Monday, February 16, 2015

February 16th, 2015 Just Start Somewhere

February 16th, 2015 Just Start Somewhere

I must say, I'm feeling really well lately. I feel stronger. I might be starting with a slow approach with the weight lifting, but already I'm noticing a difference. This proves a most important point: Just start somewhere. Right where you are is perfect.

I'm enthusiastic about my development. Someday I'll conquer my lifetime inability to do a pull-up. I see others do them and I'm in awe of their strength. Not that I pay too much attention to those around me at the Y, but I can't help but notice the feats from some of the more advanced people. And I know, they also started somewhere far removed from where they are now.

I came home early today, enjoyed a good lunch and took a nap. I set my alarm and then proceeded to sleep right past the blaring of the alarm. I could have very easily become upset with myself in a mentally self-abusive way--but I didn't. Did I miss Yoga class? Yes. Was I disappointed in myself? Sure. Did I need the rest? Apparently so.

I'm not the best at keeping a steady schedule. This is why I typically don't have workout buddies. I go solo, on my sometimes unique schedule. I do have some desire to become more disciplined with a schedule, however, my level of desire obviously hasn't reached the point of changing things.

Not that what I'm doing isn't good. I must acknowledge that what I've been doing is working very well. I do recognize areas in need of improvement. But I'm being careful not to twist it into some kind of mentally self-abusive thing--without it becoming a pass--or a rationalization for poor choices. And that's a challenge.

I cooked well today. I've been eating out a little less lately. It hasn't been totally intentional or a top of mind type thing--but certainly something running in my subconscious. I prefer the control of cooking at home. I know what's in my food. I can weigh and measure. I can get creative. It's fun putting together a plate that looks great, is delicious--and reasonably fits into my food plan and calorie budget.

I caught up on a few outstanding email replies and blog comment replies this evening. If you have any questions, I'll gladly answer them! Just email me: or ask questions in the comments section below. Sometimes I'll take a little while to reply--but I always reply.

The Feedjit live website traffic mapping application was recently discontinued by Feedjit. I removed it from the blog side-bar. I miss it! I've always found it fascinating, perhaps because I've never traveled outside of the United States. Seeing those little red dots pop up all over the globe was always a wonderful reminder of the community, the togetherness we have along this road. One of my dreams is to travel one day, all over--to see the world. I suppose the map was a way for me to feel a little more traveled. I didn't physically visit those countries on the map, but my writing and sharing did--and continues to this day. I'm grateful for the support and I feel wonderfully blessed.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. The other thing you need to remember wrt pull-ups is that something like 30lbs. lost in body weight makes a huge difference in how difficult they are for you. I’ve been inching towards trying to do a pull-up for several months now and something I read right at the beginning which really stayed with me is that the #1 thing you can do to get yourself closer to doing a pull-up is to lose weight (not particularly useful advice for me personally at this stage but it hammered home exactly how Herculean the feat is — I weigh 130lbs., which is a lot to expect anyone to be able to lift, so obviously it’s going to take some time and some work for me to get there).

    1. M, Thank you! Very true--And you know what? I bet we're both able to do it someday!! :)

  2. Hello from Mumbai , India ....
    I regularly read your blog, although I never commented, just wanted to let u know that u inspire people like me on the other side of the globe too.

    1. Thank you very much for your readership and support from India! This warms my heart, Deepa.

  3. Hey there Sean! I've tried typing this a few times but for some reason it keeps getting bumped out.. lets see if this one works!
    There was a women on the Ellen show who did pull ups in a very unique way. She had music and literally danced up and down ! It was truly amazing to see. It almost looked in slow motion... she was in incredible shape! A must see... not sure how to find her though. Maybe she would be on the Ellen site...
    Anyway, I'm rambling!
    Nice day..

    1. Wow-- I must look for that video clip. Sounds amazing, Rosie! I can't even imagine. Thank you!!

  4. Great positive attitude towards your next step in strength and fitness!

    Traveling is such an adventure! The more I travel, the more I see the true kindness in people :)

    1. Thank you so much, Nikki. I look forward to traveling someday. I would absolutely love to see different parts of the world.

  5. Hello from Sydney, Australia. Like Deepa I just wanted you to know that you inspire people from all over the world including the Land Down Under too!

    1. Susan, thank you! It's always been a dream of mine to travel to Australia. I'm so happy, what I share and do everyday, reaches you in Sydney and inspires. It gives me strength, Susan. Thank you, again, for being there and being a part of this experience.


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