Thursday, February 19, 2015

February 19th, 2015 Is It Cold In Here Or Is It Just Me?

February 19th, 2015 Is It Cold In Here Or Is It Just Me?

I've been shivering all day. I hope I'm not trying to come down with something. I made sure to eat a couple doses (oranges) of vitamin C today, so maybe that'll help. It was an exceptionally long day. I'm exhausted. It's a day like this when I have zero issues in taking a rest day from my workouts. I just wanted to get home and get warm. And I did get home, a little after 8pm. And I've turned up the heater.

I prepared a good dinner, made sure I hit my water goal--and I'm about to drop to the pillow. I haven't had a chance to reply to emails and comments today. I will, early tomorrow. I sincerely appreciate the time you take and the thoughts you give, in sending them. Your readership and support is an enormous blessing to me. Thank you!

Normally I would just power through today and this evening, but I have a feeling the best thing for me at this moment, is rest. I need a good sleep. Have you ever had one of those days where you feel you just can't get warm? 

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#TBT With my late grandmother. She loved me so very much and she was incredibly proud in this photo at my very first book signing. I miss her, dearly.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Haha. As we speak, it's -16 degrees here. That's minus sixteen. I hope you get all warm and toasty; we're good here. :)


    1. Oh my goodness, Deb!!! I don't know how you handle it. I get super wimpy really fast when it gets brutally cold. A couple of years ago, we experienced -22F. That's the coldest I've ever experienced in my life... It hasn't been that cold in some time. I couldn't imagine dealing with those kind of temps on a daily basis.

  2. Very hot here in Australia! I hope you're not coming down with something, but you have a healthy routine now so your body should be ready to fight it off.

    1. You're in the middle of summer down under! I so badly want to travel to Australia some day! And when I do--I hope I leave winter here and arrive during summer there.
      The shivers wasn't really about how cold it was--it was warm enough inside--It just seemed I couldn't get warm. It did manifest into some sickly feelings today, for sure. I'm feeling somewhat better tonight. I agree- the way I've been eating for the last 10 months is helping me considerably, I believe.

  3. You need to be in Vegas Sean, almost 80 degrees here, record heat.

    1. I'll be back there at some point this year! I have a free trip coming thanks to a promotion with Allegiant Airlines! Can't wait! Almost 80--wow. That's incredible. Looking forward to seeing you again, someday soon.

  4. It's 40 degrees today!! So, not too cold. But since I've lost my "lardigan" I have felt a whole lot colder in general!

    1. I once argued against the point that we get colder as we lose our weight--but I'm beginning to back peddle a little on that stance. I agree with you--I mean, I still got cold at 500 pounds--but now, it does seem that I shiver a little more often.

  5. Yes Sean I have days like that it's from October to March... I'm a Cannucks! LOL

    1. Oh my, Richard--From October to March!!! That's a LONG winter. I don't know how you do it. I suppose if it's what you're accustomed to experiencing, you adjust.

  6. I am sooooo tired of the neverending cold here. Right now it is -22 deg C (-7deg F, I think). Stay warm and rest.

    1. Katrin, wow-- -22c...ouch. Please tell me the wind isn't blowing!! I'm not 100% today--but warmer and doing okay. Planning on a really good rest tonight.

  7. Back when I weighed 196 I had that problem a lot!

    1. Yeah-- Isn't it interesting? Honestly, I have zero business complaining about the cold--I rarely break out the heavy coat. You're not too far from me--maybe 3.5 hours--so we have roughly the same weather--it can get cold here. I can't imagine the cold in Alaska--and throughout Canada... Can you? I would not do well, I'm fairly certain.

  8. It's cold all over the country! That contributes to it I think. Also found when I am tired and/or hungry I get terribly cold. Thank you for your Facebook blog no matter how tired you are Sean!

    1. Nancy--you're welcome--and thank you!! I've made a very serious commitment to post something--even if it's a tweets only post, each and every night before turning in. The consistency in this helps keep me centered and focused--brings me back to center, if I feel I'm starting to lean one direction too far. I appreciate your support!

  9. Just checked my phone and it's a sunny 64 in Oakland. May have to grab a fleece. :)

    1. Oh, how I remember the weather when I lived in Los Angeles...It was never too hot or too cold... 64 would be chilly, there! A fleece--lol, Margaret! :)


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