Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January 28th, 2015 Weigh Day Edition

January 28th, 2015 Weigh Day Edition

It's really hard to believe. Today marks 40 weeks since the turnaround started. The daily blogging has helped tremendously. Although the weight loss has slowed dramatically, it's still headed in a wonderful direction. And for this, I'm blessed and grateful! 129 pounds in 40 weeks...I'm very proud. I'm relieved, too. Had I kept spinning out of control, there would be a dark and tragic story to tell, except it wouldn't have been told. I would have simply disappeared from the blogging world, Facebook and Twitter. I thank God for the blessings, the wake up call and a support system of wonderful people who flat out refused to give up on me.  
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Today's weigh-in: Four more pounds down! 

Now's the time for me to buckle down and continue doing what I know to be right and good for me with good exercise, good food, excellent support and top notch accountability measures. My focus is relentlessly on my continued recovery.  As far as the weight and numbers go, I can see a time not too far ahead where I give less attention to the number on the scale and more attention to my overall fitness level.

I had to miss my 4pm Yoga practice today. I got caught up at work and just couldn't get away. It was late when I arrived home and I had little time before getting ready for dinner plans. I decided to make today a rest day. I feel okay about the decision. On the way home, I contemplated going straight to the Y just in time for a good cardio workout. But I decided instead to get here as quickly as possible and get my work done before bedtime becomes way too late.

I sincerely appreciate your support. It has truly been a blessing for me.

I'll be attending a swanky banquet tomorrow night where everyone is served a very nice meal. I will navigate it to the best of my ability. I'm looking forward to the challenge!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I will be the first to tell you, when you started to have next to no presence on the interwebz, I began to worry about you. I am so glad that you managed to pull out of the tail spin and not head out to sea! Thanks for all you do Sean!

    1. I sincerely appreciate this, Shane. The isolation became pretty obvious, fairly quick--something wasn't going well. I thank God I've managed to turn this around. I feel like I've been given a do-over. Not everyone gets that chance. I'm very fortunate.

  2. Bravo!! WTG!! Stellar!
    So, so happy for you!
    Rosie :)

  3. Dude, you have lost ONE OF ME in less than a year. That's impressive. Plus you've learned a lot more about how to maintain this whole thing for the next couple decades.

    1. I've lost a Janis! :) Thank you! You're right. The things I've learned in the last year have been some very serious sticking kind of stuff. I pray I don't ever forget just how easily it can all go South. Many things I'll not take for granted, ever again--and there's many things I'll not ever discount the importance of, ever again.

  4. Sean,

    That is so exciting. I just got back from my yoga class...which you have kind of inspired me to rededicate. Your diet is inspiring too. It seems really on point, colorful, and looks tasty. You're really helping my and I'm sure many others by your work. Thanks.

    BTW: I got sort of afraid hearing you say "soon my weight won't matter" is it okay if it always matters, and it is always out there as a data point whether up or down. It feels important to me for it to be out there high or low...rather than going away and the big mystery of what does this mean that Sean has decided to stop posting the number? It's better to know, even if it is going up, then to wonder and worry.

    Again, thanks.


    1. Oh no--I'll not stop posting the number, ever! That's one accountability point I can't be without. What I meant was--I really don't know where my optimal weight will fall. With strength training and different exercises, It might be 230, or 240--or 220...I just don't know. The idea was/is--the number is less important than the overall fitness instead of getting frustrating with small losses--or someday maybe stepping on the scale and not having a loss--and then getting down about it...I'm trying to convince myself to mentally handle this possibility with a shift in perspective. Yeah--I will always post the weigh in---always. It's important!
      I'm so happy you're rededicated yourself to Yoga!! And thank you for the compliment on the food. I eat what I like and nothing I don't! I sincerely appreciate your appreciation!

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