinner and worked out intensely on the elliptical at the YMCA. Twitter is often times humorous. I posted my dinner tweet that included grilled zucchini squash and it immediately gained me a new twitter follower: Squash Rackets. I wonder how long it will take these chaps to figure out I know absolutely nothing about the sport of squash? To me, squash rackets look like strange shaped rackets of the tennis variety.

My meal Tweets of the day:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Sean, you know you spent three paragraphs telling us it was only going to be a short post?! Lol. The explanation was longer than the rest of the post!

    That peach looks so good. I have to wait until our summer.

    1. My point! LOL I suppose I was being slightly humorous in taking the long way around the point. ;)

  2. Natalie's comment made me howl because I thought the same thing as I read the first three paragraphs. You're funny!

    The grilled zucchini looks amazing...I need to prepare that more. You could almost be a Trim Healthy Mama with those selections, with the exception of avocado paired with carb. :) You don't need THM - you've got this, you Totally Hot Man! LOL

    1. Divad-- Yes, thank you! THM is awesome, by the way-- I've yet to make my version of that amazing drink they prepare... I'm looking forward to trying it and adding a special ingredient to mine! Food pairings---awe, yes-- I've never worried too much about proper pairings, but it probably wouldn't hurt to learn a little more on the topic. I know some of the basics--but I'm limited in that knowledge, for sure!

  3. so what I'm wondering is ..
    what time did you actually get to bed? LOL

  4. I understand how therapeutic it can be! Everything looks so good today :)

  5. How do you grill your squash? Do you use an actual gas or charcoal grill, or do you use your George Foreman?

    1. I prefer the gas grill. Although I've done it on the Foreman too. The dinner pictured in this post was using an outdoor gas grill.


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