Friday, December 26, 2014

December 26th, 2014 Thank Goodness I Was Wrong

December 26th, 2014 Thank Goodness I Was Wrong

I was invited to lunch not long after I got up. I'm really taking advantage of this whole sleeping in during time off. Instead of breakfast, I just waited a little while for lunch. It didn't make sense to eat breakfast then try to eat lunch an hour later.

I had some orders I needed to ship today. If you've ordered something from my web store it will arrive no later than Tuesday! I always feel relief with no outstanding orders! I sincerely appreciate your support! By the way, I'm out of "I'm Choosing Change" leather bracelets. I shipped the last one today!

I felt really well today. I'm excited for 2015 for a variety of reasons. Mostly, I'm so incredibly grateful for where I am along this road. This turnaround has been a blessing beyond measure. At one point, I was convinced it wasn't possible. Thank goodness I was wrong.

I took a rest day today. I got caught up on a few things and now I'm ready to watch a movie on the new Kindle Fire I received for Christmas! It's my first tablet device. I'm amazed at what it can do!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I've been sleeping in, too. So rejuvenating! Thanks for your comments of support. It means a lot to me. Hopefully my turnaround will come soon.

    1. Lyn, feels good doesn't it? Absolutely--thinking about you, Lyn. Don't ever give up. It will come.

  2. Sean, I just wanted to comment on how great you are doing with the water! Which just proves you can do ANYTHING you prioritize! :-)

    I know I feel so much better when I'm drinking the water! Have a great rest of the weekend!

    1. The water accountability tweets was something I avoided for a very long time, on purpose--because I didn't want the accountability.. But it is helping and it is a very good thing for me. I'm glad I did it. It hasn't been easy, though! Thank youo, Neca!

  3. Every time I see your water tweets, I feel compelled to get some and tweet you back lol I may start doing this soon ;) have a great weekend!

    1. Alati--tweet me back! It's doing me a lot of good! It will you, too!

  4. You seem to be doing really good! I have to admit though, when I saw the first glass of water I thought it was gin and tonic... The holidays are giving me ideas! :-)

    1. Gin and Tonic--there we go! If I start doing Gin and Tonic accountability tweets--I might be in trouble! :) Thank you for the smile!


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