Saturday, February 7, 2015

February 7th, 2015 Finding Things In Common

February 7th, 2015 Finding Things In Common

Reading about people who have successfully maintained their weight loss is becoming a regular habit. I'm noticing several things I have in common with them and the most common thread seems to be abstinence from sugar.

Karen from California just celebrated her three year weight maintenance anniversary. I'm overjoyed for her! She also maintains a wonderful blog. Here's the link to her anniversary post:

When I asked for her permission to share her blog here, she said yes--and added: "...I read your blog every day and don't always comment. I'll be adding you to my blog role too. There is a fourth dimension to long term weight maintenance and you capture it well."

When a successful maintainer writes something like this to me--I can't properly express how much it means. Thank you very much Karen! Great blog, my friend. Congratulations on your phenomenal success! Your attitude is fantastic. It's very clear, you hold the elements of your recovery, sacred. It's very inspiring to me!

Today was a long day. I slept in fairly well, cooked a brunch that didn't turn out like I expected (see Tweet below) and made it to the studio to do some after hours catch up work. I also made it to the YMCA for the elliptical and weights.

I was the special guest DJ for a big casino tonight. I was excited to see a giant refrigerated cooler full of free water! Hyping a crowd can wreck a voice. I kept drinking out of necessity. I ended up with 14 cups for the day, not 16 as previously tweeted. Still, 14!!! That's 6 cups beyond my daily 8 cup goal.

It's super late and I'm exhausted. I'll let the Tweets handle the rest of tonight's blog.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Sean, can you shoot me that gluten free gravy recipe? and thanks!

    Have a great Sunday!

    1. 1/4 cup gluten free flour, 2 cups unsweetened cashew milk, and some kind of fat--I've used olive oil--and this time, bacon drippings. Prepare as you would regular gravy...get the oil hot, add the flour--stir it around, let it mix...then pour in the cashew milk--and stir, stir, stir!! Salt and pepper to taste. It thickens up nicely and is quite tasty! I'll email you this, too.

  2. Awwww. Sean thank you! I appreciate the shout out and the link to my site. I've actually added you to my blog roll (role, I cannot spell worth beans... LOL).

    Weight maintenance is not talked about enough. We'll all have different tools that work for each one of us (probably because we have different genetics and root causes for having obesity).

    Onward and I look forward to reading your posts and watching what comes next. :)

    1. You're very welcome! I didn't even notice the "role." I knew what you meant! Thank you for adding me! You're so incredibly spot on, Karen and I agree 1000%--I plan on following your lead and continuing the conversation in the coming months/years.

  3. You're killing it with the water and the elliptical. Awesome job! Hope you're having a good rest today!

    1. Thank you, Alati! I didn't kill it as much with the water, today. But I did hit my 8 cup goal! And I'm good with this!

  4. I love Karen's blog. She has found what works and what doesn't work for her. She's a great example of how maintenance can be achieved.

    Too bad your creativity in the kitchen back-fired... good for you for the attempt.

    1. Nikki--so right...Karen proves it is doable. Her wonderful example is clear to me.
      Yeah-- in hindsight, while I was getting out the gluten free gravy--I should have went all the way and made gluten free biscuits.
      Maybe next time. It was a back-fire deluxe! :)

  5. 16 cups of water?? You Rocked it, Sean!
    Gravy on eggs... nosomuch...You are a brave man thats for sure.
    I just started reading Karen's blog... you guys give a lot of inspiration!

    1. Actually, it was 14 cups. I miscounted. But still! Yeah---please don't try gravy on eggs...I wouldn't again--unless it's just eggs...the veggies inside the omelet didn't go with the gravy at all. It was two flavors that had zero business associating with one another.
      Karen is great, isn't she? Glad you're reading her blog! Thank you so much, Rosie, for your support!!


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