Thursday, March 19, 2015

March 19th, 2015 The Best Care I Can, Each Day

March 19th, 2015 The Best Care I Can, Each Day

I enjoyed lunch out with my oldest daughter today. We dined at a country style type place. I asked questions until I was comfortable with what I ordered. "What's the milkfat percentage of the cottage 
cheese?" "How lean is the beef in this hamburger steak?" There was a time when I wouldn't have asked anything like these questions.

Now, it's part of me taking the best care I can, each day.

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#tbt Lately, I've considered getting rid of the facial hair. This intense little stare of a photo without facial hair was somewhere along the road of my initial weight loss. I was obviously trying really hard not to smile. This transformation stuff is serious business, I suppose. I'm pretty sure I was trying my best to be sexy and seductive. Why? Because feeling that way was something very foreign to me, still is. I was giving it my best shot in this photo. I look at it now and think, oh brother-this guy has so much to learn!

I had a great reminder today why it's important to log my food into MFP before consuming. My dinner had the potential to get out of hand. It was gluten free pizza and pasta. Had I not entered the ingredients and amounts first, I could have assembled a plate with way too many. Instead, it was amazingly low cal. Oh, and delicious! In my opinion, it's very important to like what we eat along the way. See the dinner tweet below!

I was grooving to some REO Speedwagon on the elliptical tonight, when suddenly my animated silent lip sync rendition of Time For Me To Fly, got out of control. The wire from my earbuds became snagged by the machine's handles and with six minutes left in my elliptical ride, my phone went flying to the floor.

I was one of two people still in the fitness center area. I had to get someone to grab the phone for me. Because if I stopped, walked around, picked it up and got back on, all of my numbers from tonight's workout would be lost. And I needed an accountability tweet at the end, by golly! I wasn't getting off the machine until my 30 minutes elapsed. Finally I noticed the other guy in the center wasn't wearing earbuds, I asked him to help and he was happy to help! I was almost stuck out there!
My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued success,


  1. Oh my goodness ... You crack me up 😜
    I say get rid of facial hair .. Just my opinion I love my men clean shaven (ok that didn't sound right😳)
    I just barrassed myself so I won't post what I was going to say about the photo

    As for the phone flying ..... and the fact you wouldn't pick it up.... Thank you for a great laugh I have had the fortnight from hell and it was nice to giggle

    1. TR, I'm so glad you got a giggle out of that! It was quite comical, actually. Because I would have needed to stay on and keep going until security came to clear the place--then asked the security person to grab it for me. I'm committed to my accountability tweet of the post workout elliptical numbers...and I wasn't about to give up my numbers!! The last several minutes without music wasn't as much fun---especially since I was constantly trying to figure out a solution!!

  2. I don't think you would have asked that guy to pick up your phone last year. Go, Sean! You are amazing!

    1. Probably not, Eileen. I likely would have used the circumstance as an excuse to wrap early--then just hopped off and grabbed it myself. Thank you!!

  3. Well as a woman I look at that picture of you trying to look sexy and yes delicious!

  4. You are to funny lately! Facial hair is a plus, plus, plus! Men with a nicely "groomed"... face.. delish! But thats me......
    Now you are a man on a mission if you won't pick up your phone! Can't blame ya for not wanting to messy up your elip. time!
    Nice day, Sean... have a great weekend!

    1. What's with all the "delicious" and "delish" descriptive? LOL
      I just don't know. The great thing is, if I shave it and I don't like it---I can grow it back fairly quickly--maybe a couple to three weeks or so.
      Thank you so much, Rosie--for your loyal readership. I sincerely appreciate you.

  5. If your facial hair was to cover face fat, it's now gone. So, you might feel real freedom in bearing the face naked.

    1. It really wasn't. The opposite, in fact. When I had lost a considerable amount of weight the first time--it was suggested I might try it...then my wife (pre-divorce), and everyone around me was like-- yes, looks good on you, keep it!! And I liked it---but now, I'm thinking it's time for a change.
      I told a former girlfriend I was considering shaving it off and she expressed a solid, No--don't do it kind of reaction...
      I think I should--this weekend! :)

  6. As an entirely heterosexual man, I can tell you that I have no opinion here whatsoever. Uh, but well done on the workout and stuff.

    Of course now I am wondering if anyone has ever described me as delicious!

    1. You made me literally laugh out loud, Clyde. Thank you! I needed that right before bed!


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