Monday, July 28, 2014

July 28th, 2014 On The Road With Mom

July 28th, 2014 On The Road With Mom

I took a half day of vacation time to transport mom to her doctors appointment in Oklahoma City today. I packed some watermelon and a half sandwich each for the drive down. Her appointment was after 1pm, so I knew a lunch afterward would be a late one. I can remember trips like this where the first stop would be a convenience store for "road snacks." I guess you could call our 1/2 turkey and provolone on a Joseph's Pita and watermelon "road snacks," except there's a night and day difference in our selection. As expected, mom and I had a great time--we laughed so hard while waiting on the doctor, the staff must have heard us in there. I bet they thought we were crazy. Good laughter is incredibly healthy!!

Our lunch afterward was at a fast food Mexican place where I know they use fresh ingredients. There's not a lot of mystery involved, except maybe some extra sodium I can't see or taste. I'm very careful with my selections at a place like this. I didn't want flour tortillas and I didn't want any shredded cheese I can't personally weigh on my digital food scale. I ordered a simple bean tostada without cheese, not too unlike I would make at home, with beans, sauce, lettuce and tomatoes with two crispy shell chicken tacos with lettuce and tomatoes, again--no cheese. I added some salsa, black olives and jalapeƱos to everything and it was delicious. Best of all, I felt good about the choices.  It would be very easy to go way overboard in a place like this. I have many times in my past--and it doesn't feel good afterward. I felt fine after this trip.

I brought mom back to Stillwater, took her to the store before taking her home, then headed North to Ponca City for my workout, dinner and writing.

The workout was fantastic tonight. I allowed my brain to go into "airplane mode," where I don't think about anything other than the music. The music inspires me to push harder, work stronger and sweat more. I flat out move! I stopped using my regular iPod a while back--and now I use my phone with all the same music files. I do occasionally get a text or call during a workout. Unless it's very important, I keep right on going until I finish.

I didn't manage my calories too well tonight. I was still 108 below my 1700 calorie budget and after exercise, my net was 293 below a minimum net of 1200. I will buy a shaker container tomorrow and on days I need to bump it up, I'll have a protein shake--preferably Shakeology. I need to keep my net calories after exercise to at least 1200 to make sure my body is getting enough fuel. As difficult as it might be for me, this means some days I will deliberately go over my 1700 calorie budget. I've had some really good counsel and advice on this, so I'm going to trust the process on these days. If the calories need to go up some, it'll be with solid nutrition--either in the sugar free shakes or lean meats and other proteins, like eggs for example.

Tomorrow evening will require expert navigation of my schedule to get done what I plan in a timely manner. It's spinning class followed shortly after by my weekly weight loss support group conference call. The only thing that could derail this plan is if severe weather moves into our area and I'm activated for on-air coverage, at which point I'll have a plan B ready to go.

My meal tweets today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. would be a shame not to comment on having fun with your mother, Sean. How wonderful that you not only took care of yourself, but brought lunch for Mama too!

  2. Sounds like you had a good day with your mom! Laughter is the best medicine. My mom is proof of that.
    Good food choices as always for you. Being on the road is the hardest for this but you seem to have it in control!

  3. Good for you Sean, for having a great workout. Your food choices look not only wise but delicious. You are one mean omelet maker. For those of us that are not so great, we make scrambled eggs, which incidentally will be my dinner this evening. Have a great day.


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