Thursday, November 13, 2014

November 13th, 2014 Stress and Nerves

November 13th, 2014 Stress and Nerves

I woke up with pain in my upper abdomen. I tried everything I knew to remedy the situation to no avail. It's been a very long time since I felt this type of pain and when I've felt it before, it was most usually a consequence of dietary choices the night before. This time it wasn't food born. It was clearly stress and nerves.

I stayed home from work and refrained from eating or drinking anything but water until the pain subsided. Finally, by noon, I was feeling well, but exhausted. I couldn't get into the doctor until 4:30pm. I opted to stay home and take it easy today before getting out for the appointment. My doc thinks it could certainly be a nervous reaction, but it also might be a stomach bacteria issue. A couple of prescriptions and an order for blood work later, and I was on my way. I felt completely fine in his office. It's almost 10pm and I still feel really well.

I fell short on hitting my calorie goal of 1,700 today. I finished the day at 1,328 calories and no workout. It's one day and it's a day I was sick, therefore, I'm okay with it all.

I'm feeling much better and I'm working on finding more ways to alleviate stress in my life. The great news for me is, I'm not eating through the stress! That's a VERY big deal. Yay!

My Tweets today:

Thank you for reading and your wonderful support,


  1. Glad your feeling better my friend. Some-days it's difficult to avoid stress but through time management braking down a large task into smaller more manageable task seems to help greatly. You seem to do a great job with time management most days, being able to adjust and change your scheduled on the go without adding stress is imperative.

    1. Thank you, Jon. I appreciate this. You're right. Breaking things down into smaller, more manageable tasks is imperative.

  2. Glad to hear you're feeling better. I agree, it's great that you are not eating your stress. This is a major win.

  3. Glad you were able to be checked out and are feeling better. Take care of yourself!

  4. Feel better and keep making the next right choice.

  5. Hope the tests come back negative, and hope you continue to improve. Sorry you are so stressed out. :(

    1. It's going to be okay, Gwen--I know it will.
      Thank you so much, my friend

  6. Oh STRESS ... its the worst for your body. Makes you feel horrible! I know this all to well as do so many others. Just relax yourself, breath deep and smile... :)
    Feel Well,

  7. Sorry to hear you weren't feeling good. Hope it's nothing more. I always try some meditation when I'm not feeling myself. Hope you get to feeling better.

  8. It's funny your first food of the day after feeling sick was eggs. That is what my husband wants when he is unwell. But to me, the smell of eggs when I am sick is revolting! Turns the stomach. Glad you are feeling better.

    1. Natalie-- I could see that, the egg thing-- For some reason, an omelet was more tolerable than if I had made them over-hard or over medium...Isn't that strange? Thank you!


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