Tuesday, December 9, 2014

December 9th, 2014 Excited And Terrified

December 9th, 2014 Excited And Terrified

I had a little trouble getting to sleep last night. I'm not sure why, perhaps a little anxiety over the upcoming comedy show. It is very possible to be excited about something and terrified by it at the same time. It's like getting on a new roller coaster. It's been a very long time since I did stand-up regularly. It's a part of me that needs to be exercised. My workout starts Thursday night, 7:30pm at UnWined in Downtown Ponca City.

I sincerely appreciate all of the advice I received today concerning yesterday's post about weight training. I've decided to start with the basic tutorial from a trainer at my YMCA and at that time, discuss training options. I'm committed to doing this. I'm doing it. Enough with the apprehension. I'll take it nice and slow, because nice and slow is better than talk and never!

I enjoyed a great call tonight on the weekly weight loss support group conference I co-facilitate with Life Coach Gerri Helms. Each of us talked about our individual plans, then we developed one enhancement we could add--then committed to adding this enhancement to our plan for the next week. I had two. I committed to meeting with a trainer at the Y and I agreed to be more accountable in the water consumption department.

I have always made getting enough water an issue. I know of the benefits!! It is a tremendous benefit to weight loss because it helps everything. It speeds up the metabolism, it aids in digestion, it cleanses our bodies... yes, I totally understand...and yet, most days I finish with about 6 cups. And, as you may have noticed, I don't seek accountability for it, either. I don't tweet anything about my water consumption, never have! Why? Because I didn't want to be accountable!! This changes now. Starting tomorrow, and for at least the rest of the week, I've committed to adding my water consumption to the list of things I tweet. I guarantee it will immediately make a difference.

I've been working on my set-list for Thursday night. 98% of the material is brand new-never tested in front of an audience, stuff. The point of this and other upcoming shows, is to not only allow that creative side of me to flourish, but also to workout material for a big fundraiser show in late May for the local domestic violence shelter. It doesn't matter how many shows I did over a decade ago. Big, small, low profile, high profile--It's almost like the entire experience is brand new. I hope it's like riding a bike. I'm truly excited and terrified. And that's not a bad thing. It makes me feel more alive.

My food was exceptional today. I was talking to a colleague this afternoon all about food and specifically dinner ideas. She suggested the green beans and squash idea, then later suggested adding mushrooms. Oh my--it was incredible! 

I made a super simple fruit sorbet for dessert using fresh pineapple, whole blueberries and sugar free cool whip. I blended these three ingredients in my Ninja blender, then poured it into a bowl to freeze. I left for my workout and came back to a delightful dessert! I sent the photo to Gerri and exclaimed--look what I did!! Turns out, she does this all the time! She occasionally uses almond milk instead of the sugar free cool whip. And I bet the new cashew milk would work great, too! I'll be making more of this stuff, for sure.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Awesome! Being accountable for your water intake and your commitment to weight training will make a world of difference. Best of luck Thursday night. These are exciting times!

    1. Jon, thank you! I believe these two things will make a big difference, too! I appreciate the best luck wishes!

  2. Great choice for the weight training and good luck Thursday!

  3. Making your own sorbet? GENIUS! I love sorbet and have consistently hunted for a sugar-free version, because I KNEW if you could find it that way, the caloric content would be minimal. I could never find it! For a time my local grocery store carried frozen strawberries that were sugar-free, sweetened with Splenda. I loved them! They no longer carry them, I have looked at other places and can't find them anywhere! So I've got a couple packages of frozen whole strawberries (unsweetened) in my freezer, I think I will try your homemade sorbet with them. Do you think I could throw in some Splenda, or do you recommend the sugar-free Cool Whip instead? Do you mix the Cool Whip with the fruit, or just put some on top as you eat it? Thanks for another great idea Sean!

    1. I didn't use splenda and it was good and sweet with just the sugar free cool whip. Next time I make it, though--I'll likely throw in a little splenda because I plan on using cashew milk instead of the cool whip. I blended it all together to make a smooth purple liquid--then into the bowl with a lid--and into the freezer to firm. It was fabulous! Delicious--creamy, sweet--sugar free, nice and cold, and an awesome calorie value! I've also simply topped the fruit with the sugar free topping, like a fruit parfait. I bet you love it, Dup!

  4. Big things happening! I know how hard it is getting all that water in. You can do it Sean - and I'll commit to it too this week!!

    1. It's exciting! The water accountability has worked well today. Making the commitment to be accountable was the hardest part. Glad you're making the commitment, too!! It can only help us, Nancy!

  5. Water is big for me. I feel so much better when I drink a lot of water. The only time I don't drink enough is at work as it's really hard to take the time at work to drink and then of course make the time to get to the bathroom.

    1. OMGoodness...yes, the more frequent bathroom breaks... I just know it will be a big benefit to do this. I'm excited about seeing and feeling the difference!

  6. Applauding your accountability tools, and also have an honest question: do you intend to take pics of and/or tweet food for the rest of your life? Or just through your loss phase? Been maintaining a 40% weight loss reduction for five years now (+/- 10 lbs)... and it's not easy. Have you been thinking about tools for maintenance?

    1. That's a great question, A. At a certain point I'll evaluate my tools and make decisions on what I need to use for maintenance. Congrats on 5 years of maintenance!! Support will always be a big part of it--and this blog...and honestly, the tweets have become very easy, so it's not like it's a burden to do... I don't know. Great question. I'll ponder it more closely one of these days.

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