Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February 25th, 2015 Rough Start, Strong Finish

February 25th, 2015 Rough Start, Strong Finish

I was in bed last night not long after 9pm. I needed good rest. I didn't get good rest. Instead, I tossed and turned, felt worse and finally was able to rest sometime after 1am. The bug--or whatever this has been, is responsible for my sleeplessness. I'm a fast sleeper. I can lay down and typically be asleep within ten minutes. In fact, I regularly play one of my favorite podcasts with a ten minute sleep timer and I'm usually asleep first.

After taking a sick day Monday, then feeling good enough to go on Tuesday--it was strange needing another sick day today, but I took it. I stayed in bed until nearly 10am. I'm glad I did. I wouldn't have had the energy to get through this long day, otherwise.

I didn't feel like eating breakfast, either. I can count on one hand how many times I've skipped breakfast in the last ten months. It's a very rare thing. But honestly, I wasn't feeling like anything, first thing, today.

Once I started getting hungry, I enjoyed an apple and some cheese. Then felt good enough to enjoy lunch out with mom. Our plans today changed. We were to go to her eye doctor appointment, but it's been rescheduled/delayed for a few weeks. We enjoyed a good visit and lunch instead.

My schedule included a pickup at the airport in Oklahoma City at 8pm. After my visit with mom, I left early enough to get my workout in at the Edmond Rankin YMCA. Nice facility! I used this Y one other time, several months ago, but now--everything has changed. All of the old equipment has been replaced or was in the process of being replaced.

Getting back home exceptionally late isn't the best for me right now. However, I did end up feeling remarkably better today--as you can tell by my food and workout accountability tweets.

I'm excited to announce I'll be interviewed by Rachel Martin tomorrow for an upcoming segment on NPR's Weekend Edition. I'll write more tomorrow evening about the topic to be explored. It's something I've written about extensively on this blog. One of their writers found my blog during her research. I was honored to be contacted and asked to share my perspective and experience.

Thank you for the wonderful get well wishes. I have a fasting blood lab scheduled for Friday morning. I'm hoping this feeling better trend continues. I'm also looking forward to the lab results early next week!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Did you make the pork meatloaf??
    Glad you didn't di weights today you don't want to Over do it getting back in the swing of things

    1. I made it Tuesday night. This was some of the leftovers. It was the first time for me to use pork. I originally served it with 70 calories worth of 100% strawberry all-fruit topping...Oh my... it was incredible. Calories are a little pricey at 70 calories per ounce (double the calorie value of 96% lean ground beef) but the flavor was worth the variety.
      The weight machine company was in the middle of setting up all of the new equipment, or else I would have. Probably a good thing I didn't.

    2. That Pork sounds Devine ...

      I think God was trying to tell you something with the weight machines not finished hahaa

    3. Yeah--the weights strung out across the parking lot and in the semi trailer--was surely a sign! I wasn't doing weights that evening, for sure! :)

  2. Feeling better is a great thing. Hope this trend continues!!

    Also, on a funny note, we just moved to Edmond. Next time you should try the Mitch park Y. It's gorgeous!

    Have a great Thursday :)

    1. Valerie, thank you! I've heard the Mitch Park Y is amazing. I'll be trying it next time I'm in that area!

  3. My suggestion would be to go light on your workouts until you are back to normal. Your stamina is lower when you are sick, and you must respect that. I kind of wonder if that's why you haven't kicked are working out too hard for your body right now as it fights off whatever this is. It's okay to take a couple of days off to recuperate, exercise as well as work wise. :)

    1. Great advice, Gwen! I've been feeling better--and definitely taking it easy! I feel like I could be back up to speed tomorrow.

  4. Get well soon Sean! Am praying that you will be up and running 100% very soon!!!

    1. Thank you, Nancy! Not 100% yet, but close--and working toward it quickly. I think by tomorrow I'll be back to feeling like my normally healthy self!


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