Thursday, February 5, 2015

February 5th, 2015 It's Not Everything

February 5th, 2015 It's Not Everything

I've noticed a fairly decent increase in my self-confidence through this turnaround period. Before, I would attribute this, 100%, to the weight loss/physical appearance. I don't think I can do that anymore. It's certainly a big part of it, I just know it's not everything. I spent some time in deep thought about this today. I'm not even sure I can put it into words right now.

My perspective and attitude has profoundly changed. It isn't completely "there." It's a work in progress. I'm beginning to think it will always be a work in progress. This is just part of the deal. All I know is, I feel good and confident. Part of this is because of the dramatic physical changes and part of it is because of mental/emotional changes in the self-image/identity department. The real test would be to gain back a bunch of weight and see how feel. But that would require relapse and regain. I'd rather not. I'll be happy as a work in progress.

I'm really into a routine and pattern with my calorie bank. I typically hit right around the same counts at certain times of the day. I try to always leave room for my #lastfoodofday. And I must say--It is quite the mental maneuver! Once I affix the hashtag, that's it. Try it! It certainly works for me.

My workout tonight was all cardio. Level 15 on the elliptical isn't easy for me. I was getting comfortable with 14, so I knew it was time to bump up the challenge, but wow...At 20 minutes I'm ready to call it good. I didn't. It requires me to get more into my music and movements. I'm certainly feeling it, all over.

 photo louie.jpg
#tbt Throwback Thursday. With Louie Anderson during my active stand-up days.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I definitely have to get back into the cardio least your methodical about it. Have a good weekend.....

    1. Thank you, Matt. You'll be glad you did! Hope you're weekend is good, too!

  2. Amazing. I think realizing that we never "arrive" is as close to 'arriving' as we can get! Thoroughly enjoying your deep thoughts, realism, and progress!!! Keep it up...til the end!!

    1. Thank you, A! Arriving would imply there's nothing left to learn, no challenges left to challenge--and that line of thinking almost always is the first step toward the fall. Absolutely keeping it up!

  3. That's awesome Sean! Your progress on that elliptical is amazing! Send some of that dark roast my way please

    1. Alati, thank you! Mmmm..the dark roast is my absolute favorite!

  4. Great job on the "monster" machine!
    I used to love Louie Anderson! Although I always had a feel bad for him thought when I watched him. He was so funny yet he always looked so sad to me performing.
    I hope he is well.
    Be well, Sean.

    1. Thank you, Rosie! Taming that monster feels great!
      Louie is the type of comic that personifies the tragedy plus time equals comedy equation. Much of his humor, especially early on, was self-deprecating--and I get it, because I did a bunch of that kind, too-- My favorite material from him is when he is sharing stories from his family life when he was a kid. The interesting thing is--that was also the most tragic time of his life...a lot of abuse in his home back then... I'm forever a fan of Louie, because he's so affected--and still, has the ability to find the positive and humor--and the talent to share it, bringing joy to so many others along the way.
      He's doing very well. He makes his home in Vegas where he has his own show...divides his time between Vegas and LA--but mostly stays in Vegas. And he hosts his very own podcast where he interviews comedians.

  5. So this isn't really the topic of your post, but I have to Louie Anderson almost as tall as you? Or is he up on something? I always thought he was shorter...And I love Rosie's and your comments about him - I feel pretty much the same way about him.

    1. Louie is a few inches shorter than me. He is 6'0" and I'm 6'3"! :) He's one of the most sincere and truly caring comics you'll ever come across. He's the real deal.


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