Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 13th, 2014 "No" Is A Complete Sentence

September 13th, 2014 "No" Is A Complete Sentence

I slept well last night. Sleeping in is sometimes difficult because I'm trained to be up at 4:30am. I've tried to sleep in before, only to wake up at 6am, get up and just accept that I'll be going back for a nap a little later.  Sleeping in seems to be not as difficult these days. It's certainly because of my drastically improved sleep quality. Quality, not quantity. Yeah, that's a another discussion.

I had a location broadcast from a grocery store today. It was pretty routine. This broadcast coincides with an annual event in Newkirk, Oklahoma called Charlie Adams Day. A local BBQ competition team phoned the station earlier in the week, promising to bring me BBQ today. I spent a little bit of time stressing about this--not because I feared eating it, not at all. It's BBQ--the calorie values are horrible and the sauces typically have a lot of sugar. I obviously wasn't going to eat it. My plan was to leave the plate of whatever they might bring in the break room of this store and let their employees devour. I was actually going over in my head how I would decline if they asked me to try their BBQ on the spot. The likelihood of this is pretty high considering they were in a BBQ cookoff competition at the day's downtown festivities.

It was all worry for nothing. The plate of BBQ never showed. I was relieved. How crazy does that sound? I was relieved when the free plate of award winning BBQ didn't show up like expected. That's interesting. Again, wasn't the food--it was the possible confrontational aspect if they requested I try their food right then and there. What was I going to say? I guess a simple "no, thank you." would work. Or as Life Coach Gerri always reminds me, "No is a complete sentence."

I left my broadcast feeling a little lighter on my feet. I headed home to do some multi-tasking...Laundry, cooking and working out needed to happen at the same time. I made it that way. I prepared lunch, threw in the laundry--put lunch in a foil pouch, then tossed it in the oven on 325 while I left for the YMCA elliptical.

Great workout!! I was walking out of the Y when my friend Jon in Wisconsin called. I had a wonderful conversation with Jon for probably 15-20 minutes on my hands free as I drove, arrived home, transferred laundry from the washer to the dryer, grabbed lunch from oven, cut up some cantaloupe, weighed everything I needed to weigh, entered everything in MFP, snapped the photo--tweeted the tweet and washed a few dishes! All of this while carrying on a good conversation. Multi-tasking for sure.

I made the trip over to Heather's to enjoy dinner and a rented movie. Heather cooked chicken taco chili and it was amazing. Perfect amount of spice!! She even went a step further and calculated the crock pot of calories--and divided it by the number of servings to give me a fairly accurate post for MFP and Twitter. She is absolutely one of a kind! I'm so lucky. The dinner was exceptional and the movie "The Other Woman" was hilarious.

We watched the new documentary "Fed Up" Thursday evening. If you've watched the trailer, you have a great idea about what it's all about. Sugar and sugar's link to obesity in America. One of the craziest things in this documentary was a Cola executive claiming his soda product was just as healthy as water. It was also sad. Fed Up features a lot of obese and even morbidly obese children. The school lunch program was discussed. I didn't know these things: Pizza is considered a vegetable because it has tomato sauce, french fries are also on the list of veggies. This means my favorite lunch from high school--pizza and fries from the ala cart line was actually just me eating two different veggies! Yeah, right. I had planned on a big review, but I don't have the energy tonight. I do recommend you find it and see for yourself.

My tweets today:

I really enjoyed the cantaloupe today!
Thank you for reading and your support,


  1. I'm glad the BBQ never showed up, but if it had I know you would have found a polite way to turn it down. You did something today that I would never do. You left the oven on while you were away from your home. Lastly, the chili made by Heather looks so good. Maybe the cheese pushed it over the top for me. Hope you have a great Sunday.

    1. I'm glad it didn't show, too, LTR!! Yeah-- It's a little risky leaving the oven on-I had it on low--food wrapped in long as I was back within an hour, I knew it would be okay. The chili was better than beef chili--it was truly the best chili ever---and I'm not saying that just because she's my sweetheart.

  2. Sean, I was wondering if Heather would share her recipe for chili...would love to make it. Thanks! Shirley from TN

    1. Shirley--Yes, I just asked and she has agreed to share the recipe!! It is some amazing chili! I'll have a link to it in tonight's edition. I think you'll enjoy!!

  3. Ias always enjoying your blog. That yt. Should include some cooking!

  4. Heather is an amazing cook--and she cooks super "clean" and doesn't mind running the numbers for me (she's an accountant by day)...She knows I'm a little bit obsessive about counts.
    Our YMCA is the best in the entire state, maybe the entire region---We're super blessed!!!
    I try to multi-task when I can. It's not always appropriate or possible-- I couldn't do what I do without my hands free apple earbuds! :)
    I need to write an update post on the sleep apnea. As expected, my weight loss has changed my body from the 394 pounds it was when I received the sleep lab studies---and now, my body can't handle the settings of the machine. It was too much pressure. So I tried sleeping a night without--and I made it through the entire night sleeping and breathing just fine. It's as if this 80 pound loss has "cured" mine--and that's good---I use the " " around the word cured--because I've been here before.
    The apnea went away during my initial weight loss after the first 100 pound loss--then out of nowhere came roaring back when I hit between 230-250 pounds. It was puzzling. The sleep specialist explained to me why this can happen---and I'm not able to articulate it well---but it's all about the physicality of our bodies...I have the machine ready to go in case I need it again (And I wouldn't be surprised), for now, it seems positional therapy (sleeping on my side) seems to be working wonders. And I'm feeling noticeably better when I wake.

  5. Becky, please-please-please, do whatever you can to get therapy for your apnea. It's critical, my friend!!! Find something that works for you! Take care!! (apologies for the abundance of exclamation points--it's just super important!!!!!!) Weight loss can and often does change it all, as I've discovered-- but I'll remain aware and very in tune with how I'm resting, or not resting.

  6. I was very impressed with your multi-tasking! I love chilli and look forward to the recipe. I'm curious if you buy grass fed beef. I am lucky in that department, growing my own, plus I plan on filling the freezer with venison. So much healthier than corn fed beef.

    This is off the topic but is related to meat consumption. Rarely I find an opinion that matches my own regarding nutrition and foods to eat ant not eat but Authority Nutrition hits it 100% for me with the exception I have more than one fruit per day. Thought I would share the links and believe you find it interesting.

    1. Thank you, Jon! I love my hands free earbuds!! I haven't purchased grass fed beef. I believe there might be a source close by--I might investigate this soon. Thank you for the links! I'll check them out!


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