Sunday, November 16, 2014

November 16th, 2014 Pandora Must Read My Blog

November 16th, 2014 Pandora Must Read My Blog

I think Pandora reads my blog. After several breakup songs in a row, I'm convinced. OMD's If You Leave and Journey's Separate Ways, oh my--why am I doing this to myself? This whole thing isn't easy. I can't just suddenly not care anymore. So, I'm turning my attention to a sharp focus on the fundamentals that have brought me far and promise to take me further. And then When In Rome's The Promise comes on and I'm a mess again. Okay--no more 80's pop Pandora channel for me, for a little while.

Aside from my musical misadventures, today was solid. I took care of me very well. I prepared and cooked three meals, I worked out at the YMCA and I made my water consumption goal of 64 ounces. I was creative in the kitchen and despite being a little preoccupied in thought, I overcame and got into my workout playlist to the point of pushing very hard. 

I had a great discussion tonight via phone with one of my support buddies in the upper Northwest. We discussed different projects and ideas. He gave me some incredible advice that will certainly help bring my audio project, Weight Loss Meditations to life much quicker than I previously planned. I'm very excited and I can't wait to make this audio product available to you!

I'm hitting the pillow tonight with confidence in my choices. It feels good.

My Tweets today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. That was a delicious looking day! Good idea about avoiding the songs for awhile-- music can hit right to the heart, and while that's sometimes a nice thing, other times it's not so nice.

    I look so forward to your weight loss meditations! The combination of your insights and your wonderful voice is going to be an unbeatable combination.

    It might be an optimal time for you to start weightlifting. I know it has intimidated you a bit in the past, but you might be surprised-- lifting weights can be surprisingly meditative. It requires a certain stillness of mind and focus that can be a good escape, especially the kind of weightlifting that you do very slowly and deliberately. Maybe just start with dumbbells. But it's all about form, so it requires concentration, and that might be a nice thing.

    I haven't done it much lately, but I used to be in a relationship with a powerlifter who wanted to train me. I wasn't that interested in weightlifting, but I wanted to make him happy, so I let him train me (for awhile... ha ha). The relationship didn't work out, and I didn't continue with the lifting, but I'd kind of like to try it again. He would always say, "Stop talking, stop thinking about other stuff. Just focus on that muscle that you're working right now. Breathe with it, like yoga." And I liked that part. I know for him, it was definitely his release valve.

    1. Excellent advice, Becky, thank you!! I've really allowed some mental stuff to hold me back in the weight lifting area. I'm ready, now more than ever, to get past that stuff and give it an honest effort. Much like my sugar abstinence--I imagine it'll be one of those things I wish I would have done a long time ago!
      Thank you for sharing that story about the former powerlifter boyfriend. Great advice there, too. Breathe with it, like yoga--I like that. Oh Becky--I'm excited about WLM too!! Thank you!!

  2. I am looking forward to the meditations! Great job taking care of you, the meals looked yummy as usual! Have a great week.

    1. Alati-- Thank you!! I enjoyed the cooking today, I really did. Have a great week, too!! I can't wait for you to hear the meditations!

  3. Kind thoughts your way! A mutual decision is the best possible kind of change, but still not pain-free. I am proud of your determination to remain true to yourself and move forward in the most positive way! Your meditations would make a great CD, with gentle music and separate tracks of maybe 20 minutes each, for falling asleep (or waking up) with a focused mind set! Just a thought. Actually they would be lovely in any format! Have a great, if wintery, day!

    1. Thank you so much for this! Yeah-- definitely not pain free, for sure. I'm taking good care and I'm really proud of this.
      Thank you for your idea and vote of confidence on the meditations. I'm really excited about this project!

  4. I am so glad to see you not allowing yourself to get lost in the emotion of the moment, and focusing instead on the joy that is ahead...even though you may not feel it yet. It's there...up ahead. When your previous relationship ended and your heart was so broken, you seemed to focus on the pain and turned to the food again to get you through. We've all been there. But you are not the same Sean as you were back then. Not even close. You know that when one door closes, new doors are waiting to be opened and experienced, and the healthier you are, the more able you will be to enjoy those blessings. We all have those defining moments in our lives where we look back and say to ourselves "Why didn't I love myself enough to make a better choice?" You are at one of those defining moments Sean. You will get through this, I feel sure of that. And on the other side, you will look back and see, in hindsight, how important each choice was during this period. I am keeping you in my prayers, Sean and am glad you are keeping the sad songs off and focusing on the good days ahead. Take it one day at a time, and know you have lots of friends out here who care and are making healthy choices with you today. Shirley from TN

    1. Shirley, I sincerely appreciate your incredible support and I really value your insight. Thank you. I am very different then I was before. I feel much stronger and I've learned so much about myself in the last few years.
      Shirley--with incredible support like yours, I'm strengthened in a wonderful way. Here's to good choices!! :)

  5. Replies
    1. I did it all by myself! :) I'm assuming you meant, "you" and not "me." LOL

  6. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way - - - - This is a tough time. Looks like First snow of the season has arrived for you. Way too early for this. At least I know I'm not ready.
    Found the sugar free coffee creamer that you use regularly! Enjoyed my coffee this morning with the Hazelnut! Thank you.


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