Sunday, April 12, 2015

April 12th, 2015 More Salmon Soon

April 12th, 2015 More Salmon Soon

I caught up on some sleep today. It tilted my food schedule a bit but turned out okay when I added some almonds and cheese as an after workout snack. I logged it as lunch in MyFitnessPal even though it was a little after six pm. It was more a holdover until dinner. It worked.

Thanks to a dramatic price markdown ($1.99) because it was reaching its "sell by" date, I've suddenly discovered I actually like salmon. I wasn't crazy about it the first couple of times I tried it years ago, but for a dollar ninety-nine for two pieces--yes, a dollar a meal, I couldn't resist giving it another chance. I simply bake it with a little salt and pepper, that's it. I'll be buying more salmon, soon. Maybe not for $1.99, but now what? I'm hooked!

My workout late this afternoon was fantastic. I'm still riding level 16 on the elliptical. I think it might be time to see what 17 is all about. I might do that next time.

There's a fantastic topic I want to explore again soon. (Thanks for the suggestion from Alan at How weight loss changes more than just our physical body: The mental and emotional dynamics when we see ourselves differently and just as powerful, how the world and everyone else sees us (and treats us) differently. I have many thoughts, opinions and ideas on this discussion. It'll be a deep exploration. I wish I had time tonight.  Coming soon, I promise, Alan! I must drop in bed. Until next time!

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  1. Salmon is hideously expensive here - no way I could get it for under a dollar a piece! Maybe because I'm inland? It would be more like $7 or $8 a serve. But it is one of the few types of fish I will eat.

    1. Normally it's $4.99, or $2.50 a serving at the store I frequent. Still a bargain. The $1.99 was a rare price markdown to get it sold fast. It worked! It's really good fish.
      I'm sure if I visited a fresh fish market the price would be considerably higher.

  2. It's lovely to see you eating more and more vegetables, as time goes. I don't mean it in a patronizing way! Your zucchini-sweetpotato-onion dish looks delicious. And, of course, salmon is good! :) Quite expensive around where I'm from, too.

    1. You're very right! It just took finding the veggies I like--and that involved giving some a chance I wouldn't before. There was a time when I wouldn't touch 80% of what's in that pan! Thank you, Kai! Excellent observation. :)

  3. Your vegetable medley looks wonderful...I'm going to try it myself😊

    1. Oh JMT, I hope you enjoy! I absolutely love the variety of flavors--it's just perfect for my tastes! Thank you!

  4. I love salmon! We have it almost every Friday night.

    1. I'm going to start eating more of it! It was much better than I remember. Might have been a preparation issue before.

  5. Hmm.. Never even tried it before... salmon that is! Not sure if it would be a waste or not... but I do not eat fish. I KNOW I should.. just can't not do it. But the veggies... O H I make a melody like that often. At least a few times a week. LOVE IT!!
    Nice day!

    1. My ex-wife and a few other people I know, have the same intolerance of fish--of any kind. Irene eating fish was the equivalent of me eating a salad. Wasn't happening!
      The veggies are spectacular--and I honestly never thought I would say such a thing. I love 'em too, obviously!! Hope you're having a great start to your week, Rosie!


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