Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 26th, 2015 Feeling Better Is The Next Thing Coming

March 26th, 2015 Feeling Better Is The Next Thing Coming

This was one of those days. You know, when you just can't escape a less than desirable mood. It was interesting to me--because I had a little more sleep last night, and still--I was a grumpy guy. Maybe it was work stress...likely. 

I hadn't touched that sugar free chocolate bar again until this afternoon. I can't honestly say that snack wasn't a reaction to stress. It clearly was. It was good and I did eat a relatively light lunch, but still--I must be real: Had it not been for the extra stress today, that sugar free chocolate bar would still be in the studio's employee kitchen. 

Anytime I'm reaching for a snack less than two hours after a meal, you can bet the farm, it isn't because I'm genuinely hungry. I was trying to fix my mood with food. I know better--food isn't a therapist--food doesn't fix my emotions or alleviate my stress. It certainly can create the illusion that it does, when in reality, it's simply a temporary pleasurable distraction. I was still in a horrible mood afterward. But boy howdy, I experienced a short reprieve while that sugar free chocolate was melting in my mouth, mixing with that sweet delicious apple.

The good thing is being able to acknowledge what was really happening and choosing a snack within the boundaries of my non-negotiable plan. The elements of my recovery were not sacrificed. That's a big positive.  

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#tbt This week's throwback Thursday image was a "lost before picture" for a long time. I'm pretty sure I wanted to keep it lost. We were dining at KFC. This seated profile pic found its way out of the 'pictures that should have never been snapped' file during my initial weight loss. This was above 500 pounds. Pictured in the background is my ex-wife Irene. Irene and I have an amazingly wonderful post-divorce relationship. We're both very caring and supportive of one another, always.

I allowed my mood to talk me out of cooking at home tonight. I wasn't in the cooking mood. And I almost allowed my bad mood to talk me into not working out. I'm totally serious. I was leaning hard on kicking off my shoes, putting on the sweats and lounging around the apartment all evening. But I didn't. I probably would have taken the night off if I hadn't missed yesterday. I couldn't accept another two days in a row, unless I'm sick or some other valid reason. Just because I was in a funky mood? No, NOT a good enough reason.

And wouldn't you know it, the very thing that pulled me out of my bad mood, was tonight's workout. It's awesome how exercise affects our body and mind. Once those endorphins start flowing, I pick up the pace--really getting into it, and by the time I finish, I'm feeling fine. The hardest part is making the decision to start the workout in the first place. Once it starts, feeling better is the next thing coming.

My Tweets Today:

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  1. Thanks for the info of WHY the exercise helps. I always thought it was suggested because of distraction. I will keep this in mind as a true solution when cravings hit. Thanks Sean.

    1. Nancy, it's really a medically proven thing! Medical experts have concluded that exercise can have the same effects as some anti-depressants! It's a mood shifting thing, for sure! You're welcome!

  2. Perhaps just comparing that last picture with the picture from KFC would have altered your mood Sean. What a difference. You are looking terrific! It has to make you feel so good to have reversed your gaining trend, but I know sometimes those blue days just happen. Food is such a comfort. Maybe the secret is to find something else for comfort?! I sure don't have the answers.

    1. I don't have all the answers either, Dup... Thank you for the compliment! It's a fairly dramatic difference, huh? :) I'm feeling absolutely fantastic and not just because of the physical changes--I'm feeling great about these elements of recovery that I'm actually treating as recovery, in a sacred-non-negotiable way. It's exciting to me!
      You're so right--despite it all--despite feeling great, the blues can creep in. For me, getting into the workout alleviated the funky mood quickly!

  3. SO often, the workout I wanted to do the least turns out to be the one I needed the most - usually mentally.

    1. Marilyn--yes...exactly. It is so much more than just physical, isn't it?

  4. What a great post! You addressed moods, temptations, the devil on your shoulder, exercise and a gret ending! I was feeling a bit blue yesterday too and also ended up kicking it with exercise. Just a great reminder that moods should not be listened to when they detract from our goals.


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