Saturday, April 18, 2015

April 18th, 2015 From This Day Forward

April 18th, 2015 From This Day Forward

Today turned a little busy for me. My plan to get into the YMCA for my workout was preempted by weather coverage duties at the studio. I did get a break early evening for exercise plan B. I made my way to the park for a 5K walk, then to the store and home to prepare dinner, before going back to work to cover more storms. We didn't get anything serious at all, but the potential threat was present.

I planned on spending more time writing this blog post tonight. But I'll hold my thoughts until tomorrow night's edition.

 photo 9e6dcb12-648f-4af0-88d8-9a3415cce3dc_zpsq0qonedw.jpg
If I could get in a time machine and go back 40 years, I would fire the person who gave me this haircut. Me at 3. No reason, other than I know it's one of my mom's favorite portraits.

Wednesday is weigh day. It'll also be the one year anniversary of this turnaround from relapse/regain and the one year anniversary of Live-Tweeting my food and exercise every day as an accountability measure. Friday the 24th will be the one year anniversary of my return to daily blog post updates.

DDWL Flashback: From April 24th, 2014...

...putting our puzzle together requires more than just having the knowledge of what we do and why we do it, it requires deliberate actions. Simply having a good idea of where the pieces fit doesn't solve the puzzle, you gotta get hands on those pieces--you gotta be willing to physically work the puzzle.  Is it always easy? NO.  Will we get stuck occasionally? YES.  Do we give up and wipe the puzzle into the floor? NEVER.

And from this day forward, this blog will be about deliberate actions. If you've read from the beginning of this blog or at least part of the first couple of years, you'll recognize exactly what it is.  A daily diary.  Now...I can't guarantee I won't go off on a philosophical tangent every now and again, because it comes very easy for me to do---and I'll occasionally get creative--but for the most part, it could get a little boring along the least until you see what's happening and how it's unfolding.

Those were definitely determined words! From this day forward. Indeed. Until next time (in less than 24 hours), my friend.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I'm feeling a bit of calendar regret right now.

    1. Awe, Natalie. I'm very familiar with calendar regret. It is tough. I remember filling entire calendars with weigh dates--and what my goal would be on particular dates---I would do this prior to starting anything...then I would quit...and then find that marked up calendar in a drawer later and look at the dates...and feel horrible regret.
      BUT--the best thing is to let it go, be kind to yourself and move forward from right where you find yourself. Instead of looking at the last year in a negative way, look at what is possible in a relatively short time! :)

  2. On my fitness pal it stated you had logged in for 360 days and I thought wow that is almost a year
    Very inspiring..... Very 👍🏻

    1. Thank you, TR! I'm excited about getting into maintenance mode once again. This time will be very different than the last! Thank you!!

    2. So excited for you .. Can't wait till your there

  3. A year! That in itself is incredible, but for all the things you've accomplished in that year is astounding! You are most def a determined man. All aspects of your life have to be just like you tackle this transformation, head on! Amazing!
    WTG Sean for all your accomplishments and victories! I know you don't need my WTG's , you have such a great outlet of family and friends and even online friends for support, but I've just known anyone who is so hard working like you and felt the need to say it.

    1. Rosie, thank you very much. I feel driven toward this in many ways! I could apply this same determination in other ways, for other things, much better than I have.
      I hold personal and professional goals that I've allowed to collect dust for far too long!

  4. Sean, Congrats on your upcoming anniversary! What an inspiring turnaround and accomplishment! Your 3 year old picture is adorable:) Jane

    1. Awe, Jane, thank you! I'm excited! This turnaround has exceeded my hopes and desires in every way.

  5. Cute picture! Can't believe it's a year already since your turnaround! What a difference a year makes!! You (and I) have certainly grown in self knowledge to make the doing of the puzzle work. We have not just ground it into the floor. Thanks for all you have done for all of us Sean!

    1. Nancy, thank you!! And you're very welcome. It's been a major blessing to me in so many ways!!
      What a difference a year makes, indeed!!!
      The growth in self-awareness and knowledge has been the biggest difference maker, in my opinion!

  6. Never thought of squash with sweet potatoes..great idea.

    1. Oh Christine, it's delicious!! I love it very much!


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