Thursday, January 8, 2015

January 8th, 2015 Proud of Myself

January 8th, 2015 Proud of Myself

I left the studio this afternoon and immediately made my way to the YMCA. This is a big deal. Usually, I'll go home first, relax, think about dinner, cook---then head to the Y late. It's a completely different crowd at the Y shortly after 5pm. I'm proud of myself for breaking the pattern and finishing a workout earlier. I'm setting myself up for an early bedtime.

I feel good today. Exceptional, really. Yesterday's weigh-in isn't affecting me in a negative way because it was good. It really was good. I'm in a very good place along this road. And really, taking exceptional care is what I'll continue doing regardless of how slow or fast the weight goes.

Now is a really good time for me to work on things I've been putting off too long. And that, in itself, will be a positive boost moving forward. It goes back to what I wrote about the other night--how every other thing we choose affects everything else.

It's a short one tonight. I'm focused on getting a good night's rest and finishing up this work week tomorrow, well rested and ready for a good weekend.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Your food for the day, its looks good, gives me a few ideas, how are you on chicken?

    1. Love chicken, Matt! One of my favorites is simply grilled on kabobs with peppers and onions.

  2. Your food consumption looks good Sean. I have to admit I get a lot of great ideas from you as well. Thanks for introducing me to the tostados! I'm enjoying them quite regularly! Just wondering, why is it tilapia that you usually have when it comes to fish. I haven't tried it yet. Thinking of getting some.

    1. I'm so glad you're loving the tostadas! They're yummy--fairly low cal with the sugar free/fat free beans-- and full of protein! And crunch! I love crunch.
      The tilapia--good question... It's fairly inexpensive and available around here, I suppose. I like white-flaky fish, as opposed to salmon or tuna, and the tilapia cooks up nice. Plus--the calorie value is fantastic. The above tweeted 10oz portion (that's a lot of fish!!!) checked in at only 250 calories. That's an amazing value! You might like it, Leah! Look for Tilapia loins... some of the flat fillets aren't as good...the ones with the loin too, are best! Let me know if you try it!

  3. Oh what I wouldn't give to have your mindset right now! You seem like you are bulletproof and it's all due to your state of mind. Keep it up my friend, it's encouraging to see (or I guess read about is the better term)! I only hope I can get there myself someday because I know I'm far from there right now.

    1. Thank you, FD! I wouldn't say bulletproof, but definitely in a preferred mindset. You will absolutely get there. You're already over half way there, FD! You're reading, you're writing, you're working it out--and it'll come, because you're giving it attention, my friend.
      I think about my spiral--in the depths of that thing, I wouldn't be caught anywhere near this blog page...I didn't want to face it... I was out there-- and had I checked in with a blog of someone doing well, I'd say the same thing--I hope I can get there someday again, too... It's a process!

  4. I love the Honey Crisp apples. I got some at Trader Joes that were as big as grapefruit!!!

    1. I LOVE them. A lot of times I skip them over price. They're very expensive, but for good reason--they're the best in my book! Trader Joe's...oh my, I haven't shopped there since I lived in Los Angeles... Loved that place!
      Funny-- The honeycrisp apples I'm currently using came in a bag from Aldi...They're smaller than the typical ones I've found...but the entire bag, maybe 7 or 8 apples, was only 3.69--or something close to that.
      I bought a big one like you described, once, a few times actually--and paid over two dollars for it! For one apple! It was a great apple..but still!

  5. Just think of that 2lb loss together with the 13lb previous one -- averaged, that's TWO consecutive seven-and-a-half pound losses per week, which is pretty amazing.

    1. Janis, thank you! Actually, i weigh every three weeks. But still, 15 pounds in 6 weeks is still really good--and I'm over being disappointed by the 2 pound loss. It's all in perspective, really! It's a good thing, either way I look at it. Thank you!!

  6. WTG go on your weight loss! Outstanding ! I have to agree, your mindset is just wonderful. You should bottle that up and sell it! LOL WTG Sean , on all you do!

    1. Rosie, thank you!! It takes some work--really allowing myself to have an open mind and consider different perspectives. I have the benefit of my initial trek to draw from--so that helps too. I'm trying my best, for sure!

  7. Your resolution is very inspiring! You're doing great with the workouts! Have a great weekend!

    1. Alati, thank you! Have a great weekend, too! I've really learned a lot about perspective, lately! I'm glad I shifted it around into a positive one--instead of allowing something that shouldn't, affect me negatively! :)


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