Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26th, 2015 It's A Practice

January 26th, 2015 It's A Practice

I re-read last night's post a few times and I think I articulated what I wanted. It's not always easy to organize the thoughts and explain well. I do my best when inspiration strikes me. For me, the most powerful things along this road had to come by experience. Reading about or hearing about another's experience was often inspiring, for sure--and still is, but in many cases, I seem to require a first hand experience for it to "set." I've always been rather hell bent toward learning things the hard way.

Knowing this about myself gives me an extra amount of understanding and compassion for those who have a similar makeup. If something I relate, recount or dissect doesn't "trip your click," I hope it at least gives you hope. And if you're along the way a good stretch already, I hope it resonates in harmony with your experience. This entire process is fascinating to me on many levels.

My plan today included upper body weight training and yoga. Except I did the yoga first, then decided it best to postpone the weight training until tomorrow. Today marked my fourth yoga practice. I love that they refer to it as "practice," because it's certainly going to take a lot of practice to get the flexibility needed for some of the more challenging movements. Today's class was small, three men and three women. I'm so relieved I'm not the only guy. Not that being the only guy would keep me from class, I'm just saying, it's nice to have other guys there with me.

I had an airport pickup trip this evening, so I decided to stop at moms for a quick dinner on the way. For some reason, I was craving a cheeseburger. And I'll be having one soon. I planned it all out--For a moment, I was going to cook mom and me a cheeseburger. I would stop at a grocer I know carries gluten free buns, grab some, along with some veggies--then home to grab my 96% lean beef and some cheese slices. But then I decided against it because of the time. Instead, we had some fast Mexican standbys. A low cal gluten free cheeseburger and sweet potato fries is in my immediate future, for certain!

I'm a creature of habit. And if I don't push myself to try new and interesting things in the food department, I'll simply eat what I'm most familiar and comfortable with eating. It's not a bad thing because I love what I eat. I'm not choking anything down, at all. But still, some variety is always a good idea. Variety translates to creativity in the kitchen. And that sounds like fun!

Considering it's a little after 2am, I'm taking a vacation day from work on Tuesday. I made this decision last minute, earlier today. I'm good with the decision. It will allow me to get some rest and be ready for the first of ten Tuesday night group conference calls. I'm excited to start another ten week session. We might have room for one more participant. If you're interested, send me an email for details: Here's the flyer with some details:

 photo 2015firstquarter3_zpsb0a904f6.jpg

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. You know, I gotta tell you, a hamburger or cheeseburger with ALL of the fixin's to it except the bun tastes JUST as delicious. I swear to you on a stack of bibles. Lettuce, tomato, mayo, cheese, catsup and/or mustard, grilled onions or sauteed mushrooms or guac or avocado...enjoy all that with the hamburger patty, just skip the bun. You will need a fork and knife, but the taste will still be every bit as delicious. (I'm just sayin...) :)

    1. Good points, Gwen! I did invest in a loaf of gluten free bread. So, I'll go ahead and try it, of course. The bun-less burger isn't a bad idea at all!


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